Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2051

Chapter 2051

The steward of situ's mansion took situ Zhuo's post to the Yamen to ask for the magistrate's help.

And stuzhuo was gathering the servants and the guardians of the house.

More than two hundred people were tangled up and ready to start at any time.

"Wang Baoyuan, what do you think of the thief's strength?"

Later, situ recruited the leader of the guard to inquire.

"Master situ, I have asked those servants. According to their description, the thief's strength may have reached the level of martial arts, or even the middle stage of martial arts!" At this point, Wang Yunshen's face flashed a taboo color.

He also cultivated internal Qi. However, in the early stage of martial arts, he thought that it would not be difficult to defeat those family members, but he would cut off dozens of family members' arms in an instant like song Yan. If he was replaced, it would be absolutely difficult to do so. Therefore, he suspected that the other side was the martial artist in the middle stage of martial arts.

The magistrate of Mingshan mansion is called Qin Wei. Because he has just presided over a scholar's test, he is tired and just woke up. He used some refreshments and tea under the servant's service. Suddenly, he heard the steward of situ's family coming to see him with his post.

Situ Zhuo was the biggest rice merchant in Mingshan mansion. He had a lot to do with the local gentry. If he didn't have to, Qin Wei would not offend him. So, he immediately asked someone to invite the steward of situ mansion in.

"Villains see the Lord!"

As soon as he came in, the steward of situ's house bowed to his knees.

"Steward steward, don't be polite, please get up!"

"Thank you very much, master!"

"Steward, I don't know what you are doing here this time." Qin Wei asked kindly.

"Please make the decision for my family!" Cried the steward.

"Oh? What happened to the situ family? " Qin Wei pretends to be surprised.

Then, steward situ told us about song Yan's breaking into situ's house and cutting off his ears and eight servants' arms.

After listening, Qin Wei was really surprised that someone dared to go to situ's mansion to commit murder.

"Where is the murderer?"

Qin Wei asked in a deep voice.

"Back to the old master, the murderer is now in a medical shop. Please send someone to help him!"


Qin Wei said, "go and get Constable Li!"

Soon, an energetic middle-aged man named Li Xiu came. He was the shop head of Mingshan government. His strength has reached the later stage of martial arts.

"See you!"

Li Xiu boxing.

Although he was a constable, he was a late martial arts master, and would not kneel to salute the magistrate.

Qin Wei didn't mind. He said, "Constable Li, a murderer broke into situ's house and killed him. Take someone with situ's steward to catch the murderer!"

"My subordinates take orders!"

"That's what I'm talking about.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Li Xiu led more than ten constables out of the Yamen with steward situ. Meanwhile, steward situ sent one of his entourage back to inform steward.

Soon, the two men and horses will be together not far from the hospital. This time, stuzhuo leads the team in person.

"I'm going to bother Constable Li this time!"

Situ Zhuo said politely, but when he spoke, he put a silver note in it and lowered his voice: "Constable Li, when he will catch the thief, give him more pain. It's better to cut off his ears!"

Constable Li looked at the amount of the silver note. Fortunately, it's one hundred Liang. It's indeed the biggest rice merchant. So he nodded: "master situ, don't worry, I will not let the murderer get along!"

"Then I'll trouble Constable Li!"

In the hospital.

Chen Chong's injury has been dealt with, but he has lost too much blood. I'm afraid he won't wake up for a while. Fortunately, there is an old ginseng in the doctor's shop, which can replenish qi and benefit blood. After Song Yan paid a certain amount of silver, the doctor happily took out the old ginseng and ordered him to cook soup.

It's just that Shentang hasn't been cooked well, but the constable and situ's family are here again.

"You don't have to take care of him!"

Leaving a word, song Yan walked out of the hospital.

Seeing song Yan's dress, Li Xiu was slightly shocked and said softly, "you are the murderer who broke into situ's family and killed?"

Song Yan hugged Li Xiu with a fist: "I have seen an adult. Song Yan, a boy from lower Huangshan County, was brought in by others instead of breaking into situ's mansion. As for why I cut off one pair of his ears, that's because master situ wanted to kill me. I just cut off his ears, cut off his family members' arms and punished them, even dozens of them sent later I'm just going to kill them and give them a warning! "

"Don't talk nonsense, thief!"

When situ Zhuo heard song Yan's words, he was furious. Then he urged Li xiudao, "Constable Li, tell me about the thief!"

But Li Xiu didn't move. If song Yan is just an ordinary martial artist, he can take it directly, but if the other is a boy, he can't take people casually.Then he asked, "what evidence do you have that master situ wants to kill you?"

"Very simple!"

Song Yan continued: "my wife's eldest brother has been seriously injured by them. Now he is being treated in the medical shop, and the matter is relatively simple. The master situ wronged my eldest brother for breaking his jade Ruyi, and then he caught him and seriously injured him. Finally, he sent someone to the Inn to find me and let me bring five thousand liang of silver to redeem the man. What jade is it, sir Ruyi can be worth five thousand liang? "

A pair of ordinary jade Ruyi is only tens of Liang silver. Even if they are antiques, they are hundreds of Liang. Situ Sheng dare to ask for five thousand Liang. It's a lion's mouth.

"Nonsense! Don't listen to his slander, Constable Li! Get him! " The way of situ Zhuo's anger.

"Master situ, be quiet!"

Li xiuchensheng said a sentence, and then said to song Yandao, "son of song, what you said is only one-sided words. Please follow me to the Yamen!"

Song Yan frowned: "my wife's eldest brother is still in the hospital!"

"Don't worry, I will leave two captains to protect him!"

Then, Li Xiu waved, and two captains went to the doctor's shop. Soon, one of the captains walked out and said to Li Xiu, "my Lord, there is someone seriously injured inside!"

"Son of song, please don't let me embarrass you!"


Song Yan nodded.


At this time, a clear voice sounded, and then saw a girl in blue floating down from the roof, but a beautiful girl holding a sword.

She glanced at the crowd first, and then she said softly, "you constables are really brave. Even the people of Yunshui sword sect dare to bully. Younger martial brother, are you ok? Do you want elder martial sister to help you out?"

"Yunshui sword sect?" Li Xiu's face changed a lot.

"Yunshui sword sect!"

Situ Zhuo's face also changed greatly, and his body could not help shaking a few times. If the thief is really from Yunshui sword school, he will kick on the iron plate this time.

[author's extras]: the end of the second shift

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