Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 152: The Power of a Name

Chapter 152: The Power of a Name

The first words were dripping with even more poisonous contempt and scorn than Madara's.

It was the one that actually hurts the most, the female kind of Scorn.

That makes you feel like you don't even deserve to exist.

That tone, the female devils all already used it. But never in this manner, this intensity and for this kind of person.

It was like even standing in the same room as them was an offense to her sense.

Euphemia sighed

She understood what the Empress was feeling. When she sometimes came back to her Homeland, she would be filled with the same kind of feelings.

Only her kind heart, wouldn't let them be expressed like that.

The Crown now did fit her perfectly, it was like she was born with it atop of her head.

Her feline eyes seemed to prey on the world.

She stood up, her eyes dripping with the same abasement.

By that point she already made a decision. An Imperial decision. In her eyesThe fate of this two was already set in stone.

For the Goals, she set for her race to attain. Those people were no longer necessary.

No. They were a thorn in her side.

A thorn in the side of progress.

She also didn't forget that those two dared to lay their hand on the Emperor. This was something she wouldn't never be able to forgive.

And even if it was the caseWould the Mother Empress be able to?

Would the Eldest Emperess Kosem Vega be able to?

She stood there, she didn't even bother looking at them, as she spoke to them.

As if the mere sight of them, would dirty her eyes:

"Prepare yourselvesAjuka, Sirzechs."

"You will not stay Satans for long."

"So enjoy it while it lasts."

Those words seemed casual when spoken, but held thunderous implications!!

Even when the Four Maous were backShe didn't hold anyone in her eyes.


She took a King Piece from her forehead and threw it at Beelzebub:

"You can have this back."

"The simple thought that I had let this thing inside me for so long makes my skin crawl."

She turned around, as all her people followed her:

"OhI also forgot"

She stopped in her tracks, her face barely turned in their way, not even a gracing them a single glance

"I will challenge Diehauser Belial in the coming days."

The Satans were all taken back. Was this the right time for such a move?

But their interrogation and confused meant squat to her. The moment she said it. I was already set in stone:

"His first spot shall be mine."

She continued solemnly, with deep condescendence:

"No devil stands above this Empress."

'Such arrogance!!'

Everyone had the same thought! They never even saw the Super Devils speak such words!!

Rias saw with her own eyes, this person she admired growing up. A Champion of the Rating Game, gunning for her dream.

Being the undisputable Rating Game Champion.

This was spoken with such casual confidence, as if it was a matter of course!

Seeing their reaction, an amused smile appeared on her face:

"You don't seem to believe me."

"Fine, Try your luck."

" You, Super Devils, can even participate with Diehauser if you want."

She laughed, but her eyes were fierce as if looking at the delicious prey:

"Ask any being, any clan"

"Sekiryutei, Belial, Gremory, Pheonix, Satans and other Super Devils"

"Any little bastard from any other clan can participate to."

"Ophis. Great Red. Indra. Shiva"

She made a little pause before continuing, her eyes brimming with even more ferocity:

"I can even ask my Marshall to bring God back from the dead."

All of the Gremory and Sitri's Peerage looked at the Marshall. Who had an approving smile. Giving them even more confidence in her claim.

Immediately they felt the weigh of her words. This wasn't merely bragging.

This was deep untethered confidence. Stemming from immeasurable power!!

'No word is above the Imperial Family's. The Empress' authority is supreme.'

She continued her casual talk:

"Bring whoever you wish."

A piercing glare on, she slammed her words, like a provocation towards the Hevean, the Earth and the Underworld:

"I will crush you all."

These words came out to even overshadow the former ones, as if those were an understatement.

Madara had a long smirk on. He was enjoying this show very much.


'That's the Big Sister that makes even the Emperor relent.'

Seeing no response whatsoever, she relaxed her face as she ended:

"Finally, Grayfia and Serafall"

She stared deeply into their eyes:

"For future references. Only my subjects have the honor of calling me, your Majesty."

"You two are not worthy of such glory."

These words seemed absurd, but when she spoke it they somehow made sense!!!

She moved her eyes, and seemed to stare into the air:

"From now on. You are required to address me as Empress Roygun."

She had a deep smile as she continued:

"Empress Roygun Vega."

Immediately!! In the exact the moment the word 'Vega' were pronounced, a mysterious power appeared on the Empress's body! A Thick and Mysterious Aura enveloped her whole body!!

A Toorent of power descended on the whole Planet!!! As all existence seemed to tremble!!!

A Dark Aura of Energy roamed around the world!!

Extinguishing the sun!! And Blinding the moon!!

The whole Sky of all the Panteons became dark!!

A sensation of dread permeated the whole world!!

And from the dark sky!! A Black Thunder descended form faraway dimensions!!

Crossing worlds and Realities!!!

And Descended on the Empresse's Body!!!

Her combed hair was now savagely flying over existence!!! Her Feline yellow eyes turned a tad darker!!!

She felt a new sense of power emanating from her body!

Madara was the first to notice, as his eyes turned red, but to his surprise

'I can't see through it!! What the hell is that?!!'

'NoIt's somewhat familiar.'

His eyes were already on the Rinnegan's mode, but it was the same:

'It's impossible to analyze! I can't even begin to comprehend it!'

Behind her !!!

An Illusion that everyone seemed to witness appeared!!

Numerous silhouettes of different women appeared one after another!! Only their haughty eyes were perceived!!

Before they immediately disappeared.

She then immediately exited the stage, not even bearing the inconvenience of existing in the same space as those people.

Najenda looked at the demeanor of the woman, only one word appeared on her mind:


The mysterious power only seemed to enhance the Imperial aura of the Empress!

Najenda could now, see her standing by 'that man's' side. Reigning on existence.

Her figure disappeared as she teleported away.

Madara chuckled in deep condescendence, as he disappeared:

"You should tell all the other factions to connect to Roygun City."

"You wouldn't want to miss your other rewards, now, would you?"

He ended with a thunderous laugh as he left with the same panache, he arrived with.



I also set up a Patron account, so that I don't get burned out as easily as last time. /ThunderDawn

There is up to 15 Chapters of advanced chapters there!!

My discord is available too!! Let's interact more!! I know my readers have some great opinions to share:

Support me on Patron and get more chapter and spoilers too hhh!!




Hey!! My Readers!!!

Yes!! It's time to expand on the Original Lore!! I hope you liked Roygun developpement. This arc could be said to be Roygun's.

There will be probably special arcs for Emperess' expanding on their personalities and how this changed their behavior.

I hope you could comment more too. It still eludes me how few comments I have sigh...

And more Importantly!!! POWERSTONES TO REACH THE TOP!!!

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