My beast Emperor System

Chapter 135: Confrontation

Chapter 135: Confrontation

"Artificial magic beasts?" An elderly man said with a frown on his face.

He was not much older than the emperor and apart from the emperor, he is the leader of the Wuxing clan! On normal occasions, an important figure like this whose power is almost on par with that of the emperor rarely comes out in public but after all that happened with Instructor Hai and Lucien, this peerless master decided it is only reasonable for him to step outside and take a glance at this youth.

At a certain level, a master can utilize the all seeing eyes to peer deep into a weaker target and learn all his secrets but after what happened to the Libet empire representatives, this old man dared not use it on Lucien. He watched Lucien and smiled. Gazing at Lucien, he could tell this youth was riddled with so many mysteries even the empire may not be able to compare. Whatever he got in that black water cave may be beyond a grade 1 sealed artifact which the emperor claimed he got.

Hearing the question, Lucien shot a glance at the elder with long well kept gray hair and a slightly pale body. He wore a traditional purple robe with a strange Chinese-looking symbol which was the symbol of the Wuxing clan. Seeing this, he instantly knew this man was the patriarch of the Wuxing clan.

"Whatever is in me has the knowledge of all magic beasts in this world and that's why when I assimilate a magic beast, I can directly get what is more like a guide on how to be the beast. I am thought all of its abilities and there is no need for me to research on the beast" Lucien said this and paused.

He allowed the gasping sounds to spread across the hall and he soon noticed the look of the enemy has turned to fear whenever they looked him in the face. Knowing the full extent of his abilities, Lucien was now perceived as more of a beast than a man.

"When I killed this Kasir, whatever is inside me tried to reject it like it was some foreign being I can proudly say I know all magic beasts recorded all through history but this one is something I have never encountered! Before! I know it sounds ridiculous but it's the truth The Libet empire is artificially manufacturing magic beasts up to the king tier if they can mass produce this in thousands and control them, then none of the two empires can ever stand against them!" Lucien's voice was calm but as he spoke the face of all those who heard him kept turning ugly.

"He is joking right?"

"No way, is that even possible?"

"If this is true we must inform the Drakon Empire, and have them help us deal with the enemy! The balance has been brokenthe continent will soon plunge into darkness soon!"

While the nobles chatted amongst themselves, Emperor Fei and the Wuxing clan patriarch just kept giving Lucien a meaningful gaze.

"Were you able to utilize the abilities of these artificial magic beasts?" Emperor Fei asked after giving the matter some thought.



Unlike other magic beasts which just showcase a faint image of themselves. A reddish aura exploded from Lucien's body and completely took the shape of the Kasir with Lucien floating within it. His body was red hot and it felt like his blood was getting pulled out and evaporating! He seemed to be in pain!

After the demonstration, Lucien reverted to his normal form, breathing heavily and looking more tired than usual.

"Yes, I can use it But as you can see, it's quite different from how the normal ones are and it hurts a lot... I can't maintain it for too long but that doesn't mean it is weak either... It is just different" Lucien said calmly while trying to control his breathing.

"Thank you for your report You will be greatly rewarded soon" Emperor Fei said calmly but when Lucien heard this, his eyes revealed a hint of his murderous intentions towards the emperor!

"I don't need any reward from you You don't have to worry about it!" Lucien's voice was so venomous, even the emperor felt chills running down his spine when Lucien spoke.


Lucien didn't bother to stick around, he quickly left the courtroom and started making his way out of the royal palace. His beast assimilation can be considered his trump card so when he is forced to reveal detailed information about it to a group of people who are no different from enemies waiting for an opportunity to strike him down, he felt greatly annoyed with the emperor.

Before his feelings towards the Emperor were indifferent but now it's hate!

[Lucien you are being followed!] Rakuzen warned but Lucien didn't panic, instead, his eyes turned cold as he shot a glance towards the shadow at the corner of the room.

"Come out!" He ordered coldly as his aura began rising tremendously. If this person sneaking up on him has no reasonable explanation for his actions, he will let hell loose upon such a person!

"You seem angered, young clan head" An elderly voice rang in his head as the figure emerged from the shadow, revealing the Wuxing clan head.

"How did you find me?" the old man was a bit stunned that Lucien was able to spot him.

"I have assimilated a few beasts possessing the shadow element So It will be difficult for someone using the shadow element to sneak up on me" Lucien lied and tried to maintain his annoyed appearance.

In his opinion, the Wuxing clan is not in any way weaker than the royal family, so he had no plans of crossing them unless necessary. By the way, he has never been the type to let people push him around.

"Hmmm? You truly have great talent and skill but you are an unknown variable, that's why everyone in the empire is wary of you and tries to keep you far but not too far" The old man said with a bright smile.

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