Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 813: Yin-Yang Celestial Pond

Chapter 813: Yin-Yang Celestial Pond

"Your words are just too heavy little brother, but I am thinking for the best of the Tang Family! I can't risk the family just for you now, can I!?

You don't have to worry though, I will take good care of your wife for you!"

That last line wasn't voiced but said through a mental transmission as he couldn't really say it out loud. He couldn't break off all pretenses with Tianlong Yun in front of everyone.

Tianlong Yun face changed for a slight moment hearing that, as he didn't expect this guy to actually reveal his true face this soon into the game.

But he couldn't really blame him as who would believe Tianlong Yun even if he actually revealed these words, and why would he even bother to do something like that.

He wasn't the type of guy to actually need other people's thoughts and help to deal with ants like this. For that reason, he decided to turn a tooth for a tooth,

"What a coincidence big brother, I was thinking the same thing!"

But he didn't say these words through a mental transmission message but through voice. Which created quite a bit of confusion and wrong thoughts.

"Oh my, did I say that out loud!?"

In order to increase those misunderstandings and wrong thoughts, he even pretended like he didn't intend to voice those words, but the face of Young Master Tang Tie was a view to behold.

Because more than anyone he had just been touched on a sore spot, while the Yao Family people thought that there was some sort of hidden agenda between the two.

It was quite the situation, as they all started to reconsider their standings and plans for the future, as things didn't seem as simple as they thought.

Knowing Tang Tie they had thought that while he wouldn't help them against Tianlong Yun at least he wouldn't help Tianlong Yun to defend against them.

But now things seemed a bit suspicious, so they had to think about things twice, but even if Tang Tie got involved they wouldn't change their plans, this was their opportunity to deal with Tianlong Yun.

This was probably the only place where Tianlong Yun wouldn't have that expert protect him from the shadows.

"Little brother"

Things became even more complicated the moment that Tang Tie spoke to Tianlong Yun with that kind of tone and voice like he had just crossed the line.

"I am really sorry big brother, I didn't mean to spoil our plans, my mouth run out on its own!"

Seeing that the matter was getting more and more complex, and misunderstood Young Master Tang Tie couldn't help but look at Tianlong Yun with anger and rage.

That way of acting though just made the situation even weirder, as Tianlong Yun seemed to have regained a bit of courage and returned to that Yao Family youngster,

"Oh right, you were saying something little ant!"


"Well, I guess that you don't have anything more interesting to say for now, so I will just be waiting for your performance inside the Secret Pond.

Let us wait and see!"


It was at this moment that the elevator had returned, and everyone could hear the sound of the door clicking.

"Please wifey!"

Without caring about what the rest of the people had to think or say, Tianlong Yun acted like a gentleman to his new wife, and let her enter first, before following behind her while holding her waist.

Once they reached a corner he turned around and took a look at the people coming behind him, especially Tang Li's big sister.

The look he threw at her was full of lust, and naked desire. It looked like he would attack her in the elevator, which made Young Master Tang Tie and the woman in question look even weirder.

The atmosphere in the elevator was extremely weird, it was extremely tense and cold, just like some sort of funeral for most of the people.

The only one who broke the silence, and that weirdness was Tianlong Yun who was actually playing around with Tang Li.

His hand was grabbing tightly on her left rear mountain, as he was whispering sweet nothings in her ear, making the beauty unable to control the red hue on her face, and giggle.

Hearing that Tang Tie's face grew uglier, while Tang Li's big sister became even more jealous of her own little sister.

As for the people of the Yao Family and those mysterious face-covered guys, these were Tianlong Yun's last happy moments.

Soon, he wouldn't even be able to breathe properly, so he wouldn't be able to think about these things anymore.

Now that they thought about it, things would become even better as they would even be able to have their own way and have fun with Tang Li.

'Heheheh~! Tianlong Yun would regret ever being born really soon!'

Like that, the elevator descended, as they were faced with a big metal door that seemed difficult to be opened even with 1000 people working together.

Of course, for cultivators, this was a completely different matter. So no one thought much about it, but Tianlong Yun could tell that even he would have a problem opening it on his own.

Even if he used his full strength, it would be extremely difficult for him to open the door to the Secret Pond.

Seeing that big metal door on the way he became even more curious about what was found behind this door, and the big opportunity awaiting him.

Tang Tie and those people from the Yao Family immediately turned their attention towards Tianlong Yun upon arriving as they were expecting him to act just like some country bumpkin.

After all, when would he had ever been able to see something like this. Even they would have probably reacted like that if they hadn't heard about this from their Elders.

Seeing a nuance of surprise on Tianlong Yun's face, that little dog who had already barked above, started barking once again,

"Hehehe~! A country bumpkin like you has never seen something like this, right!? This must be a dream for someone like you!"

"Wifey, with the security here I thought that dogs wouldn't be able to enter here, but it seems like I was wrong because I hear a loud barking in here!"

Tianlong Yun didn't even hesitate to say those words, as many people looked at him in surprise, startle and shock. They hadn't expected someone to talk like that to a Yao Family member.

"Ahem, Ahhheemm~!

Everyone, just as you know we are gathered here for the great opportunity of opening the Secret Pond for our geniuses!

We should make the most of this opportunity, so I think that we shouldn't tarry and open this Secret Pond as soon as possible!

So I would like to gather the keys from all the Families!

As for the geniuses that will enter inside, you should have already heard the details from your elders but let me explain it once again.

This Secret Pond is a small sealed space through a formation from the Ancient times, inside there is a bit pond made of two strange liquids.

One of them is red as blood, and the second clear as air, but they don't mix together! The red liquid is useful for your cultivation, while the clear liquid is useful for your soul and comprehension.

The deeper you enter the pond the better the results, but you should be careful because the deeper you enter the more dangers you will face.

There are marine beasts, and herbs down there as well, with many of them reaching cultivation levels and Realms way beyond yours.

Getting strong and making the most of this opportunity is a given, but at the same time, you have to be extra careful to not lose your life.

The future of our country is in your hands, so remember that no matter how strong you are, you need to be alive to enjoy your life and strength."

Tianlong Yun heard those words without paying much attention, as his full concentration was on what he had just heard.

While no one in here knew what this pond actually was, Tianlong Yun had fully realized it and he couldn't believe that he found something like this on Earth.

This was a Yin-Yang Celestial Pond, able to create life, and energy many times stronger than normal.

Every herb and beast in this Pond was a treasure on its own, the energy that was contained in them would be enough to make each of these idiots explode in smithereens but for him, it was Heaven sent.

He had been thinking all the time about how to actually increase his cultivation level quickly upon reaching the outside world, and especially that terrifying place called Immortal World.

This was a problem not only for him but even for his people, but right now he had just received probably the best gift in his life.

Heaven truly seemed to love and help him out. As long as he took everything from this place for his own benefit he would be able to have a boosting machine of power for himself and his people.

For that reason, he didn't care in the least about what the old man had to say, as he was only thinking of entering inside.

Neither the Tang, Yao, nor Qin Families created any problems at the moment, as they all had their own ploys and thoughts, unaware that they were actually giving wings to a tiger.

Once the door opened, everyone entered inside excited about the opportunity, as Tianlong Yun and Tang Li followed the crowd from behind.

It was finally time

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