Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 110: The Illusion Known As Shen DaiYing

Chapter 110: The Illusion Known As Shen DaiYing

Lin Xiao, did you know? Actually Shen DaiYing isnt a normal princess! Rosie said very earnestly.

Of course I know that shes not normal, shes an extremely beautiful princess. Lin Xiao replied very seriously.

Eh not that you idiot! Rosie felt unwell and really wanted to give him a good punch, I meant that theres a problem with her identity! Did you notice the two swords by her side?

One long, one short, two beautiful tachis?

Right! Rosie suddenly lowered her voice, and secretively said, Did you notice that she only uses the long one and never the short one!

Short one?

Hearing Rosie say that, Lin Xiao recalled that during the competition, Shen DaiYing only used the long sword Snow and never the short one, Soul Slayer.

I thought it was strange, so I got Afu and my brothers to check it out. What do you think I found?

Rosies brothers were all-powerful, and since they doted Rosie so much, there was nothing that they couldnt do as long as Rosie asked! As for the money thats spent the Childe family fortune could rival a country, so money was worthless to them, nothing was worth more than Rosies smile.

Lin Xiao, you dont know yet, right Shen DaiYing doesnt train in battle aura, but a secret Eastern technique, called Moonlight Soul Flower, the Easterns number one assassination technique! Rosie quietly revealed that unknown secret.

What, assassination technique?

There was no record of Moonlight Soul Flower in any of the libraries in Lombard Kingdom. Even Loran Academys ancient text area didnt have any, Lin Xiao had no recollection of it.

According to Rosie, it took a lot of effort for them to find it, it turns out that Moonlight Soul Flower was the technique that belonged to the royalty of the Great Zhou Empire, but after its collapse, it was lost and now only the people from Shen Dai house know of the technique, and Shen DaiYing was one of them.

Rosie wouldnt make up something that significant, also, if Shen DaiYing was actually training in assassination techniques, then everything before would make complete sense!

It explains her ridiculous speed and concealment, even Elenas magic detection radar cant accurately sense her aura, that was probably why.

Shen DaiYing was probably used to conceal herself from practicing assassination Although normal people cant sense it, Elena can detect her concealment.

But, so what if she knows assassination techniques?

You idiot! It seems like youve turned stupid from being bewitched by that vixen! Have you not seen the recent news?

News? Lin Xiao thought about the notable headlines he read a couple of days ago, There was indeed a headline related to assassinations a few days ago Are you suspecting its her? Stop joking!

Joking? Rosie coldly scoffed, Lin Xiao, you probably havent seen yesterdays newspaper yet, right? The headline was,Mysterious Killer Reemerges, Kingdoms Deputy Minister of Finance Decapitated

What? Someone died again?

Thats right, also the crime was committed in a similar way. David, like Jackson who died before, both had two mortal wounds. A stab to the heart and a cut to the neck but because David struggled too much, he was completely decapitated and the ground covered in blood.

A mysterious assassination, two mortal wounds, the heart and the neck so, the killer was the same person?

Hmph, thats right. Lin Xiao, let me tell you something else. Rosie squinted, and finally told him the crucial piece of information, David was murdered two days ago before dawn, and the night before that, Ceasar originally made plan to practice with Shen DaiYing, but she said she had something to do and shirked out of it! Then when dawn broke, one of my servants saw her on the street and noticed that she had blood stains on the short sword that she never uses! Is that a coincidence?

Bloodstains? So youre saying that Shen DaiYing used that short sword to kill David? Lin Xiaos voice was slightly trembling.

Exactly! Rosie confidently exclaimed.

Uh isnt your hypothesis too trivial? Conjectures cant be used as evidence!

Lin Xiao couldnt accept those kind of accusations, like Shen DaiYing was actually a killer, how could that be possible? That gentle princess was a killer? He wont believe it even if you beat him to death!

Furthermore, they had no evidence at all, coming to a conclusion with just Rosies assumptions is just too rash!

Evidence? What would I need you for if I had evidence? Rosie rolled her eyes at him, Lin Xiao, your task is to help me find evidence and expose her identity as a killer! If we can prove that shes a killer, then as a princess she would have to be repatriated. As such, her engagement with Caesar would be annulled! Theres no way the king would allow his son to take a killer as a wife!

Looking at Rosies confident expression, Lin Xiao fell silent.

Rosie was right, if Shen DaiYing was really the killer, then exposing her identity would undoubtedly be the quickest way to annul the engagement.

However, was she really a murderer?

Taking a couple of steps back, even if she really was a murderer, can Lin Xiao reveal the bloody truth?

Hehe, whats wrong, getting soft? Or you lost that love for her? Noticing Lin Xiao sway, Rosie mercilessly ridiculed him, Who knew that the woman you loved was actaully a cold-blooded killer, her hands stained with the fresh blood of many innocents. Lin Xiao, so much for your love for Shen DaiYing.

Shut it! Rosie, what about you?

How could anyone calmly face something like this?

Me? Are you asking about Caesar? Rosie stopped, then quickly felt provocation from Lin Xiaos eyes, and calmly responded, Lin Xiao, Im different from you, I wont hold back for Caesar! Even if he was a killer, I would still like him! No, let alone killer

Rosie suddenly smiled when she got up to that point, how cute and enchanting was that smile, her delicate features made her look like a beautiful doll, but there was a disconnect with the words coming out of her mouth.

Even if Caesar said that he wanted to overthrow Lombard Kingdom and revolt to become King, then I would do it with him! Lin Xiao, do you have that resolve?

Revolting with him, after hearing that, Lin Xiao opened his mouth foolishly, not knowing what to say.

On the side, Elena who was silent for the whole time, shook her head. Looked at Rosies cute smile and sighed.

Elena didnt know whether Shen DaiYing was a murderer or not, but she can conclude that the beautiful princess didnt come down to Winterless City just to get married to Caesar.

Slender long legs, strange high-heels, a mysterious assassination technique, a never used bloodstained short sword, her appearance was that of a gentle princess bewitching princess, but she was hiding a lot of secrets.

If one day, Shen DaiYing was actually exposed, her beautiful exterior being stripped clean, and it was revealed that she was a sinister and cunning vixen that played with men, at that time, can Lin Xiao still calmly accept it?

Did he actually like Shen DaiYing or the gorgeous illusion of the one called Shen DaiYing?

Originally, Elena thought that she would be delighted at his misery, and felt happy that Lin Xiao was reaping what he sow, yet she couldnt smile.

Looking at Lin Xiaos depressed face, Elena felt disgusted, she wanted to go up there and give him a good beating to show himself how foolish he is.

Inexplicably liking a coldblooded princess, what a joke.

I can only say that much, Lin Xiao, its up to you for what to do next. Rosie shook her head and couldnt be bothered to continue looking at his disheartened expression and prepared to leave.

Before walking out of the door, she asked without turning around.

Lin Xiao, whos your next opponent?

Next opponent?

Lin Xiao recalled the groupings.

Sam forfeit, so he successfully advanced to the top four. And Rosie lost to Shen DaiYing, and was eliminated. Within the top eight, Lin Xiao was in the same bracket as Rosie, so his next opponent is

Shen DaiYing. He replied.

I need your help with the operation, I hope I dont lose you as an ally.

After walking out of the room, Rosies voice was like heavens voice.

Lin Xiao, if Shen DaiYing and Caesar meet in the finals, Im sure you know best what that implies.

If Shen DaiYing and Caesar got in the top two, then the two of them would head towards a foreign land together to participate in the Academy Tournament, at that time, Lin Xiao and Rosie can only continue to curl up as losers at Loran Academy, blessing the newly weds for happiness!

That can never happen!

So, Lin Xiao you better not lose!

Next day

Loran Academy

Magic department

Like usual, teacher Woos came to class carrying his thick book under his arms.

Cough that princess Shen DaiYing requested a sick leave today however, the next round of competition can still advance as usual. Standing on stage, teacher Woos looked towards Lin Xiao and said, Lin Xiao, your next opponent is Shen DaiYing, shes very powerful, you have to do your best.

O-oh okay teacher. Lin Xiao, who was sitting at the back of the class responded, but wasnt paying atention at all.

Shen DaiYing took a sick leave?

Why did she do that?

If it was before, Lin Xiao would be worried whether Shen DaiYing came down with a serious illness or not, but now, his guesses were completely different.

Did Shen DaiYing request a sick leave because she had a new assassination target?

Thinking about that, Lin Xiao subconsciously turned his head, it just so happened that Rosie, who was sitting on the other side of the classroom also turned her head to look at him.

Their eyes met, and he saw Rosies meaningful smile.

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