One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 107: Robin and A Talking Bird

Chapter 107: Robin and A Talking Bird

_________ POV Narration_________

After Enel's departure from Dragon's Office came quite a lot of strategizing.

Dragon looked at the map on his wall with a small grin, as he marked down the location of every shipment that they had reports on.

"We will intercept all of them, each group needs to have at least two Vice Admiral level fighters in it." Dragon said as he crossed his arms at the map.

"We need to pull out all the stops, get as many Poneglyphs as possible," Sabo said as he joined Dragon in planning out the squads.

"Let's focus more on copying the writings from every Poneglyph, they are heavy, and will be annoying to carry around..." Larthy said as she looked at the map from the couch.

"Parchments with copies of the Poneglyphs are really all we need after all... If we are able to steal the whole thing, then it's good, but it's better if we don't risk too many Revolutionaries on this..."

Robin gave her two-cent on the situation as well.

The World Government making a move to restrict the Ancient Script and Poneglyphs even further was something she found extremely concerning.

The only good thing in that entire situation was that she was with a group that had the means to interfere with that to some extent...

Although, without Enel, they certainly wouldn't have been able to do as much.

'He does always seem to have something planned... Though I guess some situations still are outside of his expectations.'

Robin clearly remembered how Enel had departed towards Foosha Village, she only managed to catch a glimpse of him speaking to Dragon while in the sky, before he vanished.

'I kind of miss his training...'

She wasn't exactly mad that he forgot about her training, she was already taught how to perform a few of the 6 powers, and there wasn't much else needed besides that.

She didn't have a high chance of awakening either Armament or Observation in the two years she had, so she decided to just focus on the 6 powers.

Going by Enel's words: 'Who knows? They might just awaken naturally in the future. Focus on the basics for now.'

She obviously took his advice to heart. He was one of the strongest people alive, and powerful enough to directly go against the World Government.

Even though she was always getting injured, her sparring with Enel had somewhat become the highlight of her day during the weeks he spent with the Revolutionary Army.

Sabo also agreed to sometimes spar with her in Enel's absence, though Robin did notice her progress becoming much slower regardless of that.

Sabo simply wasn't tough enough during training, though he still instructed her properly. She simply didn't have the same incentive to give it her all without someone that was willing to fight her properly...

His training was a bit brutal even after he decided to take it even easier on her, but Robin still appreciated it.

Even though Enel was always holding back, he didn't hesitate to beat her up if she made any mistakes.

'I wonder what distraction he has in mind. I've heard about Big News Morgans, but I don't know how useful he will be now...'

Robin rubbed her chin as she sighed in the end, and gave up on that thought.

'I guess we'll just have to rely on him...'

While Dragon and Sabo continued strategizing, Enel was already well on his way to the headquarters of the World Economy NewsPaper.

The location of the headquarters was actually quite interesting. As they weren't based on an island or ground base.

Their headquarters were on a large blimp, which tended to never have a fixed position.

Sometimes you'd find him in the Grand Line, sometimes in one of the 4 seas. Sometimes he'd just fly over the Red Line randomly.

This time, Dragon managed to give him an area where Morgans was seen recently... Somewhere near Wano, crossing over the Red Line.

Enel proceeded to track the ship as best as he could flying lines across the redline as he expanded his Observation Haki as much as he could.

Eventually, he found it. It was inevitable after all... The large flying blimp even had its logo.

Enel didn't really know what to say about the flying contraption... It was really weird, somewhat fitting for Morgans's character.

It was shaped like a teapot, a large silver teapot with an even larger balloon over it, held by ropes and metallic cords.

The Balloon was red in colour, and it had the words 'WE NEWS' written boldly on it.

Enel just smiled when seeing how secretive yet obvious Morgans was with his base. He didn't even bother trying to hide the fact that it belonged to him.

'I guess there aren't that many teapot-shaped blimps flying around...'

Although it was just a news organization as a front, Big News Morgans was actually a really large figure.

An actual Emperor of the Underworld, with what was possibly the largest and most developed information network in the world, and ties to plenty of other pirates and government agents.

That was the reason why the World government could never afford to get rid of him regardless of how problematic he sometimes proved to be.

He was simply too influential, and his disappearance or death would leave a large hole in the Underworld, which would turn the entire world in disarray.

Enel was rather excited to meet the man/bird. So he wasted no time in appearing in front of his ship and waving his hand.

He made sure his appearance brought forth a loud thunderclap, to make the ones steering the blimp catch sight of him.

Enel waved for a few seconds, as the blimp seemed to stop in its tracks, right in front of him.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" A high-pitched voice came from a speaker on the outside of the blimp. Enel scratched his head with a smile.

"HOW ABOUT YOU LET ME IN BEFORE WE START THE CONVERSATION!?!" Enel shouted as his earlobes and white-furred cape swayed in the wind.

"... FAIR ENOUGH! COME BY THE SIDE, WE'LL OPEN THE DOOR FOR YOU!" The High-Pitched voice said after a few seconds of silence.

Enel just sighed and flew to the side of the Blimp, the metallic door opened, and he entered in the next second, closing the door behind him with his earlobe.

"Great! Thanks for opening the door..." Enel smiled at the random employee that had been sent to do that.

The employee's knees seemed to tremble a bit, as he nodded. Enel's smile became a bit strained when noticing that, but he didn't bother to bring it up.

"Mind if you lead me to Morgans?" Enel said as he tapped his staff on the ground, preparing to use it as a walking stick.

"S-sure..." The employee then led Enel through a few rooms, through the offices where dozens of employees were writing tabloids.

Plenty of people seemed to be glancing at him, everyone that noticed his presence seemed to either fear him or whisper something about 'Big news incoming'...

Enel couldn't help but chuckle a bit at that. It only made sense for a majority of Morgans's employees to be just as 'special' as he was.

Though Enel had no doubt Morgans was actually the most passionate about the subject...

Enel also caught sight of a few more interesting people working there... They didn't seem like anything special at first, but Enel was able to tell that they were stronger than the rest of the people present.

'... Likely CP agents and spies. Either that or Morgans also has a secret fighting squad strong enough to match CP agents...'

Enel somewhat doubted the second part, but he just whistled while passing by those people, knowing that it wasn't the right time for him to deal with spies.

Eventually, Enel reached Morgans's office, entering without any restraint as he ignored the guards at the door, who weren't exactly anything special, even weaker than the presumed CP agents on board...

Big News Morgan looked just as Enel remembered him.

A large white feathered human/albatross hybrid, wearing a blue top hat with a large striped feather in it, a light blue button-down shirt with a yellow bow on the top, red and white checkered pants, a dark cape, and shoes that fit his bird-like feet.

'I guess he doesn't stay in his human form all that much...'

Enel thought to himself as Morgans started the conversation.

"Amazing! To think I'd be visited by the most unpredictable figure yet! THIS IS GOING TO MAKE THE NEWS!"

Enel simply sweated a bit when seeing how excited Morgans was.

"A simple visit would be enough to make the news?" Enel asked, tilting his head as he became a bit curious.

He wanted to understand more about Morgans's mindset as soon into the conversation as possible, as it would be helpful to him in the long run.

"OF COURSE! This is no simple visit! Just follow the footprints, the chain of events! You show up now that the World Government started making large moves! This must mean you are bringing me great news!"

Morgan's rubbed his wings/hands together as his eyes shined and his beak curled somewhat upwards, smiling at Enel.

'His face is a lot more expressive than what you'd expect from a bird...'

"I must say, you are quite astute! I guess this is to be expected of someone like you, Big News Morgans..." Enel said as he sat down in a chair in front of the news-hungry bird human.

"Indeed! Though, it wasn't that hard to figure out! Most people that follow your movements at this point should be able to tell that you have something against the World Government..." Morgans looked at the closed door behind Enel with narrowed eyes.

Enel sweated a bit when hearing that. 'I guess I haven't been quite as secretive about my intentions lately...'

Although the World Government tried to hide quite a few things that were related to Enel's involvement, Morgans and a few others were still able to find out that Enel was somewhat involved in most events related to the World Government.

All events either publically ended badly for the World Government, or the government hid them, which Morgan and the others in his field knew that it just meant they also ended badly.

Morgan seemed to notice Enel's somewhat awkward stare, so he continued.

"Though, I guess I cannot blame you... They do tend to dip their fingers everywhere. They always keep the biggest news to themselves!

Hmph, the gall and the audacity! THE NEWS SHOULD BE FOR EVERYONE TO ENJOY! And for me to profit off of its ratings..."

Enel smiled once more at that point. 'I guess he's still a businessman...bird? Not sure.'

"Indeed, News should be for everyone. And everyone deserves to know the truth..." Enel said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, yes! Now... What news do you bring me?"


Hope you liked the chapter!

Today's chapter took a bit to write, hence the late upload...

My free time is getting smaller and smaller lately... This leads to my second fanfic, the blind swordsman one, being really neglected, which I feel really bad about.

I'll try to see if I can sort out a schedule for it, university already started though, making any free time I could've had vanish basically ;-; 

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster on Patre_on, you'd also get 10 chapters in advance (or 5 depending on tier)

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