One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 106: Gathering and News

Chapter 106: Gathering and News

_________ POV Narration_________

Enel didn't spend a lot more time on the Sky Island after arranging for Bellamy to join the 'Sky Guards'.

That was the defence force that he and Gan Fall had been building up, the name was still a working process, but their purpose was already decided.

They became a sort of secret police, and only the strongest of the few hundred people Garp was training could ever become actual Sky Guards.

Those that did become Sky Guards would also be thought about haki extensively, so the position was also a way to get much stronger.

Of course, the Sky Guards were far from strong as they were now, as all members were still in the middle or the beginning of their training.

But those with talent always distinguished themselves.

Bellamy was to become an honorary member, also the only one with a devil fruit amongst the trainees.

He and Wyper were likely the most talented among the people among the trainees, so they had the highest chances to become much stronger in the future.

But there were also others amongst them, some Sky People seemed to have a talent for Observation Haki, or mantra, and quite a few people that joined the Sky Guards also had that talent.

Enel was quite excited to see their progress after a few years.

He was confident that Bellamy would at least become strong enough to take on someone like Doflamingo.

The only thing he was missing was Conqueror's Haki, otherwise, he was talented in Armament and Observation, and his devil fruit gave him a lot of range of motion and was quite versatile.

'I have high hopes for him... Let's hope he doesn't disappoint...'

One of the other impressive things to have happened in his absence was Francisco's recovery... Well, as recovered as he could get.

In just a bit over two months, his body was now filled with muscles. He had gone from a skeleton to an actual beast.

Although he was nowhere near his prime, he could still cut a few ships in half with a swing of his Cutlass.

The Blacksmiths of the Sky Islands had built him a special type of gauntlet, which would permanently fasten his grip on a specially made cutlass when coming in contact with the hilt.

The contraption was feeble in a sense, as it wasn't anywhere near as strong as Francisco's natural grip strength could've been. But it at least gave him the option of properly wielding a blade.

With his Haki, he was already a force to be reckoned with, probably even capable of defeating most Yonko commanders.

Francisco had also taken in around 5 students(including Wyper), which were shaping up to become monsters.

All of his students were also Sky Guards, which only served to show how high his standards were.

Enel was pleased though, as all of his students were bound to become pillars of support for his Sky Island in the future.

Enel departed from his base after arranging everything, turning into a lightning bolt and zapping in the direction of Baltigo.

He stepped onto the island rather quickly, the journey not even taking him 10 minutes. He didn't really rush that much though.

The first thing he wanted to do was to visit Robin, to see how she was faring without his training, but he stopped in his tracks when he noticed that he couldn't sense her anywhere near her home.

He didn't think much of it though, just spread his senses across the entire island and found her almost instantly.

She was in Dragon's office, with a few others. A small meeting by the feel of it.

Enel was curious, and he also needed to visit Dragon, so he figured that he'd join in their meeting.

The members present were Robin(duh), Dragon himself, Sabo and Larthy.

Enel assumed they were just speaking about Robin's classes or something. He didn't bother listening to their conversation, as he was going to join it anyway.

And with a spring in his step, he turned into a small bolt of lightning and reappeared in front of Dragon's office, only knocking on the door once before being let inside.

"Hello everybody! Did I miss anything?!" Enel's voice sounded cheerful, and his face displayed a smile, which quickly became a bit strained as he realized that the situation in the room wasn't all that great.

"... Enel! It's great to see you drop by." Dragon said as he fixed his gaze on the Sky Faring Emperor.

"What's with the frowns? Did something happen while I was away?" Enel got straight to the point, as the other people in the room seemed to still be in a bad mood.

"Well... We just received some news. Quite concerning news, if I do say so myself..." Dragon said as he flipped through a few papers on his desk.

"The World Government made a strange move quite recently..." Robin said as she looked at Enel for a bit, her eyes sizing him up for a bit before she turned her head away and looked at the ground.

"You mean the whole thing with Foosha Village? No need to worry about that, I already made sure they won't be found by the World Government..."

'Even if the Sky Islands and Foosha Residents are found, the World Government would just end up regretting that they found them, now that Garp and Francisco are staying there...'

'Well, as long as they don't end up pointing one of their Pluton Cannons at the sky...'

"Well, that was also a bit shocking to hear, some more recent moves are... Concerning, to say the least." Sabo said as he scratched the back of his head.

"It seems they are trying to gather and collect all of the Poneglyphs held by other kingdoms and store them in the Holy Land..." Larthy said as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

Her deep blue eyes seemed tired beyond belief, almost as if she hadn't slept in quite some time. Robin's looked similar, but she seemed a lot less stressed with Enel around...

"What the hell?!" Enel said as he finally processed the news he had just heard.

"... It's very likely that the World Government became aware of our efforts to find out more about the Void Century.

And they are doing their best to actively prevent us from finding more through whatever means they can," Sabo said as he ran a hand through his golden hair, his round eyes looking a bit downcast.

"...Were we too obvious in our operations? Does our information network have a rat scurrying around in it?" Dragon seemed quite troubled as well.

Enel merely crossed his arms as he tried to remember more about the Poneglyphs other countries possessed.

'Royal families might've had the duty to keep the Poneglyphs in their possession safe... There are plenty of them sprinkled in the world, but there are also plenty being held by these royal families.

This is something passed down through generations, but I doubt the World Government cares about tradition...'

"And the royalty that held on to the Poneglyphs before just accepted this?" Enel asked with a raised eyebrow.

The World Government might've not cared for tradition, but most Royal lines certainly did.

"There is nothing they can do against raw power.

The World Government can easily silence any complaint of theirs... If a royal family misbehaves, they will easily get replaced." Robin said as her mood seemed to only be getting worse by the minute.

"I guess... The public wouldn't usually agree to a change in leadership, at least if they like their leaders...

But I'm guessing the public and its opinions don't matter much to the World Government..."

Enel said as he rubbed his chin with his earlobe, his hands still crossed at his chest.

"Indeed... We could try to intercept some of the cargo ships carrying the Poneglyphs, but I also fear that some of them will be bait, and I don't wish to sacrifice my men needlessly...

We need a way to distract them somehow. Something that would force them to concentrate their efforts elsewhere momentarily. But that will be difficult to find..." Dragon said, as his nose scrunched up a bit.

"... I can provide you guys with a proper distraction..." Enel said after taking a few seconds to think in silence.

"Hmm? Do you have any ideas? I mean, they are likely expecting to be attacked physically, they must be prepared, so I don't know what that would accomplish." Sabo said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Well, the attack I had in mind was... Less than physical..." Enel smiled deviously as his eyes also narrowed.

He turned his head to Dragon without wasting much time.

"Dragon, would you be able to get me in contact with Big News Morgan?" Enel said as his smile seemed to grow larger and larger.

Dragon's eyes widened a bit when hearing that, he rubbed his chin, before his smile seemed to mimic that of Enel.

"Hmm... I'm sure Morgan will appreciate some juicy gossip. I hope whatever information you have is enough to cause a large enough stir." Dragon said in a hopeful tone.

"It should be! I can barely wait..." Enel said while rubbing his palms and earlobes together.

"I'll give you the location of the headquarters of his news station. He spends most of his time there." Dragon said as he walked over to a wall that displayed a map of the world.

"Perfect! I'll get to it right away... I've no doubt he'd like to have an interview with an Emperor published..." Enel's smile didn't die down one bit as he started walking towards the door.

"Oh yeah... If possible, tell him to rush with the publishing of his piece, we need to create a stir in the next week if we want to be able to intercept as many Poneglyphs as possible."

Sabo said as he turned towards Enel and waved a bit.

Larthy also sighed somewhat glad that the shitty atmosphere got replaced, looking at Enel with a bit of admiration.  'I guess he's the guy to go to when you need to mess with the World Government...'

"By the way, the information you requested waits for you in your house... Though I'm guessing you'll check it out later." Robin said as she sighed a bit, somewhat glad that Enel had some type of plan.

"Heh... I'll take care of that later. I have a bird to talk to right now."

And just like that, Enel vanished.


Hope you liked the chapter! 

Daily uploads and whatnot are getting pretty tiring lately, but the story probably won't drag on for another 200 chapters, so I'm good :))) 

Well, having said that, there are still plenty of chaps ahead of us... 

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