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Chapter 107: Curse of Sanke (3)

Chapter 107: Curse of Sanke (3)

Heading out into the streets of the slime's retreat, Shinto steadily made his way on it whilst the slime in his hand struggled to free himself. Meanwhile, from behind them, Kon followed along.

"ARGHHH!! Human!! Let go of me!!" Rustly cried out.

"...jeez, Rustly... do you mind keeping it down?" Shinto helplessly sighed. "At this rate, you're just going to draw suspicion on us..."

"How am I supposed to keep it down when you're suddenly dragging me somewhere?!"

"Cough... " he coughed as he released his grip on the slime, finally freeing it. "I need you to take me to the king."

"But, did you really had to take hold of me like that?!" Rustly pouted.

"W-Well... For the better of being able to go out freely, I didn't want to waste time and just dragged you along with me without needing an explanation."

"...human! Couldn't you have said it nicely for me to come with you?!" he angrily said.

"Ahem. It'll probably take too long to explain," he replied as he walked up ahead. "And, it's Shinto for you."

"Shinto! What would take too long to explain?!"

"Sigh... You'll see when we get there," he sighed.

"Huh?" The slime began to frantically chase after Shinto.


Continuing to move through the streets, Shinto as well as the slime and fox reached towards a large stone structure that resembled that of a castle. Upon a glance at it, the architecture was mostly the same as the previous buildings. The only difference was that it was much bigger and there seemed to be guards guarding by the front gate.

"We're here!" Rustly said still in anger. "So what is it that you want to explain?"

Looking at the sight whilst listening in on Rustly, Shinto nodded his head. In the next moment, he moved his hand over towards his necklace as he quickly took it off.

"Gloop, Gloop?!" Seeing Shinto's action before his eyes, the slime jumped back in shock.

"I've got no idea what you're talking about right now but..." Shinto calmly explained whilst making his way over towards the guards. "Having the necklace in front of the guards would be an instant arrest, wouldn't it?"

"Gloop, Gloop!" The slime jumped up and down in confusion.

"You're here because you'll be speaking for me to get an audience with the king," he said. "It's just as simple as that."

"Gloop..." The slime seemed to be frowning as he leapt forward.

"Wait... Master?" Kon called out to Shinto. "I'm confused... Why didn't you take the necklace out when we were going outside of the building?"

"That's not needed," he stated. "My cloak blends well with the necklace, so unless the passerby slimes actually stood in front of me, they wouldn't be able to see it."

Kon's concerns were warranted. If Shinto didn't want to draw any suspicion, especially in order to not have another case like Madam Ru's, he would have taken off the necklace. However, he did not do so. This was due to the colour of his cloak and the necklace being nearly identical to one another, and thus, if people weren't observant, it would be as if it could not be seen to the naked eye.

"Gloop! Gloop!" Rustly called out to Shinto as if impatient.

"Yeah, yeah, coming," Nodding his head, Shinto swiftly moved forward as he stood in front of the guards.

"Gloop?" At the sight of Shinto, the guards quickly entered into a defensive position. "Gloop, Gloop!" 

"Gloop!" Rustly calmed the guards down. "Gloop, Gloop."

"Gloop." The guards firmly stood.



"...uh, what the heck is going on now?" Kon whispered to Shinto.

"It seems they're having an argument," Shinto sighed. "And from the looks of it... It seems we might not have a chance to meet with the king."

"Really? If we can't meet with him... what then?"

"If it fails, then it's best we just continue exploring the town," he helplessly said.

Shinto had hoped that if he could have successfully gotten an audience with the king, he could directly show to him that he wasn't affected by the curse; thus allowing him to aid Raina. However, that was a lost cause.

He had thoughts of showing his ability to wear the necklace to slimes around which could cause a commotion. But, if he did so, he would suffer a great deal of problems such as having to deal with the slime's fear of the curse. Not only that, his chances of meeting with the king would go to the all-time lowest due to the notion of 'Two-faced' being in effect.

Although Shinto could prove himself by removing the necklace, it would still take a large amount of effort to be able to convince the slime. Thus; it was best to just show it in front of the king rather than doing anything else.

"Gloop!" Rustly bounced up and down, however in reply to that, the guards shoved him away.

"Gloop, gloop."

"..." The slime angrily leapt away.

"I guess that's a fail," Shinto sighed as he followed after Rustly.


On the streets, Shinto discreetly wore his necklace as he walked up to Rustly who had been complaining this entire time.

"Arghh! Did those guards have to push me?!" Rustly complained. "I asked nicely and this is what I get?!"

"Aha... Did they give a reason?" Shinto asked.

"Oh, they did! The king is busy. Leave," he repeated. "And then he proceeded to shove me!"

"Sigh... Well, that was a fail," he shook his head helplessly.

"You think?!"

"Cough..." Shinto let out a cough as he quickly turned away from the slime, swiftly glancing around the area. As he did so, his eyes spotted a few slimes roaming around the streets, however, by the distance, his eyes narrowed to see a street stall of some sort. "...huh?"

"Eh? What caught your interest, master?" Kon asked.

"A shop... over there?" Shinto tilted his head in confusion, as he curiously walked up to it. Shinto didn't forget to take off the necklace as he'd be facing the vendor directly.

"Gloop, Gloop!" The vendor seemed to be quite welcoming.

"Gloop?" Rustly confusingly stared dumbfoundedly at Shinto who had made his way over towards the stall.

" are you going to communicate without the necklace?" Kon questioned.

"There are numerical numbers priced below the times," Shinto scrutinized the stall as he spotted weapons of many sorts. Slime spear, slime sword, slime gloves, slime boots and the like. However, the one that caught his attention the most was a 'Ring' by the side of the catalogue.

[ Sticky Slime Ring ]

Rarity: Epic

Stats: +10% Poison RES / +15 INT / +4 STA

*The skill 'Sticky Ground' is generated.

*The skill 'Poison Cure' is generated.

*The skill 'Poisonous Goo' is generated.

A ring which seemed to be crafted skillfully by that of a slime. For the longest time, this ring as well as many items had been left here, collecting dust due to having no customers; however, this slime continued crafting items in hopes of one day a human would come and buy them just like back then.

Condition(s): Friendship with the 'Slera' Race must be at the minimum levels or higher, level 20 or higher.

At the sight of the item, Shinto stared in awe. "...this is?"

"Gloop!" The slime seemed extremely delighted at Shinto's awestruck look.

"...hey, master! What if this was a scam item and the price was something entirely different?" Kon whispered to Shinto. "It's 35,000 pared to some other scam stall, with the stats of this ring and its skills," Shinto muttered out. "I say it's more than reasonable... If not, stupidly cheap."

"Are you sure??" Kon blinked at Shinto's decisive decision.

"Yes, I'm sure," he nodded his head. "And if there's anything wrong, this guy would stop me right?"

"Gloop." Rustly humped.

"Gloop, gloop!" The vendor happily bounced in joy as he jiggled. "Gloop, Gloop!"

"...and by the reaction of this guy," Shinto said. "I doubt he'd try and scam me."

"Hmm... alright then," Kon said as his eyes peeked onto a small slime ball. "If it's not a scam... can I have this?!"

"Well, I guess it doesn't hurt," Shinto shrugged as he picked up the ring and ball. Moments later, he proceeded to buy it.

[ You have bought two items from Jasrick's Creation Stall! ]

[ Jasrick is extremely delighted. ]

[ You have earned the area title of 'Slime Shopping' ]

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