Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 137: Blissful Fertility (1)

Chapter 137: Blissful Fertility (1)

Chapter 137: Blissful Fertility (1)

Nik leaned against the ledge of the fire nation cruiser and basked under the first light of the break of dawn as the salted scent in the air filtered his senses, making him take another bite out of the mango and then suck on its surface to enjoy its sweet juices.

It had been a week since Nik left the tribe alongside Yue, Suki, Katara, and Mai. Of course, there were many more who accompanied them for their reasons.

Once Yue relinquished her role as the future leader of the tribe, whether they liked it or not, the burden fell on Yoki and Pakku only for the older of them to reveal his intentions of accompanying Hama to the Southern Water Tribe and rebuilding it. This left Yoki in charge of things which wasn't bad at all. Pakku reasoned that he did not have the youthful vigor necessary to lead someone but he did have the experience to build a culture once again.

Meanwhile, unlike Hahn, Yoki was a warrior bred from war and a leader bred from its consequences. He could lead the tribe without falling back on the weaker traditions that had cut off the tribe's growth back then, one of the most prominent traditions being that of strict patriarchy.

These past seven days have been entirely blissful.

Training. Sleeping. Fun with girls. Training, again, and lots and lots of food from the ocean.

This also affected the girls positively as they lost their gloomy attitudes without war looming over them. Of course, everyone but Mai.

Nik's training was divided by days this time so that he doesn't spread himself too thin. After all, he wanted to start spending time with Yue with whom he couldn't train that much but the Princess had taken up Mai's offer to learn a few things and Pakku's offer to go through a basic strength-building exercise to fill up her idle time and not sloth around.

Yue's ability to 'bend'... certainly shocked others and when she briefly described her encounter in the Spirit Oasis without many details privately to Yoki, the man had instantly heightened the security of the oasis.

This had led Yoki to recall Wu's words. When they had escaped Makapu Village, Wu claimed that Tui and La were in danger but with so much time passing and with more immediate threats, almost everyone had forgotten about it except for... Zhao. That man had come too close to ending an entire civilization and Yoki wouldn't risk it any longer.

Not turning around as he sensed a presence, he let the figure wrap her arms around him and giggle softly, "How about we head up to the ship's mess and eat something if you're already feeling hungry?"

Suki hugged him tightly and sighed deeply as she felt refreshed. Chuckling, Nik shook his head, "I'm not hungry. Just a little thirsty and wanted something sweet."

Yelping as Nik suddenly turned around and had her set on the railings of the rocking cruiser steadily, she faced his shamelessly grinning self, "How about that? You can be both, wetter and sweeter than a mango."

Only giving him a knowing smirk, she couldn't help but tone her words reproachfully, "Just how long can you even last... I thought we went all out last night."

"And then we slept and now I'm back at it," he shrugged, pecking the back of her hands tenderly and causing her to smile even wider. Her blue eyes trailed his face as she hummed thoughtfully, "We will be reaching the nearest port, right? How about we stop there and look around? Now that you are completely healed, we can move about slower than we planned."

Nik thought for a moment and then decided against it, replying with what could be called the essence of bending he learned from Tui, La, and the Dance of Moon and Sea.

"A person not only bends the energy within but also the energy inside the opponent... Aang said that only earthbending or firebending is the key to healing me completely but now Yue can heal so many injuries and even diseases. This is a completely new bending style... if we even call it a bending in the first place."

"And?" Suki cocked her head to the side.

"I still think we should look for earth and firebending masters," Nik replied.

"Is it because of... the thing Yue said you're not telling her?" She had an amused expression while Nik rolled his eyes, "It's not something too grand, you know."

"Yue even told us that Sokka knows," Suki hummed playfully.

"Wow, she can't keep a thing to herself..." Nik muttered with a groan escaping his throat as Suki chuckled, "Don't you go blaming her now. If we don't stand together against you, we'd only end up at a grave disadvantage."

"It's not a competition, you know." Nik kissed the inside of her palms with a soothing smile.

"It's cute that you think like that," her words only made him glare at her.

"So? Our plan is the same?" Suki continued.

"Actually, finding the masters isn't a priority now that I am healed... if possible, I want to help Katara find her dad."

"Right," Suki nodded, "Come on, then. It's our turn to train today so let's get some spars in before we reach the port."

Nik agreed and stretched his legs quickly. Every time he did so, he felt grateful for getting fully healed again.


While Pakku wanted to help rebuild the Southern Tribe into a more united front, this wasn't the only mission the old couple had. Now that Yoki was on the seat to rule the tribe, he wanted things done correctly and the first thing he wanted to bring back to his economy was trade. He wasn't quite political about it. Yoki's favorite dish didn't lie in seafood, but it was found near one of the islands close to the Earth Kingdom that would conduct trade with the tribe.

Pakku's and Hama's mission was to accompany a group of waterbenders, elders, and warriors to rekindle trading relationships with as many of these past traders as possible and also spread the news of them overcoming the tyranny of the Phoenix King so that other traders may return on their own.

This Fire Nation cruiser was a gift from Nik, since he had another one in his personal space. Truly, the more terrible loss to the fire nation was the loss of resources to Nik's devouring right hand. The sheer number of armored tanks they had lost is astonishing, not to mention one of the seven battleships known to be built under the Phoenix King's name.

Building a battleship is no joke!

And thus...

"Stop right there!"

Already separated from the main group who had their own tasks, Nik found himself enjoying the domestic culture with his, well, let's call it a harem... and Mai. The girls didn't mind it, but it could be due to being tired after Nik fixed a few patches roughly last night.

Their group froze for a second as a small group of fire nation soldiers had surrounded them while the local vendors already hid behind their stalls or closed off their stores. But this was one of the many villages on the island. Their posters were already being spread all over the affiliated regions but Nik couldn't help and feel a little amazed at how quickly the information was passed. If it's like this, the water tribe may not even have to advertise their victory.

Raising his hands with a disarming smile, Nik tried to talk out of the situation, "I think there is a misunderstanding—"

Of course, it was bait. The seven soldiers found their bodies stiffening as the air around them chilled to an astonishing degree. This tactic may not work against a firebender but as of now, Nik had started growing a little more aggressive in his response to threats. He may argue that this was because of La or something the spirit of the ocean did but the change had started way before. It was probably due to his own clashes against opponents and the trigger may have just been killing Zhao with his own hands.

Katara frowned for a second. Their gap... grew wider. Previously, she had known Nik to make use of his outrageous reserves and bend without martial movements but she could cover things with her talent in healing.

However, now that she knew that Nik could bend the four elements, and that he had somehow been rewarded the essence of waterbending directly from the Spirit of Ocean, she felt a little unnerved by his bending style.

It was formless, like he was bending air but water is an element that can be turned into a crueler weapon. While waterbenders like her had to spread their will onto the element and then bend it, Nik plundered the will of the water and bent it freely.

This, alongside his knee fully recovering, finally made him an opponent that even Suki now goes all out against.

"Let's go," Nik grinned and looked around. Sensing that they won't be welcome into the local establishments, at least, those who had viewed the sudden defeat of the seven soldiers, a few of the many stationed on the island, he led the girls away.

"That was great!" Although Yue wouldn't promote violence, those she had grown close to knew it for a fact that her 'motors' would start running whenever she saw Nik accomplishing something 'tough.' Supported by her smile, Nik couldn't help but speak, "Well, you guys really trained me well."

"Tch," Mai clicked her tongue at this point but Nik ignored her without even missing a beat and continued, "Come on, let's find someplace to dine in. It's going to take us a long time to reach the Earth Kingdom and we'd also be slowed down by visiting the many islands. It's better to take in the sights."

Their main objective had turned to locate Katara's father but they had no clue where to start. The base camp of the fire nation could work as a place to begin searching but Katara soon thought against needless violence. The prison in Omashu and Makapu already showed how much more sinister the enemy is so she didn't want to give any leverage to them accidentally.

Besides, Yoki wanted an expert regarding mental control so Aang was requested to try and bring another such individual so that they may clear the suspicion on the recovered prisoners once and for all. Although, their lack of betrayal during the fight itself seemed to support that the Phoenix King was targetting the future generation with such controlling tactics.

As they moved, Nik and others suddenly stopped. Strangely enough, Mai stood by the damp, muddy road stationary and looking down on something.

Mai's gaze was attracted to a flower reminiscent of a panda lily but its petals were in the color scheme of white and pink. The lone blooming flower had a thin verdant green stem and a strange, mushroom-pointed bundle of crimson stamens that made Mai feel a sensation of warmth filter through her chest as it would pass through her stomach and then...



A strange, almost moaning squeal escaped the startled Mai's thin lips as she felt her body trembling from the response of Suki firmly holding her shoulders.

Her reaction made those behind her feel a little perplexed for this was something entirely out of Mai's catalog of responses to anything ever. Her cold and stoic expression soon returned and she looked back with a frown. Not saying anything, Mai once again looked towards...

As she tilted to look down on the ground, all she saw was a patch of grass and nothing more. Confusion flickered in her tawny eyes.

'Strange... was there something on the ground?' Her spine felt a chill slipping through as goosebumps rose... for no reason.

She soon scowled as her inner thighs felt wet for some reason but noting the passage of time, she was sure it couldn't have been blood. Neither could it have been her urine.

A little freaked out internally, an emotion she didn't think she would go through after experiencing the changes in her puberty, Mai cleared her throat and glared in Nik's direction almost instinctually, "Don't look at me like that!"

"Well, don't moan like that," Nik wouldn't show a soft response, too.

His words made Katara and Yue stifle their giggles as that's what Mai did while Suki smiled, "Are you alright? We can return to the ship if you want."

"... that's fine," Mai replied, "I can go back on my own."

As she separated from the group, almost sure they would find a way to end the day with a proper and loud fuckfest, Mai began her way to the ship. However, before she left, she cast another confused glance at the very same spot she stood over. Swearing internally that something was there.


Nik and his group walked out of the view, and Mai had disappeared, too.

A strange flower with white and pink, dropping petals bloomed from within the ground.

The mushroom-pointed stamens that Nik would instantly characterize as tiny penises began to shudder while the petals slowly closed in over the stamens to reveal an odd heart-shaped print in pure red on the backside of petals alongside various stick figures in questionable positions.

As the stem of the flower trembled, the comical heart began to beat and the stick-like figures, too, began to move.

Back and forth.

Up and down.

In and Out.


Barely reaching her appointed quarters, Mai collapses before she could even lock the entrance. The more she moved, the hotter she felt. Physically. Her slightly wide robe was now bundled and stuck on her body with a layer of perspiration on her skin acting as a sticking agent of sorts. She felt uncomfortable around her forehead, her well-trimmed straight bangs on her forehead now disheveled and matted with sweat while her narrow phoenix eyes were hazy with... unfounded lust.

Confusion, as intense as the blazing lust streaming through her veins, gripped her heart as she hurriedly leaned against the door and completely push it shut. That was the only thing she could do... besides...

The sound of shuffling clothes and ragged pants filled the chambers and Mai soon sat on top of her clothes. She didn't even feel any chill despite how wet her body was.

Even if stoic and reluctant about Nik's relationship with her mother, Mai wasn't entirely naive when it came to certain physical needs. Though, she found fighting more entertaining than masturbating but the act wasn't new to her.

As a graduate of the Royal Academy of Women, one can easily imagine that a major portion of Mai's studies included how to be a perfect noblewoman. Well, that career choice was out of the window for her now that she wasn't a warrior but Mai still practiced a lot of things that were almost routine for her now.

Her lustfully languid gaze fell on the mound-like shape of her smooth vulva, her tiny clit already erect with all sorts of sensations now tickling her naked body.

Although reasonably confused about why this was happening, Mai's fingers reluctantly clutched against her entrance. She had found early on what would get her off the quickest and it wasn't a finger up her vagina.


The base of Mai's palm roughly rubbed and pressed her clit as her fingers spread apart her entrance and let her twitching hole face the empty region. It was the sensation of being 'open', embarrassingly enough, and the sensation of roughness and something crude that made her breathing quicken. From ragged pants, Mai's voice began to mewl and even moan just a bit.

As reluctant as she may be at the beginning, Mai grew engrossed in it.

Sensing pleasure well around her pussy as her walls contracted with delight, Mai experienced her quickest and the most intense orgasm in a long time. Her knees buckled up and spread open making sure Mai's quivering body shot jets of clear squirt constantly. Just when she felt it was done, a Mai couldn't help but 'want' to rub her clitoris further and scratch that itch as she orgasmed constantly.

She was turning mindless. A feeling she didn't like but then again, she would have to be in her complete mental bearings to think things through.

As she felt spent after her sudden and strange bout of lust, Mai entered a period of blissful slumber, unaware of the fact that a comical heart-shaped red mark was beginning to appear right above her crotch. It wasn't exactly a smooth mark. Instead, the red outlines seemed to be tiny vines as they wiggled strangely.


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