Silent Witch

Book 12: Chapter 8: A Fourteen Years Old's Acting Skill

Book 12: Chapter 8: A Fourteen Years Old's Acting Skill

The recent tasks of the student council have been relatively light. The upcoming busy period is slated for two months from now, during the general student assembly, so the days leading up to it have been rather laid-back. Presently, only Felix and Monica occupy the student council room.

Having grown accustomed to the tasks, Monica efficiently organizes some documents, leaving almost no outstanding work in a short span.

With today's tasks completed, Monica has quietly made plans to visit the library. Lately, she spent her free time there, assisting Glenn with his studies.

Monica harbored a deep-seated desire to assist Glenn as a friend, and her longstanding curiosity about tracking spell formula fueled her determination. While elucidating the intricacies of the spell formula to Glenn, she multitasked by delving into the analysis of its components. Even as she methodically organized accounting notes, her mind remained immersed in the ongoing creation of the tracking spell formula.

With a duration of approximately two seconds, the tracking spell formula synchronizes with the time it takes for an attack magic to reach an opponent at an average speed and distance. Yet, by extending this duration, the spell could become significantly more versatile


To achieve this, precise target recognition and a delicate balance in spell formula duration are important Establishing the effective range of the tracking spell formula is the first step, followed by a meticulous evaluation of tracking performance improvements within that range


Engrossed in her thoughts about the spell, Monica felt a gentle touch on her lips. A subtle aroma of butter and raisins wafted through the air, teasing her senses.

Setting the effective range to an intermediate magic first-class range The delightful flavor of raisins and the enticing scent of butter Calculations based on range and coordinates Raisins are truly delicious

Once Monica started eating something, her natural tendency was to become completely absorbed in the experience. Midway through her indulgence, while savoring each bite, she found herself deeply engrossed in the enjoyment of the baked goods. The buttery cake dough, expertly blended with an abundance of raisins, proved to be a delectable treat.

In this manner, as she swallowed a mouthful of the baked delight with satisfaction, Monica finally snapped back to reality.


Wide-eyed, she discovered Felix's well-kept, sweet face right in front of her.

Felix was seated opposite Monica, leaning on his hand, and regarding her with an amused expression. It appeared that he had fed a piece of the pastry to Monica.

If Cyril were present, he'd likely be exclaiming, Ignoring His Highness when he addresses you, what audacity!'

"Y-Y-Your Your Highness"

"Today, you seem getting so focused on your work. Would you like another one?"

With these words, Felix extended another pastry toward Monica. She hesitated briefly, debating whether to reach out with her right or left hand and ultimately accepted it with both hands, a tad timidly.

In front of Felix, Monica aimed to conduct herself in a manner that concealed the injury on her left hand as much as possible.

"Th-thank you very much."

"It seemed like you were pondering something quite seriously. Is there something on your mind?"

The contents of her thoughts revolved around the new spell formula, and Felix was intricately connected to most of Monica's concerns.

Monica finds herself at a loss when it comes to interacting with Felix. He is entwined with Duke Crockford, a key figure in the events surrounding Monica's father's demise. Whispers circulating among those in the know labeled Felix as the "Puppet Prince." He refrained from opposing Duke Crockford, to be exact, he was unable to defy him.

Nevertheless, the sporadic glimpses of "Eig" that he displayed left Monica perplexed.

In the red-light district, he expressed his fascination with magic and playfully referred to Monica as a nightlife friend. Subsequently, he gave her books and a necklace.

During the ball, he urged Monica to "find something you can be passionate about for yourself."

In the Duchy of Reinberg, he revealed a childlike visage, brimming with excitement, as he presented his paper to the "Silent Witch."

It feels like I'm conversing with two distinct individuals, "His Highness" and "Eig"

There's the flawless prince, "His Highness," adept at concealing everything behind a beautiful smile and adhering to the expectations of those around him. Then there's "Eig," the magic enthusiast, an ardent admirer of the "Silent Witch," who seems to be giving up on something. As these two personas interchanged, Monica grappled with uncertainty about how to approach Felix.

"Are you feeling uneasy about the budget meeting?"

"Uh, well, a bit, yes."

"Don't worry; we'll offer support from our side too. If a persistent club leader is causing you trouble, just let me know. We'll take appropriate measures on our end."

The playful grin accompanying Felix's act of sweetly feeding Monica hints at the mischievous "Eig," while the composed demeanor suggesting actions against the club leader aligns with "His Highness."

"Oh, and one more thing."

Felix slightly narrowed his blue eyes, and the smile on his lips acquired a subtle touch of coolness.

"I've heard that transfer student Roberto Vinkel has been bothering you every day. If he becomes too much of a nuisance, I can offer a suggestion to his teacher."

"N-no, it's okay."

As Monica shook her head, Felix let out a chuckle.

The blue eyes caught the light streaming in through the window, gleaming like dew-kissed jewels.

"Shall I speak my mind? I want you to seek help from me."

Monica clenched her free right hand into a fist, assuming a posture that radiates strength in her own way. With a resolute expression, she declared, "I can't burden His Highness with my troubles!"

"I see."

As his long, golden eyelashes slightly lowered, Felix's blue eyes cast shadows.

Which persona is this, "His Highness" or "Eig"?

Contemplating this in the recesses of her thoughts, Monica rose to her feet.

"I-I've completed today's tasks, so I'll take my leave."

With those words, Monica organized her writing materials, and once again, Felix quietly observed her with serene eyes.

"I've spotted the target. Patrick, take your position."

"Since when did we decide our positions~?"

"Pretend to be choosing a book and hide in the shadow of a nice-looking bookshelf."

"Alright, in a nice-looking~"

Repeating the instructions in a laid-back tone, Patrick smoothly retreated into the shadows of a nearby bookshelf.

Confirming that, Albert feigned interest in choosing a book from the shelf while casting a sidelong glance at the targetGlenn Dudley and Monica Nortonstanding a bit away.

As Patrick had investigated, the target had been consistently studying together in the library over the past few days.

The library building at Serendia Academy served both the middle and high school sections, offering an excellent opportunity for Albert, a middle school student, to naturally approach the target.

Alright, here I go.

With an impressively natural gait that anyone would find convincing, Albert approached the target. As he passed by, he deliberately let a handkerchief fall from his pocket.

Pretending not to notice, Albert stopped near a bookshelf, simulating a search for books.

Casting a furtive glance, Monica Norton seemed to have caught sight of the handkerchief. She picked it up and looked alternately between Albert and the handkerchief, appearing a bit flustered.

Good, good, it's working. Now, come on, talk to me.

Albert waited for Monica to initiate the conversation, but she hesitated to do so. A sidelong glance revealed she was still holding the handkerchief, looking uneasy.

What's wrong? Come talk to me. Is she perhaps feeling intimidated because I'm royalty?

As Albert had anticipated, Monica was indeed feeling quite intimidated at that moment.

Th-th-that person, he's definitely the third prince!? I saw him at the New Year's ceremonyno doubt about it The width of his eyes, the length of his nose, the angle of his chin, they all match perfectly W-w-what should I do? Has he realized that I'm the "Silent Witch"? Ahhhh, I picked up his handkerchief, but what should I do? Would it be disrespectful if I approached him? I-I hope he realizes his handkerchief is over here, and just looks over here, even a little bit!!

Come on, just hand over the handkerchief already. This is a perfect opportunity to talk to me, a royal. Come over here and talk to me! T-A-L-K-T-O-M-E!!

I hope he notices me from over there, just notices it already!

Hurry up and talk to me! This plan isn't progressing at all!

While the two were lost in their thoughts, Glenn glanced at Monica and spoke.

"What's with that handkerchief?"

"Ah, uhh, th-th-that, it was, dropped by, um, over there."

Monica stammered, and as she did, Glenn swiftly picked up the handkerchief from Monica's hand and walked confidently toward Albert.

"Hey, you dropped your handkerchief."

Great! Though he almost blurted it out loud, Albert turned around with a natural demeanor.

"Oh, without a doubt, this is my handkerchief! It's a precious one I received from my mother! Thank you over there for picking it up. I sincerely appreciate it!"

Patrick, hidden in the shadows, couldn't help but smirk at the somewhat unnatural delivery of Albert's lines. But Albert, praising his own acting skills, continued with the prepared lines.

"As a token of gratitude, I'd like to invite you both to a tea party. Will you accept?"

"It's a bit much just for picking up a handkerchief. Don't you think so, Monica?"

Monica, with sweat breaking out all over her face, vigorously nodded in agreement. However, Albert couldn't back down at this point.

"No, that won't do! To show ingratitude to a benefactor, I, Albert Frau Robelia Ridill, the third prince of the Kingdom of Ridill, cannot allow it!"

Mentioning his royal status, Albert widened his eyes dramatically, and Glenn, taken aback, stared at Albert's face.

"The third prince Could it be the younger brother of the club president?"

"Indeed, I am the younger brother of that student council president, Felix Ark Ridill."

"Oh, really? We're always grateful to the president."

With a sly smile and in a manner as if he had just recognized Glenn's face, Albert theatrically raised his voice.

"Oh, upon closer inspection, aren't you Glenn Dudley, who played the role of Ralph at the school festival? That performance was truly splendid. I've been wanting to talk to you. And if she doesn't mind, I'd like to invite the lady over there too."

"Well, we're in the middle of studying right now"

No, this won't do; it's not getting anywhere like this.

Having lost his patient, Albert clapped his hands together and raised his voice.

"Patrick! Patrick!"

"Prince Albert~. You shouldn't speak so loudly in the library~."

Suppressing the urge to yell, "That's not the line how we rehearsed it," Albert commanded with an imperious look on his face.

"Swiftly, make preparations for the upcoming tea party and ensure the guests are accompanied!"

"Alrighty~. I must apologize to both of you. You see, Prince Albert isn't accustomed to extending invitations, as he doesn't have many friends to invite to tea parties."

Where did the rehearsed line disappear?

Albert couldn't help but feel a vein throbbing on his forehead. However, in response to Patrick's explanation, Glenn and Monica nodded empathetically, expressing sentiments like, "If that's the case," and "Well, just for a little"

This is odd. Originally, he would extend a more refined invitation to the two guests for the tea party. Why did it end up sounding like a plea from someone lacking in friends?

Feeling dissatisfied, Albert consoled himself, acknowledging that at least the initial phase of the plan had been successful.

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