Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 130: Big explosion

Chapter 130: Big explosion

At this moment of tragedy, Tony and Edie were unaware.

As for the ground command console, it was impossible to inform Yidi in the passenger plane.

Fortunately, all this was calculated by the intelligent machine Jarvis, and it immediately sounded a reminder.

"Warning! Warning! The dive angle is too large, up to 26% included angle, please pull the height, please pull the height, try the next landing."

"Eddie, hurry! Pull the height! This is the first time the handset will land!" Tony shouted angrily: "Jarvis, release all energy to the energy ejector, release all! Do it now!"

Edie was also very nervous, holding the joystick with both hands, just to pull the passenger plane and fly back into the sky.


Misfortunes are not alone. At this critical moment, the left engine of the passenger plane exploded!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!......"

The detonation of the left engine immediately triggered its chain reaction. The time bombs placed on the left wing exploded one after another. Although the power of the monomer was not strong, its intensive explosion caused the left wing to be full of holes and could not continue at all. Take on the gliding function.

The only good news is that after the time bomb blew up the left wing, it was quiet, and the rest was not triggered.

But what about that?

As the left wing loses its function, the passenger plane has lost the opportunity to raise the height again, but because of the loss of the balance of the left wing, the entire passenger plane flipped to the right.

According to common sense, this time it must have been a crash.

The staff on the ground podium closed their eyes in despair.

The audience before the live broadcast all stared at their eyes and nervously forgot to breathe.

But, it was this time that the right wing flipped, so that Tony, who would have contacted the ground for the first time, got rid of the doom pressed into the soil.

Also at this critical juncture, Edie's response is crucial!

He did not choose to give up, nor did he choose to raise the height, but instead accelerated the left engine to the extreme, roaring in his mouth:

"Fight! Wing landing! Wing landing! Zhang Lan protects the cabin, Tony is about to leave, repeat, Tony is about to leave!"

At this moment of life and death, Tony did not choose to escape safely. After sending all the energy into the energy ejector at the bottom of his foot, the firepower was fully opened, and a flame column of more than two meters was splashed, using the energy of the entire steel suit To advance the nose so that it cannot continue to fall.

So the only problem now is that Zhang Lan, who is not aware of it, has not heard Edies notice.

It is difficult to succeed without tactical coordination.

But today, the goddess of luck recognized them very much. When she was standing in the cockpit, she realized that the only missing link was too late to bear the mark, and she directly hit her chest with a punch.


Sand Doppelgang received an external attack, and it directly turned into sand to dissipate. With it, Zhang Lan in the distance also received the news of Sand Doppelganger.

Too late to think, the passenger plane at this time is still close to the ground, only ten meters to land!

Or, yes, crash!

With the efforts of Tony and Edie, the first half of the current passenger plane is like a hoe, and the wings are **** blades. Under the action of inertial potential energy, the **** is fiercely hoeing to the ground.

Even if it is not the first landing on the ground, using this posture to land, even if there is no time bomb, it will definitely be a crash.

However, that was normal, and Zhang Lan wasnt a showpiece.

At this extreme point, he folded his hands together, his fingers flew and jumped, and for the first time in his life he reached the point of nine seconds in a second. When the wing was drawn from a distance of ten meters to four meters, the only thing he could rescue was released. Ninjutsu where tragedy happened

Sand DuneSand Armor

That's right, it is the c-level sand escape sand armor.

Under the control of Zhang Lan, the sand blanket that should have been used as a buffer belt surging up like a running water generally wrapped the passenger cabin in the sky. Because of the urgent time, he did not choose to wrap the entire passenger plane. He chose... . He chose to abandon the nose, just the section of the fuselage that wrapped the passenger area.

At the moment when the quicksand would wrap the fuselage, the wing finally touched the runway of the airport, and then the wing's engine was struck by a violent impact, which caused the time bomb to burst and burst.

At this time, Zhang Lan only had time to finally clasp his hands and output the remaining nearly 4,000 Chakras to release the last ninjutsu--

Sand escapeSand burst funeral

Sand blast funerals have a crushing pressure far greater than that of sand caskets, but for large-scale objects, if there is no extremely large supply of chakras, it cannot be crushed and can only wrap the target. Sand, very hard.

And this is what Zhang Lan wants.

After Zhang Lan completed this final step of reinforcement, the aftermath of the explosion of the wing engine and the time bomb spread to the cabin. The sand armor on the right side of the cabin was lifted off a few pieces of skin, and even the metal layer of the passenger plane was not visible.

This wave of explosions has finally survived, but it is not a time to relax, because this huge passenger plane has not stopped!

With the sand armor body made by the huge sand flow, the quality of the entire passenger aircraft has increased a lot from scratch, which makes the inertia of the passenger aircraft greatly weakened. The abdomen of the passenger aircraft first touches the ground and rolls forward for more than 30 years. M, the head of a passenger aircraft that is barely protected by the sand armor is hard to escape. In this collision, it exploded violently, and the flying parts splashed all over. ~~ The turbulent fire devoured the head and Tony. Go in.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The remaining time bombs, explosives, etc. are still roaring and bursting. If Tony and Idi are not dead, these secondary explosions may cause fatal injury.

The crew member who was sleeping in the secret rest room was transferred to the passenger cabin by sand avatar, and it should be safe and sound at this time.

Chakra's exhausted Zhang Lan, a little blue gas breathed out of his body, the eight-door Dunjia that had not been released for a long time opened again, and opened directly to the current highest-tolerable fourth injury door, ignoring the soaring flame and the sound of occasional explosion, plunged in In the mutilation of the nose.

One second,

Two seconds,

Four seconds,

Eight seconds,

Sixteen seconds,


It took more than thirty seconds for Zhang Lan's blue figure to rush out of the flames. He pulled a red-gold steel suit tightly in his hand and took it away from the danger zone before returning. Enter the wreckage of the aircraft.

From the perspective of the decoration and shape of the steel suit, Tony was the first to be pulled out. Although there are many potholes on the suit and there are traces of being burned by flames, the suit still maintains its integrity. The big danger should be coma in a violent impact.

"Boom! Boom!"

This time shortly after Zhang Lan entered the wreckage of the aircraft, a violent noise rang out, which surprised the firefighters that Fang Fang arrived.

Wouldn't it be, would it explode again?

[If you are ashamed, please read the genuine article]


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