Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 812: Little Dogs Bark

Chapter 812: Little Dogs Bark

Tianlong Yun didn't really care about her expressions much, but he did care about her figure. From the moment that he had heard that this bastard had vied his women, he decided to make him feel the pain of his actions.

For that reason, he made sure that he paid extra attention to make them feel his atrocity even more. The attack was the best defense sometimes, keeping the enemy under constant pressure.

It did work, as Young Master Tang Tie completely forgot about looking at the beauty in front of him and focused completely on Tianlong Yun.

His face was dark and ugly as he looked like he was about to jump and attack Tianlong Yun. On the other hand, Tianlong Yun just pretended to not notice, as he finally responded to the greeting,

"I have heard a lot about you too 'big brother'!"

The accent he placed on the two last words was a bit weird but no one paid much attention to it, with the exception of the person in front of him, to whom he directed those words.

For a moment it looked like that guy lost composure which he regained immediately and then looking towards Tianlong Yun he said in a rather cold and fierce tone,

"If little brother Tianlong Yun experiences any difficulty or problem in the future, you just need to voice it out!

I will immediately come to help you!"

"Of course, of course, I can say the same thing for you 'big brother'!"

It looked just like two lions trying to fight to become the leader of the pack, but in Tianlong Yun's eyes, the person in front of him was just a weak and miserable cub.

He was thinking that he was truly something important when he was in fact just a puppet for someone else. These types of people were the ones he pitied the most for their stupidity.

Acting as if they were the Jade Emperor when they were nothing more than the gatekeeper's personal clown.

Truly pitiful!

But this 'big brother' of his didn't have to worry much about this because Tianlong Yun would personally relieve him from this misery that had fallen upon his head.

Surprisingly the Tang Family head didn't interfere in all this, as he just watched the two of them from the side.

Just like some sort of spectator watching a show, the only thing missing him at this moment was probably some popcorn.

Something was fishy with all this situation, but he didn't really care about it for now! This father-in-law of his was truly more of a sly fox than he had thought, as even the Patriarch didn't know of his ploys.

Things just became even more interesting for him. It would be just too boring if things were too simple and he took care of everything without a problem cropping up.

The world of those at the peak was truly a lonely one, and the idea of finding a possible opponent was a great attraction to them.

While he was working in the shadows, trying to make everything happen smoothly and secretly he still wanted a bit of emotion, to have a sense of achievement when he did put them under himself.

He was awakened by his thoughts, as he heard Tang Li's big sister talk to him,

"Brother-in-law seems to be much different from the rumors!"

"Hehehe~! For good, I hope sister-in-law!"

While he said those words, he took another good look at her making her even more uncomfortable with the situation.

This girl was too green to try and mess up with him, his expression and the tone of his voice didn't match in the least.

It was clear that the opponent wanted to continue bickering, but at that moment the Third Master of the Yao Family appeared.

It was quite surprising for everyone, as lately the Third Master was appearing more and more in public. Normally this was an event that would be attended by the Family Head or the Patriarch.

But they were both missing with the justification of having entered closed retreat. There were definitely people that believed those words and those that doubted them.

It was just too much of a coincidence and impossible. But of course, those opinions didn't matter, as no one dared to even voice them out.

"Are we going to wait all day for you to be ready!? People are whispering that the Tang Family acts like the overlords of Huaxia and trying to lower your reputation!"

"Hehehe~! Third Master Yao surely knows how to joke around, we are late just because these two unworthy sons-in-law of mine met with each other!

Come on, let us enter inside and continue with the ceremony!"

In fact, there was one more reason why the Tang Family Head didn't proceed to enter inside the secret area, which was an old-looking cave under the square, it was because no one had appeared to receive him.

After all, this place was under the common rule of the three families, and they had left it for safekeeping to a 1st class family while securing their lives and wealth.

That was the Ye Family, they had a special rank among the 1st class families, being like the stars of their class.

No one dared to mess with them due to their special status, but at the same time, they didn't dare to spread too much due to that special status as well.

After all, one Qin Family was enough for the Yao and Tang Families to keep each other in check and think of the created trouble.

If the Ye Family showed too much greed then they would be taken care of accordingly! For that reason, on such occasions, the Patriarch of the Ye Family would receive the Family Heads of the Yao and Tang Families.

Yet, this time there was no sign of the Patriarch, which clearly revealed that something was wrong and that most probably the Ye Family had sided with the Yao Family.

Things were getting more and more messed up, and Tang Family Head was showing his standing and anger at this moment.

Clearly telling them that no matter what they tried to do, they would still be under his Tang Family!

Tianlong Yun certainly didn't have much information on this matter, but hearing the crowds whisper he received a general outlook of the situation.

It looked like his appearance had made the Yao Family precede their actions, and there would most probably be changes when he returned from the Secret Pond.

'Hehehe~! He couldn't wait!'

The route to the cave was a truly interesting one as they made their way to the Emperor's throne room, at the Emperor's residence, and someone pressed on the handle of the Emperor's throne.

Immediately the throne started moving to the right, while an elevator appeared behind. It seemed like people couldn't even let the antique places like they were.

But that didn't matter much as the elevator was big enough for 8 to 10 people. Firstly it was the Heads of the Family and the Elders that took the elevator first, leaving their geniuses behind.

"Tianlong Yun I didn't really expect you to have the balls to come here while being injured! I truly wonder whether you are a genius or just a lucky bastard!"

As expected, the moment that they were left alone, the little dogs that couldn't bite started barking at him. The guy that was talking and threatening him right now could be only compared to a Chihuahua dog.

"Can't you find out about that if you just try to attack me!? Ah, but do be careful though because just as you said I am injured and I might not control my strength as I should and kill you like a little dog!"

Tianlong Yun said those words with a clear voice devoid of emotion or excitement as if he was talking to a non-entity.

"You bastard how dare you to talk to me like that!?"

"Hehehe~! Why wouldn't I dare!? I am stronger than you and can easily crush you with one finger of mine! Isn't that the reason why you only dare to bark, and not attack me!?"

"Hmph~! I am not attacking because I don't feel you are worthy of becoming a conflict between my Yao and the Tang Family.

But you don't have to wait long, if you dare to enter the Secret Pond then don't even think of coming out! In there, no one will know who killed you!"

"Heh~!? Are you an idiot or something!? What would you do if I just get scared and don't enter the Secret Pond, how are you going to kill me then!?

Furthermore, even if I died in there, wouldn't your Yao Family be the first suspect in the matter!? Not to mention that I have my big brother with me!"

While saying so the one he pointed out was no one else but Young Master Tang Tie who was clearly enjoying his time right now.

From the start he hadn't liked Tianlong Yun for his own reasons, so hearing and seeing the conflict between the two he felt like he didn't even need to make a move to kill Tianlong Yun.

Yet all of a sudden he had been brought into the discussion by Tianlong Yun, and made a target as well, as the people from the Yao Family started looking at him with questioning and scary looks.

"Little brother Tianlong Yun I am afraid I can't get into this mess as I represent the Tang Family, and that would be detrimental to the future!"

"Hhehe~! So you are just going to hand over your little brother like that!? I am truly surprised 'big brother'!"

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