My beast Emperor System

Chapter 134: A massacre!

Chapter 134: A massacre!

The three figures watched as the bright blue dragon scaled spear began spinning violently, causing bright blue flames to surge forward endlessly! Soon the small blue flames evolved to a bright blue whirlpool surging towards them and what made the attack more shocking was that it was completely made of soul energy! The weakness of a mage and fighter.

"Kasir!" The yellow-haired lady cried out loudly as the fire befell them like a curtain!


The massive spider let out a loud screech before charging forward. From its behind, it released countless amounts of webs which slowly formed a defensive layer of its own! It was trying to form a barrier capable of withstanding the soul attack in one go!


The two abilities collided creating a powerful shockwave and a loud explosion sound but this can only be heard by those within the darkness! Those outside the shadow storm could not feel a thing, or hear a thing! Knowing this, Lucien had no reason to hold back or fear a third party interfering!

"Nice!" He growled as his body shot forward like a missile, allowing him to cross hundreds of meters in an instant!

Using the speed of the Lanka, Lucien's speed was fast enough to make the enemy magic beast tremble in fear as it shot a ball of web towards Lucien and waited for Lucien to dodge, that way it can strike him down with its next move.

But that didn't happen!

[Acid spill activated!]

The faint image of the Lanka appeared over him as he took a deep breath and when he breathed out, he spat out a massive wave of purple acid!

In a mere second, the entire web was reduced to nothing while Lucien steadily advanced. This is his best chance to kill the enemy and gain its power! If he can murder the Kasir in one go, he can gain its power before the yellow-haired lady can dispel it.

[Gale domain activated!]

Seeing the spider wished to retreat and widen the gap between them, Lucien frowned as his eyes let out an immense wave of silver light! The faint image of the Argo appeared behind him as numerous hurricanes suddenly began emerging from all sides of the battlefield, creating a powerful storm!

The shadow storm set up to protect them and prevent interference was quickly shattered under the force of his domain skill! The storm and hurricanes covered kilometers! And every single member of the enemy team had to put in so much effort just to stay grounded! They were sure the moment they are dragged off by their feet, they will be torn to shreds by the ruthless hurricanes!

In the midst of the Hurricane was the silver-haired youth, whose body kept giving off the vibe of a terrifying magic beast, more than that of a person. Above him, the blue azure dragon twisted and turned violently, as it suddenly took the shape of the Argo, a mighty wind predator with golden talons and beak.

"Get them off the ground!" Lucien growled.

In response, Argo cried out loudly as it activated the same skill Lucien used earlier!

The gale domain!

The entire area trembled violently as the clouds gathered towards the battlefield, garnering the attention of all nearby teams hiding around the area waiting to lay ambush on the students of the Fotia empire!

The entire battlefield became a natural disaster and the cause of all of this was still the young-looking silver-haired kid who dared to wander alone! Lucien had no intentions of holding back with the enemy so he directed most of the hurricanes on the spider, directly pulling it off the ground and into the air. He knew if the yellow-haired girl dies first the magic beast will vanish and return to its original location so he lessened the pressure around her area and pushed it over to the side of the spider magic beast!

"Here we go Faceless!" Lucien growled as killing intentions flashed in his eyes as his body let out a golden glow.

[Golden reach activated!]

Lucien and the faceless turned into two beams of golden light and who froward at an incredible speed! Before the enemy could react, Lucien and faceless had already torn two massive holes on the belly of the spider! Everyone watched as the spider magic beast let out a painful cry before its death!

"Just like that? He killed a king tier magic beast Just like that!" the yellow-haired woman cried out in disbelief and her teammates were too dumbfounded to speak!

Lucien's strength far surpassed what they expected and they didn't know how to deal with it! They could only watch as Lucien stored the corpse of Kasir into his omini spatial zone before releasing the gale domain.

The faceless reverted to its normal form while he took a glance at the notifications popping up.




[Beast assimilation complete]

[Artificial magic beast detected]

[System has no records of its abilities!]




Seeing all of this Lucien was stunned. Not only do the system lack information on the beast he consumed it claimed the beast is more artificial than natural. Face with such things even Lucien was dazed.

[A magic beast created with pure science and magic! An abomination that should not exist! What the hell are the people of the Libet empire doing? You must report this! It has to be stopped!] Rakuzen said coldly!

Hearing this, Lucien had no intentions of staying here any further! He knew its time for him to return and prepare for his meeting with the emperor but with so many people here, Lucien didn't plan on letting them go either!

His body let out a bright red light as the image of the Kasir appeared above him, stunning everyone. In his opinion, if he is unable to get information about the magic beast through the system, he just has to find out himself!

"Isn't that Kasir? " The yellow-haired lady muttered in fear as she watched Lucien's approaching figure get closer by the second but she had no more strength in her legs.

"I I know him! He is Lucien! The one who got hold of a tier one sealed artifact that allows him to assimilate the power of magic beasts killed by him! All the abilities he has used so far are at the king tier level! Does it mean he has killed so many king-tier magic beasts?" The bald man was more fearful now than usual.

Hearing his words, the other Libet empire students who have been watching from a distance began retreating. If they had a final year student with them here then they wouldn't bother much but there was none so they didn't have the confidence of dealing with Lucien

"It is no use runningNone of you will make it out of this place alive!" Lucien said with a sinister smile on his face as he charged forward!


That night the Libet empire's younger generation suffered greatly and many were killed! They found a staggering hundred bodies and that accounts for the corpses that were found in one piece! Many more were reduced to chunks of meat and bloody paste! The Libet empire remained silent on the matter empire may have remained silent but everyone knew that it was only a matter of time before the main battle begins!

Meanwhile, Lucien's actions spread wide and far, and in just a night, he was given a name; the night demon! The upper echelons of the empire were happy with his actions and many invited him to parties but he respectfully declined all. Upon return to the academy, he sort the audience of Dean Xio, who he asked to prepare a private meeting with the emperor!


"It has been a while since we last met in private Considering our current relationship that is barely hostile I didn't think it would be possible for me to meet you in this manner ever again why are you here today? Isn't it a bit too late for you to call this old man out?" Emperor Fei laughed lightly as he spoke.

Lucien's silver robe was dyed red with blood and even his hands were covered with the dried blood of the enemy giving him a more ferocious look. He was pissed by the fact that he requested a private meeting yet the emperor went ahead to invite the heads of the various clans and high-ranking officials.

"This is not the private meeting I requested for! Are you okay with me exposing the nature of my abilities to them?" Lucien asked coldly with clenched fists yet the emperor didn't seem moved.

"I assume this is a matter that affects the empire, it's only natural we get them involved" Emperor Fei replied calmly.

His words pissed Lucien off even more but since he didn't want to get on the bad side of so many nobles he pushed the matter aside and focused on the task at hand.

"The Libet empire has found a way to manufacture artificial magic beasts of various levels if this is allowed to continue it won't be long before we are wiped out in an instant!" Lucien said coldly

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