Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 817: Tang Li in Danger

Chapter 817: Tang Li in Danger

After taking 4 of the geniuses down, people could tell that Tang Li was quite the ferocious and demonic genius on her own.

Especially with Tianlong Yun's help and training in the last days alongside their bed wars, she had become another existence altogether.

These idiots were just stupid wastes that she could deal with alone, none of them was her opponent even if she didn't break their mentality and infuriate them.

But for some reason, this last and fifth guy who had his face covered in a mask, and wearing a hoodie seemed dangerous to her for some reason.

It was weird enough that he hadn't actually made a move even though she had already taken down the 4 little geniuses previously.

Furthermore, despite witnessing all that, this guy didn't seem frightened or scared in the least. In fact, he seemed a bit excited and expectant about what was about to happen.

His eyes carried traces of confidence and arrogance, like someone that was certain of their win despite witnessing what had just happened.

That surprised Tang Li a bit, as she couldn't help but increase her guard against the guy. Call it instinct, call it a sixth sense, call it woman sharpness, she had a feeling that this guy wasn't easy.

Just looking at him it made her feel frightened for some reason, and if she didn't have to dive deeper and go look for Tianlong Yun she would most probably have tried to run from this situation.

Unfortunately, that was the case, and she was unable to escape, so she could only harden her will, and her resolve as she said,

"Are you going to stop me as well!?"

"Hehehehe~! Beauty your face is really scary and cute right now! You actually have the courage to talk to me like that!

I would advise you to calm down though otherwise, your face will be filled with wrinkles!"

Tang Li was a bit surprised and startled by the answer she heard, but that was far from what she wanted to know.

This guy seemed to be wanting to play with her, but unfortunately, time was the only thing she didn't have right now. For that reason, she couldn't help but ask once again assertively,

"Are you going to stop me!?"

"Miss Tang you are being rude now, don't you think so!? I am trying to strike up a conversation with you here.

It's extremely rare for me to take interest in a young lady such as yourself, so you should feel honored that I am trying.

Don't worry about your lack of chastity though, it doesn't really matter to me. After all, you are just going to become my concubine and not my wife!"

Even though the masked man seemed displeased with the way that Tang Li was talking to him, he still managed to keep his calm and coolness as he said those words.

In response to that though Tang Li's expression turned into one of complete startle, and disgust as she said in a rather prideful and overbearing tone,

"Nowadays even a dog of the Yao Family, who doesn't dare to show his face, dares to try and court me openly despite knowing I am married!

It seems like people are becoming more and more preposterous by the day!"

"Hehehehe~! You think I am a dog of the Yao Family!? Are they even worthy of having me!? Wouldn't the Yao Family be the rulers of the Jade Empire if they were so!?"

The reaction of the masked guy was certainly different from what Tang Li expected. At the same time, his arrogance, and cockiness were the same as well.

"Little girl I advise you to obediently follow me from now on and become my woman! I assure you that you won't regret becoming my woman!

Otherwise, I will be forced to act, and you will become nothing more than my plaything."

"You are overestimating yourself!"

Tang Li didn't like the way she was talked to, now it wasn't only an issue of messing with her or not, but an issue of protecting herself and releasing her anger.

With those words, she didn't waste any more time talking nonsensically with the guy and decided to jump in attack towards him trying to take him by surprise.

For some reason, she didn't feel like she was this guy's opponent in a fair fight, but there was no reason for her to fight a fair fight with him.

This wasn't some sort of martial arts competition where she would have to fight fair and square her opponents, this was a life and death battle.

Tang Li's punch was way stronger than anything that she had shown until now, as even the strange liquid of the Secret Pond seemed to be affected by her move.

Whoever witnessed that scene would be most probably startled, stunned, and hopeful of her win in the fight, because the power she was wielding was certainly above her level.

Unfortunately, her sudden move didn't seem to be much of a surprise for the opponent, who actually was welcoming the punch with his palm.


It looked just like throwing a pebble into the deep lake, as Tang Li's attack let out a muffled explosion sound, and after was fully absorbed by the opponent.

At just that moment she was totally aware of the differences between her and the opponents, and she couldn't help but feel a strong sense of powerlessness hit her fully.

After all, the disparity between her and the guy in front of her was like that of heaven and earth. This guy was actually an expert surpassing her Realm and by quite a bit.

While she was still a Nascent Soul Realm genius of the Tang Family, the person in front of her was actually an expert in the Soul Formation Realm and not only.

Her gut feeling was telling her that even in the Soul Formation Realm this guy must be pretty high leveled, and she wasn't her opponent by any means.

Seeing that his little secret had been exposed, or to be more exact seeing that Tang Li had caught up on the little secret he willingly exposed, the masked guy grinned evilly, as he said,

"Hehehehe~! I am liking you more and more beautiful! Let me give you one last chance, are you going to obey me willingly, or should I act brazenly!?"

Even though Tang Li was unable to actually see the guy's face and lips, she could swear that he actually licked her lips while he said that last part.

This guy was too conceited! If she had faced this guy before she had actually met Tianlong Yun, then she might have thought that he had the justifications to be so conceited.

But after meeting someone like Tianlong Yun, and experiencing a part of his prowess by herself, then the guy in front of her seemed nothing short of a foolish fish trying to pretend to be a dragon.

"A toad trying to have the swan! Do you think that your strength, prowess, and capabilities are even close my man!?

Just a conceited bastard who knows how to bully the weak and fear the strong! If he were here, you wouldn't even have the balls to look him in the eyes, and scurry away like a rat you are!"

The tints of fury, rage, and anger on his eyes were sufficient to reveal how he felt about hearing those words.

If there was one thing that he hated the most in this world, was to actually be compared to others more successful and talented than him, and even more so when the disparity was that obvious.

"HEHEHE~! Where is that foolish bastard now!? He gave up on his lovely wife, letting her in the claws of wolves like me, running towards his death in fear of being tortured!"

"Hahahaha~! You think he is afraid of you!? Do you even understand the differences between you two!?

A wolf!? You are more of a bastard dog in the streets!

Once he returns you will have no choice but to crawl in front of me!"

"You masochistic bi*tch! It seems like you truly want a good beating before you start acting like you should!"


As he said that, he even went as far as to land a tight slap on her face, leaving behind a loud sound, and a red imprint on Tang Li's beautiful face.

He seemed extremely angry right now! All the words that Tang Li had directed at him had actually touched upon his sore sport being his inferiority.

Tang Li had truly given him a big blow to his masculinity, and even though Tianlong Yun was supposed to have gone for his own death at the moment, he wished so much to return alive and kill him.

Only like that, did he feel that he could actually regain a bit of his dignity back, but the chances of that happening were really slim.

Unable to go with the first thought of killing Tianlong Yun, he decided to go with his second-best opportunity, and that was to actually violate and ra*pe Tang Li to obedience.

He would show this little bi*tch the difference between him and Tianlong Yun in intimate skills. With the difference in their ages, his experience and abilities should be way beyond Tianlong Yun.

After all, at the end of the day, this was also a field he could compete against him and win. The moment he thought that he immediately got to action, as his eyes landed on Tang Li's twin peaks.

Tang Li didn't know what this bastard was about to do, but she surely knew it was nothing good

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