Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 125: 1 rat shit

Chapter 125: 1 rat shit

"Well, the bad news is that the landing gear of the passenger plane is gone."

"What stuff! Missing it?" Zhang Lan exclaimed. "Will that big landing gear disappear?"

"I don't know very well, I need some emergency plan now, do you have any good suggestions?"

frowns tightly.

The landing gear is the only component that supports the entire aircraft. Without it, the aircraft cannot move on the ground, let alone landing.

Now it is forced to land, and the head of the passenger plane will definitely touch the ground with the abdomen for the first time. The long period of cushioning force is not spared at all, and it will definitely explode.

The time bomb on the plane is densely packed in the cockpit. Once the cockpit explodes, will the time bomb not explode?

The resulting chain reaction did not require the outside world to trigger a time bomb at all. Once it landed, the plane was able to break up the powder it had blown up.

Thinking quietly, Zhang Lan's brain was spinning rapidly.

Until the last minute, he will never give up.

has been thinking for so long that the passenger plane is already close to Los Angeles Airport.

"Bahhhh... Ground Command... Sith... Call... Reply..."

An intermittent blind sound came from the ground command station contacting the passenger aircraft station. They needed to guide the passenger aircraft to land, but due to Tony's electromagnetic jammer, the signal could not be received in the cabin. Zhang Lan outside was intermittently capturing Arrived only a few words.

"Tony, shall we turn to the sea and try the forced landing in the water?" Zhang Lan suggested.

"No, no!" Tony flatly refused: "This is an old-fashioned passenger plane, and there are not too many safety measures for forced landing on the water. Now we can only rely on other methods."

"Other ways? What way Tony?"

"Blue, how long did it take to prepare for the extraordinarily large sand wave you used in Manhattan? Can you make it into a hand-like thing to hold up the passenger plane?"

"Extra large sand waves? Does the sand burst..." Zhang Lan frowned and thought: "As long as enough sand is prepared for me, I can use it and can barely hold the plane, but... I havent tried it. I dont know if I can stick to it. Im afraid the hardness of the sand is not enough, I cant bear the full quality of the aircraft, and I dont have a landing gear. If the passenger plane is on the ground...

"No, we have a landing gear." Tony flatly said: "This set of MK-5 is the latest model, the space super alloy used, can withstand the high temperature caused by rapid friction."

"You come to make a landing gear?" Zhang Lan opened his eyes wide: "No, it can't, the steel armor can bear it, your body can't bear it, let me come, I also have a steel armor... .."

"This is not even better, you are wearing a portable suit, the hardness is not enough, and if you are going to make a landing gear, who will use the quicksand you said..."

"It's "sand blast" Tony, then okay, I know, come over and send me to the ground first, I will go to the airport to talk about the problem."

Finally, Zhang Lan went to take out a dress-up card and directly put the steel armor on his body into the card. With his body against the strong partial pressure, he used Chakra to stick it firmly on the aircraft cabin.

With his right hand holding the sword, Chakra was highly concentrated. Zhang Lan first took out the gray Tang Heng knife with his left hand, slammed it down with a sharp punch, punched a hole in the top of the cabin, and quickly inserted the replacement card into the hole. Then a crowd of sand streams poured in wildly, and only after a sufficient amount was used to block this metal gap with sand binding casket hardened sand.

After Zhang Lan completed this series of actions, Tony, who was in a steel suit, also came to the head of the airliner, and saw Zhang Lan under the strong wind without any cover. Without a word, he hugged Zhang Lan's waist and took him away He flew towards the head of the airliner and flew towards the Los Angeles field not far away. Zhang Lan, who was hugged, made a few ninja seals in a hurry.


In the crew's secret lounge that Zhang Lan had visited before, this was above the passenger cockpit, and the small hole that was just cut was blocked, and then with the seal of Ninja before Zhang Lan left, that A pool of sand began to flow and simulated, slowly revealing a stewardess who was accidentally covered up, forming a humanoid appearance on his body.

Sand escapeSand Doppelganger

The avatar of the sand has just appeared, because the location of the sand flow is too good, just lying face to face on the body of the flight attendant, the two faces are close to each other, and you can almost hit KISS.

Avatar swallowed hard, but still couldn't kiss the stewardess's lips, kissed gently on her face, and then retreated.

"Just as it is, I save your reward!"

Down the spiral staircase, because of the door lock that was destroyed by Zhang Lan, the Sand Doppelganger was very smooth. He came to the back of the cockpit. The front door was locked, and there were four men around him, using the plane. The scissors, knives, and spoons on the drum are tinting the cockpit door.

"What are you doing?" Sand Doppelg asked very confusedly.

Hearing the movement behind him, the four men turned around nervously and saw a seventeen-year-old Mao child, one of whom was very impatient and waved towards the sand.

"Children, persuade you not to do much business, hurry back into your mother's arms, haha."

Sand Doppelganger heard that he was very impatient~~ Now he doesn't have time to ink with them, lie to him, a man with a knife on both the left and the right will be unguarded, and lighten his right foot to another man Neck, the three fell to the ground one after another.

Doppelganger will naturally not kill people indiscriminately, just control them to stun them.

Hearing the sound of three people falling to the ground behind him, the last sober person raised his head from the hard work of prying locks, holding a soup spoon in his hand, and looked at Zhang Lan in surprise.

"You... what do you want to ask? I will tell you, please don't hit me!"

So stupid? Sand avatar glanced at the corner of his mouth disdainfully.

"Say, what are you doing?"

"Pry the door..."

"Use your bullshit!" Sand Doppelganger collapsed: "Ask you what to pry the door to do? Hurry and tell me!"

"Ouch... hiss! Its John, John said that the driver inside was not the captain and wanted to open the door, then...then..."

"Then what? Edit, continue editing! Can I believe what you said? In the end, what is your real purpose?"

"Ah... no, this... that..." The man supports us.

"Don't tell the truth, then I can do it... illusion and illusion!"

Facing an ordinary person, even if you don't open the eye of writing, an illusion is enough.

"Speak, who are you? What do you want to do?"

"I... the four of us are the Gang of Four in Los Angeles. John said it is very confusing now, and even the captain is missing, you can..."


This world is too messyReward 100 starting coins.

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