One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 136: Revenge, Loyalty and Resolve

Chapter 136: Revenge, Loyalty and Resolve

_________ POV Narration_________

Kaido felt the chains surrounding his body as his eyes opened.

He was in a dark cell, tied by some chains, and with a seastone collar around his neck.

If he truly tried to, he could have escaped from his bindings. He had already trained his resistance to Seastone, and could somewhat use Haki while bound by it.

'I could slip away undetected with some difficulty, but my subordinates would still be left here.

Besides, since they haven't killed me they likely want me to speak to their leader...'

Kaido narrowed his eyes as he remembered Francisco naming his new captain at some point.

'Enel... That former marine turned Emperor actually managed to tame a wild beast like Francisco?'

To Kaido, that was simply hogwash. He was almost sure that Francisco had some type of agenda, some goal he wished to accomplish.

'I remember him being fiercely loyal to Xebec... No chance in hell he easily accepted a new captain.'

Now that he was stuck in a cell, recovering from the injuries inflicted by both Garp and Francisco, he had all the time in the world to wonder about reasons, and motives, and to try and see things from varying perspectives.

What annoyed him more was that he could sense that he was placed right beside his subordinates, a mere few rooms away.

'It would be oh so easy to break out, free them, and attempt an escape...'

Alas, trying to escape wouldn't really do much. Besides the seemingly relaxed security of the prison, Kaido was quite sure that both Francisco and Garp were keeping an eye on it.

Francisco alone could likely take care of them all, especially since Kaido was still injured.

And Garp's body, although weakened by age, was still a monster by all definitions. Someone that Kaido was certain he wouldn't be able to win when not in top condition.

'Why did all of this shit have to happen in tandem with the World Government becoming weaker?!'

The King of Beasts could only curse his bad luck on that front. As if he had not commanded his subordinates to take over the Sky Islands, then they likely wouldn't have gotten captured.

Then again, Kaido couldn't help but be at least a tad intrigued by this 'Enel' figure.

'Meeting him might not be so bad... Especially since this might give me some time to actually recover.'

Kaido had already started planning out his revenge. Against the people of Skypea, against Garp, against Enel, and most importantly for him, against Francisco.

"Heh, you are as predictable as ever..." Kaido sweated a bit as he heard a voice from his side, a figure finally registering in his senses.

Looking at that figure, Kaido narrowed his eyes as he took in the sight of the relaxed blonde man in front of him.

'I guess this ghost felt me waking up...'

"Your expression is as easy to read as ever..." Francisco dragged over a chair, and sat directly in front of Kaido, leaning into the seat as his relaxed smile seemed to irk Kaido somewhat, though the Emperor was struggling to not show that on his face.

"I bet you're planning out revenge already, that you're already imagining the broken bodies of those that have inconvenienced you already at your feet." Francisco's relaxed gaze turned into a cold stare as he spoke.

"Heh, might be easier said than done..." Kaido looked at Francisco's youthful figure for a bit.

'A fruit that completely reverses time... Why haven't I heard of it before?'

"Still... If you know me so well, then why haven't you killed me already? You know I'm not the type to leave things like this go..." Kaido muttered, the frustration etched in his tone did cause the old swordsman some amusement.

"Yeah, I know you're probably going to try something stupid... It isn't really about probability either, I hope you do try something dumb. This may prove to be a good opportunity for Enel to grow!" Francisco simply nodded as he spoke.

"Learning opportunity? For that fledgling pirate? You're trying to tell me you are actually loyal to that newbie?!" Kaido was wholly confused when he heard his former superior.

'What the hell did Enel do to get him on his side anyway?! Did his ambitions resonate with this insane old monster or something?'

"I dare not joke about loyalty, Kaido... I for one, don't take that word lightly, unlike someone else in this room." Francisco's piercing gaze made Kaido somewhat ashamed, but that shame didn't last long, as Kaido decided to simply bite the bullet and say his woes.

"Oh, don't even get me started! Do you think any of us could've been loyal to that prick!? He managed to turn everyone against him, you are the only one that stuck to him like a fly to shit..."

The Dragon Emperor's words seemed to be filled with decades-old anger and frustrations, he was likely glad to finally have the opportunity to let off like that to someone close to Xebec, even if he couldn't speak to Xebec himself...

"..." Kaido stood silent after that, expecting some kind of reply from Francisco, or some sort of violent reaction. But nothing came.

"You sure have gotten bold after getting that dragon fruit... Was it Linlin that gave it to you? It was a few days before the decisive battle at God Valley too..." Francisco spoke in an unperturbed tone, much to Kaido's shock.

"In truth, I have had many dark years to ponder on the past. I cannot help but say that I have also grown to resent my former captain to some extent..."

Kaido's eyes widened when he heard that. The previously unshakable Francisco was actually also airing out his frustrations, it was almost a miracle to him.

"I don't think I'd have it in me to betray him. To take that last step. But because of him, I was stuck in a hole. For 4 decades, lacking both the willpower and ability to get out..."

Kaido sighed a bit when he heard that. Remembering how Francisco had looked like when their fight had started. A seemingly tortured old man.

His injuries had reverted, but the memories were still fresh by the looks of it.

"Enel was the one to pull me out of that hole... Well, he and Garp. But really, without Enel, we both would have died."

Kaido widened his eyes once more when hearing that.

'What the hell has the government been doing behind the scenes?! And since when do they have the power to just casually kill Garp?

Why would they want to kill a retired marine anyway...? Is this related to the Foosha village incident, I wonder?'

Kaido already knew that there were gaps in his information when he realized that Garp was working with or for Enel, but things were becoming less and less clear as time went by...

"I can tell you're confused... But I've already said enough. It's up to Enel whether or not he wishes to answer more of your questions." Francisco then got up and made his way towards the door.

Kaido merely stared at the back of his former superior, not bothering to say anything else, as he knew he wasn't going to be getting any more answers anyway.

'I guess I really will have to wait for this 'Enel' to show up... If he was able to leave such an impression on Francisco, then he should be quite the figure...'

Garp looked at the prison with crossed arms and narrowed eyes.

He still found it difficult to trust Francisco, as he considered him a true pirate.

'Someone from 'that' generation can never be fully trusted...'

For a second, Roger's face did flash in Garp's mind, but the old marine shook his head a bit.

'Can't really lump everyone in the same group... But Francisco was quite literally one of the heads of that group.

I don't care what type of person he is, the acts he condoned from his former captain tell me that he doesn't fully care about the safety of others anyway...'

Xebec had been a more 'traditional' pirate. He mostly sought powerful people, as he wished to become the king of the world, but it wasn't below him to rape and pillage like any other pirate.

Garp could still remember as he, Tsuru and Sengoku tracked him down. The sight of the burnt villages they had come across, the lands that were pilfered and pillaged beyond recognition.

Xebec was not just a threat to the World Government's authority. He was also a true menace to the common folk. And it was clear that no one liked him anyway, as everyone had betrayed him...

All but one person.

Whether or not Francisco partook in heinous acts was unknown to Garp, but the fact that it was a possibility was concerning. Especially since the old marine no longer would have the power to stop him if something went wrong and he decided to show his true colours...

Garp could only clench his fists in annoyance. 'Maybe if I am returned to my prime... With my knowledge and current mastery of Haki, I could be his match... Let's just hope it doesn't come to that.'

The old marine could only sigh, as he turned his head and went back to the island, where a funeral was currently taking place.

Well, it was more of a period of mourning. The funeral had happened before Kaido had stepped foot on the island.

It was to commemorate those that had lost their lives in the attack of the Beast Pirates.

The casualties were minimal, sure. All things considered, things could've been worse, and the people that survived were all stronger for it.

But another thing was also true... The battle hadn't just killed a few recruits. It had ruined families and broken households.

Garp could only clench his fists when seeing the tears of the relatives of the ones he had let die.

'All for their improvement, my ass... We went and acted without thinking it thoroughly, and now others must suffer from our negligence...'

He was mad, mad at the Beast Pirates, mad at his formerly lacklustre training, mad at Francisco, but most importantly, mad at himself.

It was at that point, that Garp had resolved himself...

'I will make sure such a thing never happens again... I will build all of them into fearsome warriors... I'll make sure no regular pirates will even be able to take them on.'

The fire in the old marine's eyes burned brighter as his fists clenched so hard that his fingernails dug into his palm, and blood dripped to the ground.

With that resolve, Garp went on to plan his most demented training session yet. Scrapping the former 'relaxed' one entirely.

And while that was happening, the Sky Island was still drifting...

Slowly heading in a random direction, as they had no control of the engines and no energy to power them consistently.

Now, was that really a good thing?


Sorry for the delay on this one. Changed some stuff at my job and basically had to run around for documents for two days :(( Couldn't even go to the gym

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