Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 334: the eternal creator

Chapter 334: the eternal creator

Chapter 334 The I AM Creator

As the brilliance around Su Yao returned to normal, the divine power within his body also regained its brilliance.

A black shadow, silent in the center of the godhead, waiting for resurrection again.

Su Yao could feel that this black shadow was the culprit of the strange changes in his power.

After hesitating for a moment, he did not do anything.

In any case, this thing will not have any impact, and it can be revived when needed.

At this time, Venom woke up.

Whats wrong with me? He looked horrified.

Su, you...

Looking at Su, Venom's eyes couldn't help but become frightened.

What kind of terrifying ability has Su mastered?

If he hadn't been a symbiote and had relatively high mental resistance, he might have really gone crazy just now!

After taking a look at Venom and confirming that he was okay, Su Yao turned his attention to other places.

Just now, in addition to the venom, he also felt that some people were affected.

Very weak threads of faith, I dont know when they were connected to the godhead.

Through those threads of faith, Su Yao could still hear frantic prayers.

Are these the people who have been driven crazy by my influence...

Su Yao frowned slightly.

Although these people became his followers, he still noticed something was wrong.

For example, their lines of belief are unusually thin, almost as if they dont exist at all.

Even the power of faith provided is minimal.

Su Yao was a little surprised, "The power of faith must be fully provided by a living being with a complete mind?"

Then, he carefully observed these people along the thread of faith.

Soon, he discovered that these people had his aura, and at the same time, there was some twisted knowledge in his brain.

Some of this knowledge is about physics, and some is even about magic.

Its just that this knowledge is all related to light.

Su Yao could feel that the magic was unusually rough, as if it was formed naturally without any trace of man-made artifacts.

It has a feeling of ancient witchcraft, which is extremely simple and primitive, and also extremely close to the essence of magic.

As long as you get some materials, make some postures, and shout some random syllables, you can cast magic related to "light".

Of course, there is a question mark as to whether this is real light. Su Yao can clearly feel that this knowledge is abnormally distorted and exudes a strange atmosphere.

Even if it is magic, it is a kind of twisted, crazy, and taboo magic.

After taking one look at these magics, Su Yao didn't care anymore.

These magics are extremely weak. They are essentially derived from his power and have no significance in learning.

If an ordinary mage gets it, he will most likely be surprised, but it will mean nothing to him.

Su Yao thought, "These people probably couldn't bear this weird knowledge, and they went crazy in the end, right?"

Maybe its also the influence of my power

Thinking of this, he looked at the still horrified Venom and asked, "Do you have any more knowledge in your mind?"

Hearing what he said, Venom remembered something. He quickly explored his memory, and then a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.Yes, what are these things?

Why do I have so much weird knowledge in my head?

Su Yao was thoughtful and asked, "What did you feel when you looked at me just now?"

Venom was startled for a moment, thought about it carefully, and then said with horrified eyes, "Except for hearing some weird sounds, when I looked at Su Qian, it was as if I had seen some truth or the source of knowledge."

The more I observe, the more knowledge I have in my mind, as if I see the truth of the universe and everything.

That knowledge makes me addicted, makes me...

Looking at Venom's eyes that were about to become crazy again, Su Yao frowned and said, "Stop thinking about it, you will probably go crazy if you keep thinking about it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Venom woke up, his face full of fear.

Su Yao frowned.

Even a powerful special being like Venom will become crazy after getting that knowledge, let alone ordinary people...

Su Yao hesitated, thinking about whether to use the mind gem to erase the weird knowledge in people's minds.

After a long while, he shook his head and chose to do nothing.

Although those people are crazy and provide almost no power of faith, they may be able to seduce some people to believe in him?

Seemingly influenced by his subconscious mind, Su Yao discovered that those crazy believers were most interested in pulling people around, telling them about weird knowledge, and introducing them to them.

For example, at this moment, a burly middle-aged man named Caleb pulled a middle-aged woman and said slightly crazily, "Madam, can you take a moment of your time?"

I wish I could tell you about our Heavenly Father and Savior, the Master of infinite creation, the Creator of I AM, the great Lord of billions of rays of light!

The middle-aged woman who was pulled looked impatient at first. After hearing these words, she couldn't help but be a little surprised and said, "Are you talking about the Lord, God?"

Caleb was stunned for a moment, then a slightly weird smile appeared on his face, "Yes, ma'am, are you interested?"

I can also tell you about the interesting things that were not recorded during the seven days when the Lord created the world.

Really? The middle-aged woman, who had no interest at first, showed interest in her eyes after hearing this.

Very naturally, she followed Caleb, ready to hear what the world did not know during the seven days of the Lords creation.

In a remote alley.

Looking at this scene, Su Yao's mouth twitched, "This guy named Caleb..."

Through observation, he knew very well that the knowledge in Caleb's mind was distorted and even contagious.

As long as you watch and understand it, you will be affected by it.

Although it is not as severe as the influence of people like Caleb, it is much milder, but it can still make people indulge in it unconsciously.

This middle-aged woman followed Caleb. It is estimated that as long as she understands some weird knowledge, she will never leave again and will be addicted to that weird knowledge.

"Speaking of it, the characteristics of these strange knowledge are somewhat similar to the knowledge in the Dark God's Book."

"As long as you read the knowledge in the Dark God's Book, you will be affected by it..."

Su Yao shook his head. He stopped thinking about it and focused his attention on himself again.

He also has some understanding of some of his own characteristics.

At least, he knew a lot about why those people were crazy.

When transforming into the old days, Su Yao estimated that he would release endless information and knowledge.

Those who receive knowledge but cannot bear it will go crazy and become lunatics.

The other old days are unclear, but Su Yao feels that this is the main reason why those who were influenced by him went crazy.

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