Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 110: Spatial Magic.

Chapter 110: Spatial Magic.

In the courtyard.

Xu Zhi had finished sorting through his groceries in the kitchen and placing them in the fridge. He took his clothes out of the washer and carried them out in a bucket where he started to hang them on the clothesline.

To think that you can do it like that. The Abomination is also a synthetic life-form, just smaller. Its replacing the missing Evil God body parts with limbs from ordinary giant beasts.

Isnt this a flesh golem?

This unique new path could give rise to a new class: the Necromancer.

Meanwhile, the grand cemeterys tombstone acts as a homebase to mass produce undead troops. Like a plague of locusts, the small muscles constantly multiply and take over the corpses of the forests giant beasts. Its like a natural disaster, albeit one thats going through hard times. After all, the grand cemetery must stay in a fixed location to produce troops, but it keeps getting chased all over the place.

This was similar to the previous Tyranis Queen who had focused on science and technology; she too favored creating bases and mass producing troops.

The method was different however. Rather than relying on science and technology, the grand cemetery created troops using organic supernatural abilities. In a way, it was much like the Lich Kings undead plague.

Xu Zhi found this method to be quite inspired. It was an entirely new school of magic, one that was extremely aggressive and brought ruin instead of advancing civilization.

And the final PKer, Longji, who has yet to reveal himself, seems to be focusing on growing stronger as an individual life-form.

Xu Zhi was looking forward to their future development.

As expected, these players who were backed by research institutes had grown frighteningly strong. They had taken full advantage of their muscle species.

Something else occurred to Xu Zhi. Also, since their kings always remain hidden, these guys are very difficult to kill. Theyre like liches who can only be killed once you find their phylacteries. The witches must be extremely stressed out because of this, right?

At this time, the Hive Mind spoke up with its mechanical voice.

Tyranis Queen, the truly surprising thing happened elsewhere. Spatial magic appeared eight years ago, when youve just left on your scooter to go shopping. Weve both underestimated the Rubiks Cubes potential, its in no way inferior to The Evil god Cthulhu.

Spatial Magic? The rubiks cube had that kind of potential? Xu Zhi was stunned.

He picked up a wet T-shirt, propped it on a hanger, and hung it up to dry.

What happened?

The Hive Mind showed him the relevant images. This was shortly after you left

8 years ago in the Great Desert of Nepthys, a few days after the Evil God had been torn asunder.

An old woman in rose embroidered witch robes strode across the vast barren sandscape. She held in her hand a twisted black box which conversed with her.

Can you really let me live another lifetime?

Charlotte was already very old.

She had been a hot-blooded youth when she committed treason, but the Emperor of Alchemy had reigned for two hundred years since his return, and she was only recently released. At over 200 years of age, she was no longer young, and was on the verge of death.

It had been unexpectedly easy for Pan Yusean to join up with her.

While the entire world had been focused on the Evil Gods descent, she went to the Great Island Prison of Carlson and found that Charlotte did not need to be rescued.

When Empress Medusa had taken over, the former members of the Rose Saviors had all been released, and Charlotte was freed. Though she was already far too old, she was still a Sixth-Level Legendary Witch and confidant to Empress Medusa. She had become the new prison warden.

After theyve traveled for half a day in the desert.

Found it! It's a good thing that we acted quickly, or it would have all evaporated. Pandoras Box murmured while looking ahead. Within the desert was a pool of blood, which had been left behind when the Evil God injured the Phoenix back then.

Its a good thing that those idiots are fond of taking screenshots and posting them on the internet, otherwise I'd never have been able to find this place!

Pan Yusean snickered. Those guys were way too reckless. They challenged the native Gods and got a beating for their trouble Which gives me time to prepare myself. No one knows that Ive transmigrated; Ill pass myself off as a native, seal away you Evil Gods from another world, and usher in an era of peace!

This is the Phoenixs blood? Charlotte asked gravely.

Pandoras Box hurriedly replied: Youve brought the ingredients that Ive mentioned? As the Magic Academies once-in-a-century genius, you must have mastered the arts of Alchemy and Medicine. Since I have the formula for the Potion of Genetic Expansion on me, you should be able to brew it yourself.

Though Charlotte had joined the Rose Saviors, it was only to study Death Magic so that she could revive her dear friend, Lucy. She remained a chaste orthodox witch with harmonious spiritual power, and had no problems using Alchemy.

Half a day later, after failing several times, Charlotte could finally drink the Potion of Genetic Expansion and regain her youth. She had to overcome intense pain that tore at every inch of her body, but she still wept tears of joy.

Now its your turn to help me. Pandora said.

Aren't you good at Alchemy? Pretend that youre crafting an alchemical tool and carve your Mental Space magic on my body. Next, Ill take in the Evil Eyes blood and become a mage.

Pan Yusean could have acquired the Evil Eyes blood long ago, but took her time because she was extremely ambitious.

In her opinion, her species was still incomplete. She lacked that final step: getting turned into an alchemical tool by having magic runes carved on her body. Only then would she be in an ideal position to start practicing magic.

Wont it hurt if I do as you say? Charlotte asked.

Pan Yusean shook her head. Itll just be like getting a tattoo.

Charlotte kept on lecturing. My magic generates a mental space that draws in the enemys consciousness. I dont know what will happen if I carve it onto your body.

She continuously sketched delicate and precise alchemical formulas onto Pandoras Box. This could even become your natural ability! You will become a living alchemical tool that can practice magic and draw others' consciousness within yourself at will!

Charlotte demonstrated her full capabilities as an exceptionally powerful Sixth-Level Legendary Witch. After half a day, she was done with carving her magic onto the rubiks cube.

Next, Pan Yusean assimilated the Evil Eyes blood. This caused her rectangular brick-like body to change. It stretched and gradually became slender in form, taking on the shape of a bizarre, unforged longsword.

Weve succeeded.

Now that theyve each gotten what they wanted, they returned to the Grand Island Prison of Carlson.

The prison held countless terrifying beings.

The most recent prisoners were the master mages who had defied Empress Ermin when she ascended the throne.

Furthermore, there were also prisoners from the rebellion 200 years ago. While most of them had died of old age, there were still some frightening monsters who survived.

Their magic had been sealed, which slowed their bodily functions and forced them into hibernation, waking maybe once per week. Their situation was like the Seven Little Witches long ago, and they lived longer than ordinary Legendary Mages.

But even with their extended lifespan, after living for over two hundred years, they were reaching the end of their lives.

Pan Yuseans appearance in the island prison caused a great stir.

How is this possible? This thing can practice magic?

These delicate patterns You have Charlottes Mental Space magic carved onto your body? Hurry up and answer me!!!

Unimaginable! A living alchemical tool!

This could be a brand new field of magic!

Countless crippled mages were sealed within the prison cells. As one, they slowly opened their drowsy eyes and looked at Pandora in shock.

Mages were seekers of truth to the end. Even though their magic had been sealed and they were about to die of old age, their curiosity could not be stopped.

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