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Chapter 108: Curse of Sanke (4)

Chapter 108: Curse of Sanke (4)

Walking away from the stall, Shinto quickly equipped the ring with a satisfied look. Soon after, he placed his necklace around his neck as he heard the voice from Rustly.

"You sure look satisfied with that purchase..." Rustly seemed to be tilting his head in slight confusion. "Was it really that worth it?"

"For a ring that gives this many good stuff, yes," Shinto nodded his head as he scrutinized the details of his newly obtained skills from the items.

[ Sticky Ground ] [ 175 MP ] [ Cooldown: 20 Minutes ]

The user creates a small field of slime within the area for 15 seconds. Enemies who step on the affected grounds will have their movement speed decreased by 20%. For those who you view as allies, their movement speed will instead be decreased by 10%.


[ Poison Cure ] [ 50 MP ] [ Cooldown: 2 Minutes ]

The user shoots out a small drip of slime onto an ally, curing them of the poison status. While doing so, the drip of slime nullifies the effects of [Sticky Ground] for the next 1 hour.


[ Poisonous Goo ] [ 80 MP ] [ Cooldown: 12 Minutes ]

The user shoots out a small poisonous gloo of slime within a small area (2m), inflicting poison on enemies with it that deals  750% magic damage over the next 7 seconds. Those who are inflicted with this specific poison will have the effects of [Sticky Ground] enhanced on them wherein, the slow effect is increased to 30%.


Looking at the skill description, Shinto couldn't help but feel as if he had won the lottery. For once; he found an item that was extremely good for himEspecially in the current situation where he had nothing to with his MP.

With the combination of the ring and his class skills, Shinto could easily go about a variety of combos. One of which was [ Sticky Ground ] and [ Shadow Fields ], the slow and blind effects could create for a much bigger threat against his foes.

Although his allies would be affected by sticky ground, he could easily nullify it by using [ Poison Cure ] and, if he wanted to, he could increase the slow effect by using [ Poisonous Goo ].

This was one of the many combos he could do.

'For the price of this item, it's stupidly cheap,' Shinto thought to himself as he stared at his ring. For 50,000 gold total, he had gotten two items. One of which was the Sticky Slime Ring whilst the other was Kon's requested itemSticky Play Ball.

[ Sticky Play Ball ]

Rarity: Rare

Stats: +15% Poison RES / +5 INT / +15 MP

*Magic Damage is increased by 15% when holding onto the sticky ball/or when the ball is attached to you.

A ball which seemed to be crafted skillfully by that of a slime. For the longest time, this ball as well as many items had been left here, collecting dust due to having no customers; however, this slime continued crafting items in hopes of one day a human would come and buy them just like back then.

Condition(s): Friendship with the 'Slera' Race must be at the minimum levels or higher, level 20 or higher.


On a comparative scale between a normal shop and the slime's, he had gotten a way too good to be true bargain. Unlike some other unnamed scam shop in which they sold normal items for an outrageously high price, Shinto had decisively bought it without thinking too much of it.

'Hmm... now that I think about it, why are the prices so stupidly cheap?' Shinto pondered. Even when he had bought the ball item for Kon, it was still within money's worth due to its effects of increasing resistance and magic damage. However, something felt off now that he had thought about it.

Would the game allow for such a good item to have such low equip requirements and obtainability? Even when it came to instance dungeons, prices of items sold at a hidden shop wouldn't be this cheap.

'Taking into account of the item description that the necklace and sticky play ball that was given...' he continued to think to himself. 'This slime was a craftsman that loves to create items specifically for humans...' Turning towards the title he had obtained, he saw that there weren't any abnormalities in it.

[ Slime Shopping (Area Title) ]

For buying an item in the [Sanke's Slime Village], all purchases in any stores will be -5% off from now on!

*There are 6 titles in total to obtain within the Sanke Catacomb. If you obtain them all, all of these titles will be transformed into one whole one.

'Besides the fact that I get -5% off from the next purchase and it being an area title... nothing's much off.'

An area title played a small part in many sorts of dungeons or towns in which, when the user obtains all titles within an area, said titles will become a full-fledge title that gives many effects, honour and reputation. From Shinto's knowledge, he couldn't see anything wrong with the title nor the item itself.

'Am I thinking much on this matter?' he tilted his head still in deep thought as he was quickly interrupted by a loud shout from behind him.


"...?" Turning around, he noticed Ethaniel and Frey were making their way over towards him. "What's up?"

"WHAT'S UP? You just left us there and you say what's up?!" Ethaniel glared.

"I did say you can do whatever you want..." Shinto helplessly sighed.

"Hah. Whatever. Was the audience successfully?"

"Not at all," he sighed. "We couldn't convince the guards to let us see the king."

"Thought so," Ethaniel scoffed. "Anyways, come with us, we found something interesting."

"Huh?" Shinto tilted his head in confusion. "Found what?"

"You know that rat-infested hallway right?!" Frey said in slight excitement. "There's a hallway that leads to that place!"

"Oh?" Shinto's eyes lit in curiosity. "So... We can go there while we wait for Raina."

"Exactly. So instead of loitering around, I say we just go there and level up," Ethaniel stated.

"E-Eh? What about the horde that chased us to the brim?" Kon muttered out.

"We'll just make sure not to go far," he shrugged. "Beats not being able to do anything here."

"Wait, wait... What are you all talking about?" Rustly questioned.

"They found a hallway that leads to the rats," Shinto said. "We're planning on going there right now."

"What? You mean the hallway to the Farchu race? Noo! Don't go there!" he cried out.

"Huh why?"

"Didn't I say they're ferocious?! You'll regret going there!"

"Well... we already experienced it first hand," Shinto shrugged. "-and as Ethaniel said, we won't go far."

"...seriously?" He stepped backwards dumbfoundedly.


Within an unknown place, a young girl sat in a room with rows of shelves containing books neatly pitted against each other, filling up space. Wherever her eyes went to, she would see the endless variety of books the place contained.

"..." Reading through some of the books on the ground, the girl let out a sigh. "Why is this spell so hard to learn?"

"Gloop! Gloop!" The slime by her side jumped up and down.

"...are you encouraging me or are you asking me to learn it faster?" she tilted her head.

"Gloop..." The slime seemed to be shaking its head. "Gloop!"

"I guess that's encouragement?" The girl closed the book in her hands as she continued to let out a tired sigh. "...the flames of Etheral... why did you even bring me here as if I'm worthy of it in the first place?"


"Just because I'm the only mage in the entire party?" she glared at the slime. "We have Shinto whose a mage... I guess? Well, he did say he was a priest at first..." she tilted her head. "But he is somewhat of a mage."


"You're too persistent in this," she shook her head helplessly. "Well, it's not like I have a choice in this matter anyways."


Ignoring the slime jumping up and down, the girlRaina, turned towards the many books within the room. Moments after, she stood up as she walked around the area, looking through them.

"Magic Arts with Ibram, Water Arts, Arts against Life..." Reading the titles of books as she passed by them, she stopped at her footsteps while pondering. "I don't think you slimes learn the arts of magic, so... why are there so many books of the theory of magic?"

"Gloop!" The slime answered.

"Wait... why am I even asking you this when I can't even understand you?" Raina muttered out. "I must be going crazy with the lack of interaction with people..." she helplessly sighed. "And it's only been like what... hours?"


"Sigh. Whoever used this room before must have been so keen on learning magic," Raina turned around as she made her way back towards her study area. "Could it be Sanke perhaps?"

"Gloop!" The slime quickly moved towards Raina's mouth as it covered it. "Gloop!!"

"Cough... Right, the king doesn't want me to mention his name," Raina let out a cough as she opened up the book with the title 'Flames that Burns Death' as she quickly flipped through the numerous pages, glimpsing through the content of the past pages that she had read.

After going to the current page that she had stopped at, she created a small puff in her cheeks, conveying her frustration. "Whatever... The only thing I can do is just continue learning the arts."

Nodding her head, she let out a sigh once again. "I sure hope nothing is happening with Ethan or the group; the slimes should be nice to them, right?"

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