Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2049

Chapter 2049

Cao Qing was on guard for a while. He didn't see the water monsters, so he began to save people. He rescued more than 20 people from the boat and threw them all onto the boat where song Yan was.

Then, she stayed there for a while, did not see the water monster appeared, and then came back.

"Brother Cao, I didn't expect you to be a martial arts expert. I admire you! Admire! "

Han Xun said with admiration.

In Wei state, there is no saying that culture is more important than martial arts, but culture and martial arts are both important. Scholars can take the imperial examination, and those who practice martial arts can also take the examination of martial arts scholars.

"Yes, brother Cao is a man of both arts and martial arts!"

Another scholar also said.

Later, those who were rescued came to thank Cao Qing.

The other side waved: "no need, I'm just at the right time!"

Han Xun asked again, "brother Cao, what kind of monster was in the water just now?"

"I don't know!"

Cao Qing shook his head, then went to one side and sat down, then didn't want to say much. After sitting down, she looked at Zhong song inkstone with curious eyes.

Seeing this, song Yan immediately understood that it must have been when he had just broken through the martial arts realm to reach the innate state that his breath leaked out and was thus detected by her.

There was a water monster attack on the boat on the lake. The lake must not be able to swim any more, so the boat has begun to return.

After more than one hour, many people returned to the land, some of whom were still in a state of apprehension.

"Brother song, why don't we have a drink together?"

At parting, Cao Qing suddenly called song Yan.

"Good!" Song Yan nodded and agreed.

A quarter of an hour later, song Yan and Cao Qing sat opposite each other in a restaurant box in the Fucheng.

"I didn't expect that brother song was a master when he was young!"

Cao Qing said with a smile, with some tentative tone. Just now, when she was dealing with water monsters, she felt that there was a breath of inborn martial artists from the boat where she was before. After locking that breath, she found that it was song inkstone.

At that time, she was very curious. The other side was only 13 or 14 years old, and she was born. You know, she was born at the age of 17, which is the rare genius of Yunshui sword school.

"Brother Cao is flattered. Compared with brother Cao, I'm far behind in this skill!" Song Yan is modest.

Cao Qingdao: "brother song is so modest. By the way, I am Cao Qing from xiayunshui sword school. I don't know where brother song comes from."

"Er! Let brother Cao laugh, I have no school! " Song Yan is embarrassed.


Cao Qing was shocked, his face was stunned, and he took off his mouth and said, "how can it be that you have reached the innate level since you were only thirteen or four years old, and how can you not have a teacher?"

Because of the shock, Cao Qing forgot to cover up her original voice, but her real voice was clear and sweet, just like a warbler out of the valley.

"Brother Cao, your voice?"

Song Yan pretends to be an unexpected way.

Cao Qing suddenly understood that he exposed the identity of a woman in a hurry. Suddenly, she felt that song Yan had no school. If he could be introduced into the Yunshui sword school, it would be a great achievement.

"I'm sorry that I hid my identity from you, brother song. In fact, I'm a woman. Because it's convenient for me to walk, I dress as a man. My real name is Cao Jing. I hope you don't blame me for my concealment."

"It doesn't matter." Song Yan smiled and waved.

"By the way, brother song, since you don't have a school, why don't you join our Yunshui sword school?" Cao Jing looks at Song inkstone with expectation.

"This, brother Cao, can you tell me about the Yunshui sword sect?"

Song inkstone.

"You don't know the Yunshui sword sect?"

Cao Jing was a little surprised.

"I don't know." Song Yan shakes his head.

"Well, let me introduce you. Yunshui sword sect is the most powerful sword sect in Mingshan mansion. Our sect leader is a master at the patriarchal level. At the same time, there are more than ten congenital elders in the sect. Besides, there are hundreds of ordinary disciples..."

With Cao Jing's introduction, song Yan also had a certain understanding of Yunshui sword school, and then asked, "are there any other schools in Mingshan mansion?"


Cao Jing nodded, but some disagreed: "even those sects together are not as powerful as our Yunshui sword sect. After all, those sects, at best, are a born warrior. Even some sects don't even have born warrior. If you can join our Yunshui sword sect, brother song, you can walk horizontally in Mingshan mansion!"

"In that case, I'll join you!" Song inkstone.

"Haha, that's great. Then you can go with me!"

While talking, Cao Jing reaches for song Yan's arm and wants to take him back to yunshuijian school.


Song Yan shouted: "brother Cao, don't worry. I'll wait for the scholar to put on the list in the city. How about I go back with you after putting on the list?""It's not just a scholar. If you join our Yunshui sword sect, what is a scholar?"

Cao Jing said with his mouth curled.

Song Yan explained: "brother Cao didn't know something. It was my father's greatest wish to be a scholar!"

For this reason, Cao Jing is not good enough. However, she plans to let her master know the news first, so as not to let song Yan, a talented disciple, be robbed by other elders.

So he said: "well, then wait for the release of the list, and then follow me to the Yunshui sword school!"

"Thank you for your consideration, brother Cao!"

"Well, don't call me brother Cao later. Anyway, you will join our Yunshui sword sect later. Then you can call me elder martial sister later!"

"I've seen elder martial sister!"

"You are so lovely, younger martial brother!"

Cao Jing touched song Yan's head, which made song Yan suddenly have a black line on his forehead. He was killed by touching his head.

"By the way, elder martial sister, when you go to Mingyue Lake today, you should wait for the water monster on purpose?" Song Yan suddenly asked.

"You are so smart, younger martial brother!"

Cao Jing said with a smile, "that water monster is called leech Cheng. It used to hide in the mountains and devour ordinary people. At last, I ran into it. I was going to get rid of it. I didn't expect that guy was too cunning and escaped. Then I chased him all the way to Mingyue lake. Unfortunately, he escaped into Mingyue lake. It's not easy to get rid of him!"

Song Yan said in a deep voice, "look at that strange temperament. It should be very aggressive. I'm afraid that the Moon Lake will not be peaceful in the future!"

Cao Jing nodded anxiously: "yes, I will report this to the school, and then ask the senior of the school to get rid of it!"

Later, they talked for more than an hour, and song Yancai left the inn where he lived.

Through Cao Jing's words, he learned a lot of things that are not known to ordinary people.

Therefore, there are ghosts and monsters in the world.

However, ghosts and demons are all severely suppressed by the human race, and famous and decent sects like Yunshui sword sect send their disciples down the mountain every year to experience and kill demons and demons. Therefore, the whole Mingshan mansion is peaceful, and there are few incidents of ghosts and Demons hurting people.

After Cao Jing and song Yan parted, they immediately wrote a letter and sent it to a mansion in the Fucheng. They sent it back to yunshuijian school and gave it to her master.

[author's extras]: second watch

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