Silent Witch

Book 12: Chapter 5: Full of Advice from His Brothers

Book 12: Chapter 5: Full of Advice from His Brothers

Navigating the hallways while trying not to attract too much attention, Monica eventually reached the elective class and slouched into an unoccupied seat, utterly drained. Two male students, Elliott Howard and Benjamin Moulding, who were taking the same chess class, settled into seats beside her.

"Oh, I can hear it, I can hear it! The Symphony of Sorrow! It washes over mankind's hearts like a torrent of rain, drenching them in grief and despair. The tears that spill from their eyes flow into the sea, embarking on a profound journey. At its end lies a revelationa choice to lift the veil of despair or to embrace the resolve to lose everything! Oh, what did the traveler witness with their own eyes? That answer will unfold in the final movement! well, Miss Norton, you seem like that traveler who was about to enter the final movement, but are you all right?"


As Monica found herself at a loss for words, Elliott interjected half-heartedly.

"If I were to paraphrase, it would be something like You look gloomy, but are you really okay?'"

"Gloomy! With that single word, we can encapsulate musicality, expand the world, and play our roles as musicians! Without that, what sets us apart as musicians?"

Monica responded with a wry smile, partially lost in Benjamin's world of thoughts.

"Um I'm sorry for making you worry. I'm fine, really."

"You're still dwelling on that budget meeting from the other day, aren't you?"

Monica smiled vaguely at Elliott's words.

"something like that."

The truth was, that was not the only thing bothering Monica. Right now, she has more than one problem to deal with. Her biggest concern was about Duke Crockford. She desperately wanted to know how involved he was in her father's death. Furthermore, she was curious about why Felix seemed to be so obedient to the Duke, and what Felix's true intentions were. Despite these concerns, Monica had to fulfill her duty as Felix's bodyguard in their current situation.

The man known as Yuan, a user of body manipulation magic, was another mystery. She still didn't know why he had approached Felix. In the future, there was also the possibility of other assassins targeting Felix's life. She couldn't let her guard down.

And on top of all that, His Highness is already aware that the Silent Witch' is at the academyyyyyy

Currently, the student council members under Felix's instructions discreetly checked the left hand of a petite female student. According to Ray's estimation, it would take a few more weeks for Monica to be able to use her left hand normally. Until then, she had to find a way to conceal her injured hand.

The spy who had infiltrated Kerbeck's territory loomed large over Monica. It appeared that Isabelle and her associates had managed to outwit their pursuers somehow, but someone was still doggedly searching for her.

Yet, the most immediate and anxiety-inducing concern centered around the mention of the "senior" in Bernie's letter. The mere thought of encountering that senior sent shivers down Monica's spine. Just sharing the same school building with him for the next six months felt like a descent into madness. She yearned to lock herself away in the attic.

There's so much to do but she is unsure of where to begin. And yet, the net woven by those determined to unveil Monica's true identity was steadily closing in.

Ugh My stomach churns

During this class, at the very least, she wanted her thoughts to revolve solely around chess. That seemed like the safest choice. As she contemplated this, Mr. Boyd, who perpetually resembled a brawny mercenary, swung open the classroom door and entered. With a brief admonition for silence, Mr. Boyd instantly quelled the chattering students. He nodded in approval and then began to address the class.

"I'd like to introduce a new transfer student. Please come in."

At the mention of a transfer student, Monica's mind raced, thinking that it might be Hubert Dee, the very person who had been haunting her thoughts.

C-Could it be Dee-senpai!?

However, Monica's anticipation was misplaced. She already knew who this transfer student was. A young man, bearing himself like a seasoned soldier, cleared his throat and began to speak, standing at rigid attention.

"I am Roberto Vinkel, a first-year transfer student to the Advanced Course. I humbly request your guidance."

Elliott and Benjamin cast identical glances at Monica.

Halfway through Roberto's introduction, Monica succumbed to unconsciousness as her eyes rolled back.

After suffering defeat at Monica's hands in the chess tournament and having his overtures for an engagement centered around chess rejected, Roberto Vinkel, the fifth son of the Baron House in the Randall Kingdom, promptly submitted his application for withdrawal from the "Institute" and made a decisive move to transfer to Serendia Academy.

The faculty at the "Institute" paled as they attempted to dissuade Roberto, but his determination remained steadfast as steel.

His ambition was to ascend to the pinnacle of chess mastery on a global scale. To accomplish this lofty aspiration, he had chosen to study abroad in the Ridill Kingdom, renowned for its abundance of skilled chess players compared to Randall. While the "Institute" indeed housed several formidable talents, it was devoid of anyone he could consider a worthy rival. Hence, transferring to a school renowned for even stronger players seemed the logical progression of his journey.

Enrolling in Serendia Academy afforded Roberto the opportunity to indulge in chess matches to his heart's content, particularly against Monica Norton, the young woman who had defeated him. Moreover, if he could secure her agreement to an engagement during their time at the academy, he would be able to continue having a match with her even after graduationwhat a perfectly crafted life plan.

However, Roberto faced a dilemma. His proficiency extended to chess, academics, equestrianism, and swordsmanship, but he remained utterly clueless when it came to matters of love. The finer arts and subjects that might pique a woman's interest eluded his grasp.

Consequently, following his departure from the "Institute," Roberto resolved to return to his hometown, the Randall Kingdom. There, he intended to consult with his four elder brothers. He was confident his reliable brothers would be able to give him invaluable guidance.

"What's your strategy to capture a woman's heart you really want to grasp, dear elder brothers?"

When the youngest brother asked this question with the utmost seriousness, the four older brothers' expressions changed dramatically.

Oh, our little Roberto! The boy who only thought about chess! Our adorable little brother! He's finally interested in romance!

After the initial excitement among the brothers, they each took turns imparting their advice.

First, the eldest brother, flexing his muscular biceps, said as he created a bulge in his arm, "Ladies adore a well-built man! Roberto, you have an impressive physique. Showcase it. Especially those biceps! Women can't resist a man's biceps!"

"Ah, I see, biceps," Roberto mentally noted.

Next, the second brother, with a charming smile on his face, said, "The most important thing is physical compatibility, you know? Ah, Roberto. I can vouch for your size' since I've seen it since childhood. I'm sure the ladies will be satisfied, so approach with confidence."

Roberto, convinced by the brother who was the most experienced with women among them, took this advice to heart.

Next, the third brother, while sweeping his slightly long bangs aside, said, "You know, aren't we relying on our bodies a bit too much, brothers? When it comes to pleasing a girl, poetry is the way to go. Create a heartfelt poem for her, and she'll surely appreciate it."

"But, third elder brother I've never written poetry," Roberto replied with concern.

"Don't worry," the third brother reassured him confidently. "When in doubt, use flowers. Compare her to a flower, like As I gazed upon the garden's bloom, I was reminded of you.' Something along those lines will do."

It might be a somewhat simplistic piece of advice, but Roberto was impressed nonetheless, considering it came from his brother with a talent for writing.

Finally, the fourth brother, holding a beloved dog against his chest, spoke calmly, "We have three incredibly clever and cute dogs at home, you know? You shouldn't miss the chance to show them off. Hey, Roberto, wouldn't it be wonderful to become a family with those little guys? I'm sure she'll think so too. After all, our dogs are incredibly cute."

Saying this, the fourth brother affectionately rubbed the cheek of a stern-looking military dog.

Roberto nodded and added this advice to his mental notes: showcasing their adorable family dogs could be an excellent strategy.

With the counsel of his four elder brothers firmly etched in his heart, Roberto Vinkel crossed borders once more and arrived at Serendia Academy. Here, he was resolved to confront Monica Norton, a remarkable chess player, once again and endeavor to secure her agreement for their engagement.

"Hey, Miss Norton, wake up. Hey."

Monica regained her consciousness through Elliott's persistent nudging from the neighboring table. The period of free-play chess had already opened, and the task now was to find opponents and engage in chess matches until the end of the class.

Oh, right, chess. Let's focus on chess. I need to play chess to clear my thoughts Monica resolved as her faculties returned. Approaching her with conspicuous strides was none other than Roberto.

Despite the chilly midwinter weather, Roberto had shed his uniform jacket and rolled up his shirt sleeves to the extreme, revealing his well-toned biceps.

Monica watched in amazement at his complete disregard for the season as Roberto came to a halt before her.

"It's been a while, Miss Monica."

"Uh y-yes."

Monica replied with a stiff nod, resembling a traveler who had stumbled upon a bear in the forest. Roberto proceeded to produce a piece of paper from his pocket and unfolded it with an air of purpose.

"I've composed a poem for you."


"Please listen."

With an entirely earnest expression, Roberto commenced reciting a poem he had evidently inscribed on the paper.

"While gazing at the white flowers in the garden, thoughts of the white chess pieces crossed my mind.

Your 53rd move with the white rook was splendid.

I want to play chess with you again.

I cannot forget your chess.' Roberto Vinkel."

In the hushed and tranquil classroom, Robert's voice resonated exceptionally well, and it should be noted that he possessed an unnecessarily beautiful baritone voice. The students in the classroom were playing chess while observing this exchange with bated breath. In particular, Elliott, who was in the nearest seat, had a face that showed his confusion, and Benjamin was muttering, "Is that a poem? That's a poem? Oh, it's not musical It's not beautiful"

"Robert Vinkel. Please maintain silence during the match," said Mr. Boyd the teacher, and Robert lowered his head with a sincere attitude.

"Yes, I apologize for making noise in this sacred chess-playing venue. Please forgive me. I wanted to convey my feelings to her as soon as possible."

Monica, who had attracted the attention of the entire classroom, thought to herself. The recent "poem" seemed to be an expression of his desire to play chess with Monica, judging from the context.

So, this is like a challenge for a chess match?

As Monica was puzzled, Robert took out another piece of paper and handed it to her.

"And also, please take a look at this."

"Um, what is this?"

"I've drawn my family's dogs. I think I did quite well."

Monica cautiously accepted the folded paper and gently unfolded it. There were three objects depicted that could only be described as "four-legged somethings." According to Robert, they were his family's dogs.

Is he asking for feedback on this drawing?

As Monica struggled with her response, Robert continued earnestly.

"Regarding the engagement, I hope you will consider it positively."

Eh!? Wait, is this where the conversation was heading now!?

With her mouth agape, Monica watched as Elliott and Benjamin, seated next to her, put their hands to their foreheads with solemn expressions.

"I have a bad feeling about this This is definitely going to be a repeat of the chess tournament It's definitely going to get complicated"

"Oh dear, what a situation. His lack of musical approach is fatal His sensibility has withered away"

The two senior students at the neighboring desks had paused their chess game to mutter, but their comments did not reach either Robert or Monica.

Robert, maintaining his composure, sat down in front of Monica and began arranging the chess pieces on the board.

"Shall we commence our match?"

"Uh, yes"

Monica had trouble understanding the purpose of Robert's actions, but she assumed he simply wanted to play chess. So, she came to a rough conclusion.

As she awkwardly arranged the chess pieces, Monica couldn't help but glance at Robert's attire, which had been bothering her.

"Um Aren't you cold with your sleeves rolled up like that?"

"Not at all. I exercise every day."

"I see"

Monica wondered if it was a custom for Randall's knights to roll up their sleeves even in the middle of winter. As Monica contemplated this, Roberto suddenly recollected something, his tone suggesting it had just occurred to him.

"Oh, and"


"I've received a seal of approval from my brothers about my size. I'm sure it would satisfy you, Miss Monica."

What does he mean by his size? Does he mean his height?

Not quite understanding, Monica responded with a vague "Uh-huh."

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