Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 111: Checkmated Vixen

Chapter 111: Checkmated Vixen

Was Shen DaiYing a coldblooded killer, a heartless assassin? No, right now those are still conjectures, this matter still has not been concluded yet.

But taking a step back, even if Shen DaiYing was a killer, Lin Xiao didnt care.

As a transmigrator, his previous life was even more two-faced, hoenstly speaking, he had no sympathy for others.

As long as he or the people he loved didnt die, he didnt really care. It was hard enough caring for himself, why did he have to care about others?

This was Lin Xiaos life philosophy. Was his views suitable? Just?


A couple of years ago, there was a little girl called Snow that severely criticized his negative life view.

Brother Lin Xiao, do you actually believe that youre separated from this world? How can you maintain the light when the world becomes so muddy? But no matter if that is your dream, Im willing to accompany you.

At that time, Lin Xiao didnt understand Snows meaning, and after that he didnt have the chance to understand the meaning of those words.

Snow left him after that and joined the Holy Light Church, and he was occupied with Loran Academys entrance examinations, and so the two parted ways.

Afterwards, Lin Xiao mixed into Loran Academy and passed his days as a degenerate, until that day

That day, he met Elena, and his life slid on to an entirely different track.

Ahh. thinking about it is too troublesome, its much more comfortable being a good for nothing. During class, Lin Xiao languidly yawned.

What princess, what killer, what conspiracy, none of them had anything to do with him. Everything will all work out in the end, there was no point worrying.

Now, he just had to think about how to deal with the next fight and what to eat for dinner

What should I eat for dinner? Sigh, its been so long yet Elenas cooking hasnt improved at all. Lin Xiao let out a deep sigh.

Speaking of Elena, ever since obtaining the magic crystal and regaining her freedom, she was never willing to follow Lin Xiao to school anymore. She would rather wander aimlessly in the city than be Lin Xiaos obedient maid.

Although it was like that on the surface, Elena still obediently did her job as a maid. Shopping and cooking for her master, cleaning the house, for that Lin Xiao was extremely satisfied.

So early in the morning, he reassuringly gave his magic crystal to Elena and allowed her to go wherever she wanted.

But why did Sister Ying request leave today Where did she go?

Sprawled over his desk, Lin Xiao gradually fell fast asleep.

Winterless City

Lin Xiao was sleeping at Loran Academy Oh, no, attending class, and Elena was carrying a basket and wearing her plain dress and walking outside.

Was she going grocery shopping? No, of course not.

What kind of joke is that? How could the Demon King follow along with that perverts wishes every time by shopping and cooking for him! She had more important things to do, like finding information about Elona.

Its already been so long, but there still hasnt been any news about Elona, Elena was extremely worried. Today, she took the risk and came to Winterless Citys Holy Light Church to find some clues.

If Elona was caught or killed, the Holy Light Church would post an announcement. Of course, she hoped there werent any, then that proved Elona was still safe.

But as she got near the church, her heart dropped. A group of people surrounded an announcement posted to the churchs main door and were discussing like something big happened.

Elena worriedly got closer and heard two people quietly talking about something.

I cant believe her holiness is really coming, were blessed now! I heard that shes the youngest Saintess for the past couple hundred years, and shes also a cute little girl, haha!

Hmph, a cute little girl? Dont speak too early, I heard that her reputation wasnt too good

Elena was too far away, so she could not see what was written on the announcement, she could only learn about the news from what she heard from their discussions. There was a Saintess from Sheryl City that was going to be transferred to Winterless City, and the ceremony would be conducted one week later at the plaza in front of the main entrance of the Holy Light Church. At that time, Archbishop Anderson, will also attend as the last step of officially transferring.

Archbishop Anderson, he was very famous, Elena remembers him as the Demon King.

Ten or so years ago, Elenas tribe members often crossed paths with him. He was an extremely devout believer, to a fanatical degree. His dream was to kill all demons, and he was promoted all the way to the archbishop of Winterless City due to his exceptional performance.

When passing by the church as she was shopping a couple of days ago, numerous believers escorted Anderson onto a carriage, Elena finally was able to see his appearance firsthand. They all say that power corrupts, Anderson was a prime example, whether it was his obese body or robust appearance, neither left a good feeling.

Grasping Winterless Citys diocese in his hand, naturally, there was endless profit. No matter how devout he was, he could not defeat the enticement of gourmet food and alcohol.

However, it might not be so easy for Anderson from now on, the Saintess is soon transferring, and he might need to hold back from wantonly plundering.

The Saintess from Sheryl City wait Sheryl City.

Elena suddenly remembered that Elona took a half of a gold coin to find a girl called Snow in Sheryl City by Lin Xiaos suggestion.

And that Saintess is also from Sheryl City! Whats going on? Are these two things related?

Elena wanted to get a good look, but there were too many people standing and looking, and she couldnt squeeze in as a weak girl, she was also worried about being taken advantage of, so she could only continue to listen to their gossip.

Hey, you just said that she didnt have a good reputation what do you mean?

You dont know yet, right? Hehe, a couple of days ago I had a friend who went to Sheryl City and drank with a believer, that guy drank way too much and revealed everything! He said that this Saintess had a taboo nickname, and anyone who dared raise this nickname in front of her has all been killed!

Taboo nickname? W-what is it?

Snow Witch!

Witch? Hey, youre kidding, right? How could a Saintess have that kind of nickname? A witch or whatever thats blasphemous to the Goddess! The onlookers shook their head, expressing their disbelief.

Haha, then just take it as a joke.

Everyone took it as idle chat, but Elena was fearful.

Snow Witch?

Wasnt that the one who was chasing Elona in West Wind Town! And now she was about to be transferred to Winterless City, was it a coincidence? Or was there another reason?

Although at that time Lin Xiao patted his chest and insisted that Snow and Snow Witch were two different people, Elena was still worried.

If Snow was the Snow Witch, then what Elona did amounted to entering the tigers den! Elonas life would be in danger if she fell into the hands of that despicable witch!

What was it?

The notice! The Saintess name must be written on their!

Thinking that, Elena held her breath and squeezed her way into the crowd, she had to clearly see the contents of the notice!

Move please move! move! Elena grumbled while squeezing inside, but before she way even able to open up a sliver, she noticed someone walk behind her.


Her instincts as a demon made her instantly on guard, she immediately turned around and found the dangerous person within the crowd at a glance.

That person was wearing plain brown clothes with a hood, perfectly blended into the crowd, but it still couldnt escape form Elenas eyes!

The other person was tall and slender, the long black hair coming out from the sides of the hood showed that it was a female long black hair?

Looking at her figure from the back, Elena felt like it looked familiar. There werent many humans that made her feel danger, and it was also a female with long black hair

Elena could already guess the identity of the other person.

She could look at the notice later, but there was only one chance for this. Elena quickened her pace, ran to the other side and pretended to pass by, she causally turned and finally saw the side of her face.

Shen DaiYing?

As expected, it was her!

After confirming her identity, Elena was even more curious.

It was like she was a different person today, her red high-heels was now ordinary black, she didnt wear sexy silk stockings, her snow white legs were faintly discernible under the loose clothing, her two swords were hidden and her aura completely concealed.

The change to her clothing was secondary, more importantly the air about her!

Usually, Shen DaiYings black eyes were always half opened like she was still sleeping, but today, her eyes were wide open, and was lifeless, it didnt have the charm of a vixen, more like someone at deaths door.

Whats with her?

Remembering what Rosie said to Lin Xiao yesterday, Elena finally had a guess, could it be that Shen DaiYing was really a killer and shes now preparing to go kill someone?

If that was the case, Elena should continue to follow her and should quickly leave! Although thats the case, but Elena couldnt help but start moving.

Shen DaiYing was too strange, she couldnt help but want to get to the bottom of it.

Magic Detection Radar in full swing!

Concentrating her sensing ability, Elena could barely sense a trace of Shen DaiYings aura, and this she quickly followed behind.

Shen DaiYing was very caution, in order to not be followed she took many detours, but because of that faint aura, Elena didnt get lost, and continued at the perfect distance behind her.

Leaving the city?

After a while, Elena realized that Shen DaiYing was planning to leave the city.

Strange, the two previous assassinations were both in Winterless City, but now shes leaving Is there someone important out there?

She was confused.

Lets go take a look damn, I dont think I can make it. Elena prudently checked the magic crystal Lin Xiao gave her, only to discover that there wasnt much left!

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