Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 109: Stop the Wicked Engagement and Rescue My Lover Plan

Chapter 109: Stop the Wicked Engagement and Rescue My Lover Plan

It was like Elena was clutching onto the last straw and quickly yelled, but Lin Xiao did not budge and continued his attack.

Hmph, theres no one there! Dont try to trick me! I wont fall for it, now obediently pay up with your body Elena!

Hey, theres really someone there! You childish pervert, stop messing around! Elena told him off.

Messing around? Whos doing that, Im serious!

Although he said that, Lin Xiao quickly realized that Elena wasnt lying, so he decisively stopped moving his hands and looked towards the door.

There was indeed someone hiding near the entrance hall, a small pink head was sticking out, it was extremely cute.

Eh a rat came?

I-Im not a rat a familiar female voice came from the door.

The other person realized she was discovered, so she did not hide anymore and walked out.

Um I-I wasnt peeping on purpose!

Rosie weakly said with a flushed face.

Your door wasnt locked, I thought there was a robber, so I came in to take a look, who knew that you two would be wuu As she said that, she snuck a glance at Elena.

Presently, the disheveled Elena was lying on the floor with Lin Xiao, as if they were engaging in some intense wrestling, it made Rosie blush all the way to the tip of her ears!

What are they doing!? I-isnt this too erotic, its unbearable to look at!

She never would have though, Elena who was so cold usually, would come home and play with Lin Xiao so happily

Rosie quickly turned her head away and covered her eyes. But she couldnt help take a couple more glances, Elenas exaggerated bosom was too captivating.

Noticing Rosies gaze, Elena looked at her own clothes and finally realized the severity of the problem!

Y-youre still not scramming? She pushed off Lin Xiao, promptly got up then quickly pulled up her lapel.

This time, Lin Xiao blushed, it was something that seldom happens. Although he was reluctant to let Elena go, he didnt continue with what he was doing.

Messing around with Elena in private was one thing, teasing Elena in front of others was another, the scope and scale was different, even Lin Xiao was clear about that.

Uh do you want some help?

He supported Elena by the arms and dealt with her murderous gaze with a smile as he carefully helped Elena tidy up her clothes and hair. Everything quickly returned back to normal as if nothing had happened.

With him like that, Elena had nowhere to take her anger out.

It was because of these minute details that made her perplexed, he clearly just had the face of a rushed pervert a second ago, like he was going to strip her naked and swallow her whole, but as soon as he noticed that someone else appeared, he quickly flipped and helped tidy her up.

Whats with that? The stick and carrot? Is he taking her for a fool?

No, Elena felt like he was just an innocent brat, although he looks mature on the outside, he was fond of bullying the girl he likes.

Dont all brats who cant express their feelings well do this?

Atually, he was only using these immature methods to make Elena mind, not that he was horny, as long as Elena scolded him, hit him a few times, and showed her angry and ashamed expression, he would be very satisfied

Wait! Bully the girl he likes Whos that girl? Is it Elena?

Thats not right, the person Lin Xiao likes is that vixen princess.

Elena was confused.

As her thoughts were in disarray, she adjusted her state of mind with difficulty, and silently stood behind Lin Xiao, playing her character as the aloof maid.

Um Miss, why did you come today? Although he was a bit embarrassed after being caught in the act by Rosie, but his thick skin wasnt of a normal thickness. After catching his breath, he earnestly questioned Rosie, on the contrary, it felt like Rosie was the one who did something shameful.

W-why cant I come? Rosie pouted and replied, Really you two, doing this kind of thing in broad daylight cant you wait until night? How shameless!

As Rosie spoke, she unconsciously swept her gaze towards Elenas chest, it made Elena feel itchy and uncomfortable there.

Until she finally realized, because she was in too much of a rush, even though she lifted up the outer layer of clothes, but her corset was slipping down! If it actually fell, wouldnt she be going commando?

What should she do?

Originally, she wanted to stick her hands inside her clothes and stealthily adjust it, but she noticed that it was too shameful doing that kind of thing in front of Lin Xiao and Rosie, so she could only ignore it and pretend nothing was wrong. Allowing that cloth to slowly slide down, praying it doesnt fall too fast and that completely, otherwise

Cough so, did you come to pick a fight? Lets get to business whyd you come to me all of a sudden? Lin Xiao aptly changed the subject.

Oh, actually Rosie took a couple of deep breaths and calmed herself down, then sternly said, Lin Xiao, form an alliance with me, join my ranks!

Hah? Alliance?

Thats right, alliance! Starting from today, Im going to put the Stop the Wicked Engagement and Rescue My Lover Plan into action! In order to successfully accomplish the plan, Lin Xiao, I need your help! Rosie sincerely extended an invitation to Lin Xiao.

Uh can I ask what the final goal is? Lin Xiao warily asked.

Idiot! What other goal can it have? Of course its to annul Caesar and Shen DaiYings engagement! Rosie paused, then mercilessly exposed Lin Xiaos pretense, Lin Xiao, dont think that I dont know that you actually like princess Shen DaiYing, right!

Eh? H-how did you know?

Hmph, did you think you could hide it from me? Rosie lifted up her finger and shook it back and forth, The way you look at Shen DaiYing is way too obvious, that loving look is disgusting Im not blind!

Eh? Loving? No way, right. Lin Xiao awkwardly scratched his head.

Was the way he looked at Shen DaiYing really that obvious? He felt it was pretty normal, and it was just pure adoration.

Like he was seeking someone elses assessment, he turned to glance at Elena, who snorted disdainfully in response.

Its over, even Elena felt that way, then it must have been the case.

Okay, I admit that I like sister Ying No, princess Shen DaiYing.

Hearing his confession, Rosie became even more high-spirited!

Tsk, tsk, you really are punching above your own weight, shes clearly a princess. She eccentrically ridiculed him.

Hey, do you want to fight!

Hehe, just kidding. Rosie shook her hand unperturbed, Since you like Shen DaiYing, and I like Caesar, then we have a reason to destroy their engagement!

I understand You want to drag me into it?

Hmph, this is called an alliance! Think about it, if we successfully destroy their engagement, then at that time, princess Shen DaiYing will belong to you and Caesar will belong to me. We each get who we love, isnt that a very good outcome? Rosie passionately spoke, bringing out her excellent skills as someone from a merchant family, and attacked Lin Xiao in quick succession, Dont tell me you want to watch helplessly as Shen DaiYing marries Caesar? That kind of painful political marriage will destroy her lifes happiness! Lin Xiao, the only one who can rescue princess Shen DaiYing is you!

Only me? Lin Xiao gulped.

Rescuing princess Shen DaiYing from her miserable life, then devoting himself until death does them apart, and happily spend a lifetime Just thinking about it made Lin Xiao almost drool!

He almost quickly accepted, but his remaining brain cells continued to resist.

Youre not trying to use me as cannon fodder, right? Lin Xiao instantly became vigilant.

He still remembers when he used the same kind of scheme against Rosie in Black Lake Forest, making Rosie seduce Caesar to accomplish his goals, as a master, he wont fall for Rosies schemes!

Theres definitely something going on!

Schemes? No way! Rosie pouted and miserably grumbled, Originally, it was enough for just me to take care of Shen DaiYing! But recently she keeps seducing Caesar by using sword skill practice as an excuse, and she also instakilled me during the competition What a sly fox!

Oh Lin Xiao was sweating bullets.

Using practice as an excuse, that was the idea that he gave to Shen DaiYing.

So I have no choice but to ask for your help. Rosie clenched her fist and pumped it up and down like she was cheering for him, Lin Xiao, as long as we cooperate we can destroy their engagement for sure! So, join my alliance and help me successfully complete my Stop the Wicked Engagement and Rescue My Lover Plan!

Hmm Although the operation sounded very chuuni, Lin Xiao was still moved.

What should he do? Should he accept?

There was no doubt that Rosie likes Caesar, she would definitely persevere until the end if she says shell destroy their engagement! As for Lin Xiao, rescuing Shen DaiYing from a political marriage was also his desire!

If the engagement could not be broken, his dream girl, will forever become someone elses bride!

There was no way he would allow that!

Okay, Ill do it with you! Lin Xiao brusquely agreed.

Do it with me? Oh although your words sound very ambiguous, but its all good as long as you agree! Rosie happily extended her hand, Come, for Stop the Wicked Engagement and Rescue My Lover Plan!

Victory! Victory!

The two yelled with mutual understanding and high-fived, and formed an alliance.

Elena stood by the side and speechlessly pulled her clothes up again.

It was strange, Lin Xiao and Rosie clearly had a bad relationship, they fought whenever they met, but every time something like this happens, the two can tacitly come to a common understanding.

But what should we do? Although he agreed, Lin Xiao had no idea where to start.

Hmph, I have a way! Rosie smugly smiled, Its simple, I plan on exposing her identity!

Exposing her identity?

Other than her identity as a princess, does Shen DaiYing have another secret identity?

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