Chapter 58: Facilitating Growth
Chapter 58: Facilitating Growth
The sisters, plus Shia had exited the onsen after properly enjoying it. Though Shia was still passed out, so Yin dressed her up herself and held her as they left the inn.
"So how long are you here for?" Yin asked.
"Actually I was gonna ask you that. We always come here for a month in Spring. Dad works with Jaune's dad and helps train the guard and promising kids before they go off to a Huntsman Academy. What're you doing here?" Yang asked, raising brow at the closeness Yin had with Shia.
"We've got plans. Mom and I are improving the Branwen. Making it into a proper clan. We just got recognized by Menagerie as a real clan, so our banditry days are over." Yin replied, steering the topic away from where she was going next.
There was a good chance Yang would try to accompany her if she told them. While Yin would love nothing more than to have her sister with her, now wasn't the time. Vale is where she'd dip her hands into the criminal underworld. A force that Huntresses and Huntsmen were opposed to during the three volumes. Yang would even level Junior Hei Xiong's club in two years.
Yin's plans were to completely and utterly dominate the crime families in Vale, not destroy them. She didn't want Yang to be part of that. It'd risk her future in Beacon.
Yang gave an approving smile hearing her intentions with the Branwen clan.
'Truth be told.. I thought I was gonna have to pull her out of Mom's clutches. But maybe Mom's not so bad?' Yang briefly thought before hearing Shia stir awake.
"Mmm... Oh, I had a strange dream.. Two Yins.." Shia muttered, much to Yang's amusement.
"You do look kinda similar.. If Yin dyed her hair and wore contacts." Ruby added, fingers framing Yin's face.
"I don't need contacts." Yin smirked, activating 'Ignition'.
Ruby and Yang's eyes widened at the sight of Yin's subtle appearance change. Parts of her hair had small sparks of blue flames, while her eyes turned a shade of lilac that mirrored Yang's.
"Ooh! That's your semblance!? It's so similar to Yang's.." Ruby muttered.
"I need to take a few hits to activate mine.." Yang frowned, wondering how Yin did it without needing to be hit.
"I can teach you. We're staying in Domremy for a month too. So we'll have time. Wakey wakey, Shia." Yin added, feeling Shia embrace her more, due to the comforting warmth she was releasing.
"Aww.. I liked being carried." Shia pouted before being released. She looked at Yin and Yang and nodded appreciatively before walking beside them.
"What was that about..?" Yang whispered to Yin.
"Probably had a lewd thought, I bet.." Yin whispered back as they approached the Arc house.
It was a large home, clearly having been added onto over the years to accomodate how many children the Arcs had added onto.
As soon as they entered, they saw the adults look over to them with their smiles freezing up. Though Nicholas and his wife Sophitia seemed to have some long lost memory come back at the sight of Yin. Summer was the one who had the most dramatic reaction, nearly dropping her glass of wine that Sophitia had poured her.
"R-Raven!?" Summer muttered out in shock.
It was understandable for her to mistake Yin for Raven. Given she had changed into a red kimono with a black obi, a black skirt and long, dark red boots that went up to her upper thighs. She almost looked exactly like Raven.
"Wait.. no. That's not Rae." Qrow slurred his words and stood up from the reclining seat he was comfortably relaxed in.
"Yin? My gods.. It's been so long, kiddo." Tai felt his eyes get wet, but he blinked it away and went in to hug his daughter.
"Hey Pop." Yin accepted the hug, bringing one hand around his back.
The hug was soon joined in by Summer, then Ruby, then Yang. It was a little awkward at first, but the genuine happiness and relief she felt from them was real. Summer was never her Mom the way she was for Yang and Ruby, but she still considered her close enough to be family, like Qrow.
"We missed you, kid. Damn, look at you.. Already look like an adult." Qrow smirked, watching the family reunion.
"Pretty sure you already guessed why, Drunkle." Yin replied with a knowing look.
The hug went on for about five minutes before a rather long talk about what Yin had been up to since she left began. Summer was clearly very worried, being the most against Yin being out in Mistral with Raven. But she almost panicked when it was revealed that Yin had left almost a year ago and was travelling alone. (Shia took offense to that).
"Sum.." Tai called out, holding his wife's hand to stop her from further spiraling.
"Tai.. She's still only thirteen..!" Summer calmed down a little, though was still clearly distressed.
'Fourteen now but they don't need to know that..' Yin shrugged, letting her Father handle the emotional Summer.
"And look at her. Do you see even a scar on her? I may not agree with Raven's.. methods.. But she's strong." Tai affirmed confidently.
"Yeah, listen to him Sum-Sum. She could probably give us a run for our money now." Qrow added, and even Nicholas nodded with a serious expression.
"Your aura. You have as much of it as I do, don't you?" Nicholas asked, suddenly drawing everyone's eyes on Yin.
"I do. I've trained extensively. Battled Grimm.. people.. and other things. Trust me, Summer. I can take care of myself." Yin replied, staring down Summer's silver eyes.
Summer acquiesced, for now. She still held the desire to bring Yin back to their home, but pushing it now wouldn't do.
"Ahem.. Now, I have a question." Nicholas cleared his throat, drawing eyes from everyone in
the room.
"You said she was thirteen..?" His voice laced with incredulity.
"Ah..." Summer, Tai and Qrow briefly forgot for a second. The sudden growth spurt from Yang
had definitely come from Yin. But how to explain it..
"I'm built different." Yin casually answered.
"Same." Yang and Yin high fived without even looking at each other.
Nicholas and Sophitia both looked at them with blank expressions. Then, Nicholas' stoic
facade cracked and he laughed mirthfully.
"Apparently so! You got your parent's physique!" Nicholas smacked the table and gestured at Yin's arms. He could see the slim yet defined arms Yin had beneath her sleeves.
"Nah.. Mine are better." Yin retorted with a prideful smirk.
"Is that a challenge, my dear daughter?" Tai sprung up and placed his arm on the nearby table, challenging Yin to an arm wrestling match.
Shia, who had been watching the shift from dramatic reunion, to an arm wrestling match between father and daughter in less than an hour, couldn't help but snicker. It was more or less a reflection of the kind of family she had wanted to be a part of. She felt Yang's hand pat her back as Tai began to struggle.
"It's almost like she never left. Ah, I forgot to ask but.. You gotta be strong too, right?" Yang asked with an almost mischievous grin.
Shia simply smiled and put her arm up on the table beside Tai and Yin.
Several rounds later, the blondes held their arms and groaned in defeat. While Nicholas
looked at the cracked table with a grimace.
"That was a metal table too.." He sighed, feeling the intense stare his wife was giving behind
"Sorry. I'll help get you a new one if you don't mind. I'm decent at craftsmanship." Yin shrugged as Yang and Tai gave Sophitia apologetic looks.
"You gotta show me how you got that strong, sis.." Yang huffed and stood up, giving Shia a
new look.
"Also who's stronger between you two?" The question made Shia and Yin look at each other. Taking everything into account, Yin was stronger. But Shia was quite the monster herself. "Well we can find out later. Do you wanna learn some fighting styles?" Yin's question was met with immediate excitement from Yang.
"Outside, of course.." Yin felt Sophitia's glare on her briefly before adding.
"Hell yeah! Let's go!" Yang quickly made her way outside.
"You don't mind if Jaune watches you as soon as they get home from school, no?" Nicholas
asked Yin.
Though it seemed his intentions were pure, Yin saw something in his eyes. He was probably hoping to discourage Jaune by letting him see how kids his age were miles ahead of him. Not
that Yin particularly cared if he was.
Yin shrugged and stopped Shia as they walked out of the Arc house.
"Take my bike. I need you to see if there's any dungeon doors nearby. Can you do that for
me?" Yin whispered.
Shia was a little taken back. It wasn't an order but a request. Not that she minded, she chose to follow Yin after all. Shia saluted with a smile.
"Yes Mom- MA'AM!" Shia corrected herself immediately.
Yin's brow raised, but decided now wasn't the time to tease her. She held out her hand and
summoned the black metal and scaled bike she created with Hajime a while back. Instantly,
Yang, Tai and Qrow noticed it.
"WHAT is that!?" Yang sprinted over, gawking at it.
"I made this with a friend a while back. Like I made your bike." Yin smirked as Shia got on,
activating its magic engine.
"It almost looks like a weapon.." Tai muttered, looking at the sleek metallic sheen.
"Whatwasthat!?" Ruby overheard as her and Summer walked out.
"Okay you can nerd out about it later.. Shia has something to do." Yin stopped the
increasingly excited Summer and Ruby from approaching, urging Shia to go. "Ehehe! Yeah, I'll be back!" Shia said before speeding off, not even leaving tire tracks behind.
Much to the family's disappointment.
"Okay, sis! Lemme see what you got!" Yang walked a good distance from the house and
activated Ember Celica.
Which just reminded Yin to make a better gauntlet weapon for Yang. Since it's likely Ember
Celica won't be able to handle her punches later. Yin held out her hand, summoning the High Frequency blade, still in its sheath. Ruby and Summer once more became excited. "OOOOH! What kind of katana is that!? The sheath looks so advanced!" Ruby pulled out a sketchbook and began to draw it in detail.
"Atlas..? It seems similar to Atlas' weapon tech. Different design.. more sleek." Summer
"You're using a sheathed blade? Are you underestimating me?" Yang frowned.
"I want to gauge your hand to hand skill first. You're supposed to start off small.. then gradually go all out. That's the real way to enjoy a fight, my dear sister." Yin calmly explained.
Yang grinned, "Then get ready!"
-Several hours later, Midnight-
Yang was in one of the Arc's guest rooms, nursing a bruised ego. Her bruises had healed
quickly, but the realization of how far ahead her sister was didn't help her ego. Of course, she knew Yin was powerful. More than her, by a longshot. But confronting it herself, it really sunk in. Aside from that though, she was grateful. Yin was a good teacher. A few flaws in her fighting style was pointed out, ones even Tai didn't spot. And she even taught her a few moves she picked up. The only issue she could see now was utilizing her magic.
The Arcs' place wasn't a good place to train it. It had to be kept secret. But Yin assured her she
would teach her how to properly wield it.
Her thoughts began to drift when she felt two hands wrap around her bare stomach.
"WHA-Oh jeez!" Yang immediately tried to elbow the face of the person resoonsible. Thankfully, Yin dodged it with a simple block of her hand.
"Sorry, sis.. What are you doing in here though?" Yang whispered.
"It's time to really train you. Also, I just wanted to hug you." Yin replied softly, resting her
chin on Yang's shoulder.
"Wait.. really train? Like.." Yin nodded.
"It's time to become a Dragon. I sent Shia out to look for a dungeon, a special world for us to
get stronger in. But if you don't want to come-" Yang turned her head immediately.
"I do. Take me."
Yin grinned and stood up.
"Get dressed then. We're sneaking out."
-Twenty minutes later-
The outskirts of Domremy indeed posessed a set of 'ruins'. There were numerous marks along
the ground, obviously left behind by people who had wanted to force their way inside. Shia
was waiting by the door with a prideful smile. She hopped off the bike and saluted Yin once
"The door has both patterns!" Shia exclaimed, pointing at the Yin/Yang symbol on the stone
Along the way over, Yin explained what the dungeons were. That only they could access them.
Yang got excited at the prospect of adventuring in another world with Yin, who herself
seemed to share her sentiment.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om
"Right then. Let's see what this one is.." Yin placed her hand on the door, getting a notification.
[Unique Dungeon found... Issuing options!
1: World hopping event! (Duration: 1 year+). Note: Time freeze will once again occur in home
2: Dungeon quest instance!]
Yin blinked, carefully reading the notification. The first option was much like her time spent
in Arifureta. With a year duration.
"Huh.. What's with the options?" Yang asked, having put her hand on the symbol too.
"It means.. The second one is a quick in and out experience. But the first is that we'd be in that
world for about a year. While time remains stopped here." Yin answered.
"Wait.. did you..?" Yang squinted at her sister.
"Ah, yeah.. I went to another world already. Met Shia there too. I'm a year older than you." Yin
replied with a wry smile.
"WHAT!? Oh man.. I'm not calling you big sis." Yang pouted.
"Not even if I spoil you? You can call me 'Onee-chan' if you want." Yin smirked before
focusing back on the options.
"So.. which one do you want? A year together gives me more time to train you but-" Yang wrapped her arm around Yin's shoulder.
"As long as time's frozen here, I've got no complaints. We've gotta make up for lost time,
right?" Yang smiled.
Yin nodded back and hit the first option..
[World Travel chosen.
World: DXD
First Quest: Save Kuroka and Shirone from the Naberius Devils' experimentation
Arrival: Underworld, Naberius territory
Rewards: Dependant on performance
"Remember my children, Creation and Destruction are two sides of the same coin. Never
forget that- FoxMommy."]