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Chapter 104: Slime's Den (3)

Chapter 104: Slime's Den (3)

As the light continued to brightly shine within the room, Shinto as well as the group was taken aback by the sudden phenomena. After a while, the light quietly settled down as the book revealed itself to a hollow page, where a necklace was seen strapped onto it.

"...what the?" Shinto blinked at the sight of the strange item on the book. In the next moment, he began to scrutinize its details.

[ Cursed Necklace of the Gloop ]

Rarity: Rare (Curse Item)

Stats: Poison RES +35% [] / MP +20 []

*The passive 'Gloop Understanding Proficiency' is generated.

*The passive 'Let's be Friends, Gloop!' is generated.

*The passive 'Sanke's Curse' is generated.

*Curse of 'Affixment' is on this item.

A necklace that seemed to be made from the goo of the king slime. Once cherished as a national treasure, now abandoned. A mistake had been made for it is now a sin to wear this item.

Condition(s): Only when you receive permission from a slime will you be eligible to wear this item.


"...?" Reading through the item's description, Shinto's lit in curiosity as he noticed the words 'cursed' on it. "...this is?"

"Gloop!" The slime bounced up and down as if insisting for Shinto to wear it.

"Eh?! Are you crazy?!" Frey cried out. "This is a cursed item! Wait... what does a cursed item do?" 

"What's the definition of cursed?" Ethaniel grumbled at Frey as he soon shook his head. "Bah. Anyways, why the heck did this slime give this item?"

"Gloop! Gloop!" The group could hear the cries from the slime at the counter, as if worried.

"Gloop, gloop!" The slime in front of the group seemed to be reassuring it.

"...a cursed item," Shinto deeply thought to himself. "Its stats are degraded due to it, but what about the abilities?"


[ Gloop Understanding Proficiency Lv 2 () ]

Allows one to understand the normal speech of the 'gloop' language from slimes. When reading certain words from their language, however, one might have trouble reading it.

*This passive can be upgraded as if you have unlocked this passive yourself.

*As this item is cursed, you are unable to reach the max level.


[ Let's be Friends, Gloop! Lv 2 () ] 

Normal to intermediate slimes within the area would slightly be kind to you. if provoked, they will attack you and you will lose experience points.

*This passive can be upgraded as if you have unlocked this passive yourself.

*As this item is cursed, you are unable to reach the max level and its penalty effects is twice.


[ Sanke's Curse Lv MAX ]

The curse of Sanke prevails this item. All its stats have been lowered and whoever dons the item; will receive the effects of [Sanke's Curse]: Damage is decreased by 15%, Damage Taken is increased by 30%, Fear RES is decreased by 500%, Sanke's Mind Control is Susceptible.

*As this is a max level curse, only high levelled purification magic can cleanse this curse.


"..." Confirming the details of the passive, Shinto nodded his head as he began to wear the item.

"Wait, are you planning on wearing the item?" Frey tilted her head.

"Eh? But master, it's cursed!"

Ignoring the concerns of the two, the necklace was placed on his neck.

"...!!!" The slime at the counter jumped back in shock. "Gloop?!"

"Gloop, gloop!" The small slime leapt towards the slime as if it was calming it down.

[ You have equipped the 'Cursed Necklace of Gloop' ]

[ The Curse of Sanke is in effect! ]

The moment Shinto wore the necklace on his neck, he felt sudden darkness peeking at him from afar.

[ Sanke's eyes peek on you. ]

[ He laughs maniacally. ]

"...!" Soon after, the darkness enshrouded his eyes as he heard a burst of manic laughter ringing within his ears. Then, he heard a creepy odd voice.

"Interesting! Interesting! Someone has dared to use such item?" The laughter continued. "You shall now be my paw-"

[ You have resisted. ]

Receiving the last notification, Shinto's vision quickly returned to normal as he warily glanced around the area with a slight heavy breath. "...Sanke." He muttered out as he turned to the direction of where he had felt the eyes of darkness on him.

"Master! Are you okay!?" Kon worryingly shouted out.

However, since he had resisted, he couldn't sense the eyes any longer. "...cough, yeah, I'm fine." Shaking his head away from the thought, he quickly turned towards the two slimes that were conversing with one another.

[ 'Gloop Understanding Proficiency' is now in effect. ]

"Gloop... Gloop... It's fine, It's fine! Look!" Soon after Shinto had worn the necklace, his ears tickled with unfamiliar voices. One was that of a kid, while the other was that of what seemed to be an old lady.

"But... Sanke's curse doesn't take into effect immediately..."

"I know it doesn't! But, I don't sense any aura of the curse on him! It's just like how I didn't sense any effects of the king's skill on him!"

"...just what is this all about?" Shinto walked up towards the two slimes as he questioned.

"EEEK!!" The slime at the counter hid behind a bookshelf. "Stay away! I don't want the effects of the curse on me!"

"Ah...! Human! You can understand us right?!" The small slime said excitedly.

"...yes, I can," Shinto calmly nodded his head. "Though it's a little deafening for me right now, I can understand sort of pick up what you two are saying just fine."

"Yipee! It works!" The slime jumped for joy. "See? He's not cursed!"

"I don't trust it... tell him to prove himself!" The slime who was hiding shouted out.

"Huh? Prove myself?" he tilted his head.

"If you're not cursed, remove the item from your neck!"

"...the necklace?" In reply to the slime, Shinto took off the necklace easily.


"Gloop, gloop!"

"The heck are they saying?" Ethaniel raised his brow as he turned to Shinto. "Oi Zayden, care to translate?"

"That slime that's hiding behind the bookshelf is worrying over the curse on this item," he stated. "With the way this item works... I can see why they're worried."

"What? What's the curse on this item exactly?"

Without saying anything, Shinto shared the details of the item with the group. Soon after, he wore the necklace once again on his neck.

"So, is this proof enough?" Shinto stated.

"...fine, I'll believe you for now. If you go crazy like those rats, I'll definitely report you to the king!" The old lady slime replied.

"That won't happen," he reassured. "In any case, with that out of the way; You two have got some answering to do."

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