Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 130: One Year Three Months and Fifteen Days

Chapter 130: One Year Three Months and Fifteen Days

Winterless City

Lin Xiaos home

In order to not allow Elena to explode in the middle of the streets, Lin Xiao carried her home with great difficulty.

After entering his house, Lin Xiao was annoyed to the point of not even locking his front door. He roughly tossed her onto the sofa, then started scolding her.

Elena, Im a civil person, I dont scold or curse a lot, right? But you really damn pissed me off today!

Lin Xiao was flushed with anger, he grasped the demon king hp potion and threw it on the ground, the transparent small glass bottle was shattered and the fragments almost hit Elena.

I thought you were a cat, since youre a red-eyed black cat but now I realized youre a dog, since only dogs bite people!

Lin Xiao gestured with his hand that still had Elenas bite marks on it.

And biting me once was fine since everyone has times when they lose their cool, and youre my maid, and thats something I should endure as the master, so I wont argue about that but now? I realized I was wrong, youre not a dog. if you were a dog, after I fed you well for so long, you should at least have some feelings for me, right? But what about you? Youre just a stinking cat that cant be raised!

As Lin Xiao spoke, he tilted his head and stretched his neck, revealing multiple bloody wounds to show Elena.

I prevented you from going to die, and you scratch me. How about that for kicking a benefactor in the teeth!

On their way back, as Lin Xiao carried her, naturally Elena wouldnt let him do as he pleased so during her struggling she used her fingernails to create some bloody scratches on his nape. Although the wounds werent serious, they did look terrifying like he was scratched by a rabid cat.

To hell, are your hands even hands? It seems like claws to me! I swear Im going to buy an extra large fingernail clipper tomorrow and cut all of them off one by one!

Lin Xiao brought out his innate gift, taking the moral high ground, and frantically verbally attacking Elena. Elena was also originally angry and prepared to quarrel with Lin Xiao, but after seeing him like that, she calmed down a bit and thought about her own actions and did indeed feel like she shouldnt have gone that far.

First, she shouldnt have been so impulsive.

Forget Snow speaking on stage, even if she was standing right in front of her, she shouldnt be trying to kill her. Although Elona became her servant for some reason, she still looked safe so she still didnt know whether Snow was friend or foe. For now, Snow wasnt someone she had to kill with her life.

Second, although she doesnt want to admit it, but Lin Xiao did stop her because he doesnt want her to die, at least he didnt lie about that.

But what about it? even if he didnt want her to die, did that have anything to do with forcefully kissing her?

You damn pervert dont try to trick me! What about you forcefully kissing m-m-m-me earlier how do you explain that?

Hah? Of course that was to save you, if I didnt do that, you would already be a dead cat!

Bullshit! Then why did you have to use your t-t-tongue, do you not have hands?

I do, but wont you just bite me again?

If you dont bully me, why would I bite you?

What kind of logic is that, you damn stinking cat?

But honestly speaking, did he forcefully kiss her purely out of concern?

At the start perhaps, but afterwards it felt like it wasnt that simple.

He gave his first kiss accidentally to Elena before, and now he also gave his first actual kiss to Elena, it would be a lie to say that he wasnt moved.

Not only that, it felt kind of addicting, now when he sees her lips, he has an impuslive desire to do it once more

Tsk, save your excuses!

Elena noticed him staring at her lips all this time, understanding what he was thinking about, she couldnt help but blush and quickly changed the subject.

So, what is it this time? Did you fall in love at first sight with that damn blindy? Thats right, a Saintess makes people have more fantasies than a princess, furthermore, shes a underage loli you damn perverted human scum.

Love at first sight? What are you talking about, I know her from way back. Lin Xiao hesitated a bit and seriously retorted.

Oh, is that so?

Hearing his answer, an indescribable sense of relief flashed by her mind, but she quickly became alert, turned her head and pretended to casually yet stiffly ask:

So, whats your relationship with her?

Well I guess were considered brother and sister.

You guess youre considered siblings what does that mean? Is there that kind of way of speaking about siblings? Elena squinted, You said you were prepared to die for her, that doesnt seem like something human scum would do.

Hey, dont take the chance to insult me.

Tsk so why is my niece your sisters servant?

I dont know but Snow wouldnt harm her, Im sure of that.

What happened today was too strange, even he was baffled.

How did Snow get promoted so quickly, becoming a Saintess in just one year, and even get a terrible nickname of Snow Witch?

Why did Snow make Elona her servant, and why did she transfer to Winterless City?

Did she come to find him? Probably not.

Lin Xiao was confused.

Actually he was still brooding about when she left one year ago.

Although he knew she was always at Sheryl City, he never once went to look for her.

Wasnt she just a sister, she can leave if she wants to, what about it?

Lin Xiao was still dwelling on when she left him, that brat didnt even bid him farewell, she just left, quietly and efficiently, leaving him alone in that empty house, like she wanted to draw a clear line between her and his decadent lifestyle forever.

Why did she come now?

Sigh what is that damn brat trying to do? Lin Xiao causally complained, but he unexpectedly got a response.

That voice wasnt Elena, it came from behind him, an incomparably familiar sweet voice.

Calling me a damn brat brother Lin Xiao, you really are heartless.


He abruptly turned around and saw two girls standing at his front door, one tall one short. The short girl had her eyes closed and was currently smiling and looking at him.

The first thing that entered his view was her long blue hair, that pure and holy little girl was standing at the door, her left hand was held by her obedient servant, like she was a young miss of a wealthy family, or like an angel that fell from the sky, graceful and enchanting.

How long has it been since Lin Xiao last saw this beautiful little girl?


He stood at his spot, gently calling her name like it was a dream. His usual frivolousness disappeared without a trace.

L-long time no see.

Earlier he was still shwoing contempy, but after really seeing her, he had no way of relaxing.

Yes, it really has been a while strictly speaking, its been one year three months and fifteen days, brother. Snow smiled like she was saying something extremly normal.

Hearing that number, Lin Xiaos heart trembled.

Snow, I

Hehe, if you want to apologize, then save it, if you want to lecture me, then I dont want to listen so brother, other than that, do you have anything else you want to say?

If felt like their daily life as siblings came back, just like before, Lin Xiao could never outspeak her.

And so, the two could only remain silent.

Seeing this, waves stormed inside Elena.

Whats with this situation? Why was their relationship so ambiguous?

One year three months and fifteen days, she even remember exactly when she parted with Lin Xiao.

Touched? No, Elena felt chills, those two were definitely not normal siblings!

Elena! Elena!

Elena suddenly heard someone quietly calling her. It turns out that the obedient servant next to Snow was waving her hands, trying to get her attention.

Nana. Elena also gently called her name.

Elona nodded and revealed a happy smile, it looked like she wanted to come closer, but before she even took a step, she trembled like she touched a rule she couldnt go against, and could only continue standing there.

Sorry Elena she apologized wordlessly, and pointed to her necklace, suggesting that it was some powerful magic tool.

Seeing that, Elena understood that she was being controlled and could only continue being a servant and wait for an opportuntiy.

Brother, do you just plan on staring at me? Although Im very beautiful, even if you keep staring at me, I cant open my eyes in response since I cant see. Snow used a cold joke to break the silence.

Uh can it not even be cured with a divine prayer? Arent you already a Saintess?

Nope, I probabl wont be able to see anything for the rest of my life. Rather than me brother, how have you been recently?


Whats okay? You should be very happy with a maid looking after you.

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