Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2048

Chapter 2048

There are two famous scenic spots near Mingshan mansion. One is Mingyue lake. There are many boats in the lake. Many scholars like to drink and have fun in the boats.

In addition to a red leaf mountain, the red leaf mountain is because the mountain is full of red maple trees. Every autumn, the mountain is covered with red, which is extremely beautiful.

After leaving the city gate, he went all the way to the East. Within a moment, song Yan arrived at Mingyue lake. There were many boats parked by the lake. Ordinary boats could play on it for a day only for two liang silver.

If you want to be clean, you can pack the whole boat.

There are also some more distinctive boats that can't go up with silver. They need to make poems. Only one poem can they go up the boat.

If you want to swim in Mingyue lake, you must board a boat, so that you can understand the beauty of Mingyue lake.

Song Yan paid two liang of silver and boarded an ordinary boat.

He entered the cabin under the guidance of Xiaosi.

There are more than ten dwarfs in the cabin. Song Yan is placed in front of the dwarfs. In addition to the five dwarfs, there are five scholars.

Of the five, the oldest was twenty-five-six, and the youngest was sixteen or seventeen, the youngest of whom was thirteen.

"Han Xun in xiayulin County, what's the name of this young man?"

One of the scholars asked with a kind inkstone from the Song Dynasty.

"I've met brother Han. I'm in Song inkstone of xiahuangshan County!"

"It's brother song. You're here for reference this time?" Han Xun continued to ask.

"Lucky enough to pass the boy's test, so try your luck!" Song Yan is modest.

Han Xun smiled thoughtfully: "brother song is modest. If I remember correctly, song Yan is the head of the boy test in Huangshan county. It should be brother song!"

The other four scholars were surprised to see song Yan when they heard Yan. Unexpectedly, the head of the case in Huangshan county was such a small boy.

"Good luck!"

Song Yan smiled and did not show any satisfaction.

At the same time, he opened his golden eyes to sweep the five scholars, four of whom were almost equally lucky, but Han Xun's lucky spot was relatively high, reaching 17. It seems that he is very likely to be a scholar this time.

"Huangshan county is really empty."

At this time, a strange voice sounded, talking about the oldest scholar.

His name is Mituo. He has been testing children since he was 14 years old. He has been testing children for 11 years. He didn't do it until this year. When he thought of his experience and compared with song Yan, he was not comfortable.

As soon as Mito's voice fell, the faces of the other four changed slightly. Han Xun frowned, and thought that Mito was too difficult to be a man.

According to the potential rules of the examination room, if there is no accident, the heads of the cases in each county can basically be the scholar, and song Yan can capture the heads of the cases at such a young age. There must be real materials. Even if you are jealous in your heart, don't say it, but you make a mockery of it, which makes you feel a little narrow-minded. Therefore, the four people in Hanxun feel alienated from Mito.

Song Yan hears the words, but he is dumb and smiles, but he is relieved to think of Mituo's age.

Time goes by.

More and more scholars came to the boat. Finally, they filled all the twelve dwarfs, and the boat set sail.

On the other hand, the lads on the boat put refreshments, tea and wine on top of their own dwarfs.

At the same time, after communication, the 12 people present are also candidates for this test. After the test, everyone goes out to swim in the lake to relax.

In a moment.

There are girls on the boat who come out to perform instruments, singing and dancing for everyone.

These girls are all decent in temperament and appearance. If you want to have a family, you need to pay extra money. Ordinary singers only need five liang of silver. Those with good looks need more than ten Liang.

In Weiguo, it's as simple as a common practice for a scholar to go to a brothel and paint a boat. He will not be despised, but will have a good reputation for being romantic.

Mito is a hungry ghost in color. When the dancers finish dancing, they throw out five liang of silver and carry one of them to another cabin.

Han Xun, on the other hand, spent 15 liang of silver to choose a woman to play the Guqin.

When he left with the woman in his arms, Han Xun suddenly said to song Yandao, "brother song, why don't you pick someone?"

"No, I'm young!"

Song Yan waved.

Han Xun smiled and left with her arms around her.

Other scholars also selected people one after another, and took their favorite girls to other cabins for in-depth exchanges. For a while, song Yan and a skinny young man with dark skin were left here.

Although the other side's skin is a little dark, but the appearance is quite beautiful. However, after looking at the other side, song Yan found that the other side was dressed as a woman dressed as a man. In short, it was a Xibei product.

Before signing up, the other side claimed to be Cao Qing.

Although he saw through the identity of the other party, song Yan did not intend to expose the other party.

"Brother Cao can't see it either?"Song Yan is laughing and joking.

"Some mediocre and vulgar powder can't be seen by me!"

Cao Qing said proudly.

Song Yan smiled and said in his heart, it's not that you can't get into your eyes, but that you don't have the tools to commit crimes.

The two chatted casually and occasionally raised their glasses to drink with each other. The atmosphere was quite harmonious, and here, you can have a panoramic view of the scenery around Mingyue lake.

All of a sudden, song Yanxin read a move, using the golden eyes of Qi Yun to investigate the Qi Yun of Cao Qing, which was a little surprising. The Qi Yun of the other side actually reached 137.

With such high fortune, I'm afraid that this person's identity is not simple.

About a quarter of an hour later.

Mito came back here again. He still had some satisfaction on his face, but his steps were a bit staggering. Song Yan shook his head secretly. This man's body was very weak. It seems that he was also infatuated with wine and lust at ordinary times. Otherwise, he would be admitted as a child student at such an old age.

"Such a beautiful scenery deserves a poem!"

Mito looked out of the boat and said proudly.


Not only song Yan didn't go along with him, but Cao Qing didn't go along with him, which embarrassed Mito. He was afraid that he couldn't fit it.

"Two friends, I wonder if you have any wonderful words in your heart?"

Next moment, Mito looks at Song Yan and Cao Qingdao.


Song inkstone is light.

"Coincidentally, I was inspired by a poem!"

According to the rules, song Yan should say, brother MI, please or ask him to read his poems, but song Yan is not saying anything. Cao Qing goes too far and raises his glass to song Yan and says, "brother song, I respect you!"

The ignored mitto was very angry, and the Mou son could not help but resent.

However, he can't help song Yan and Cao Qing, and can only drink alone there.

As time went by, the scholars who went in came back one after another.

It took Han Xun an hour to get back here.

And also hugged that woman, each other pretty eyes, pink face and spring, obviously in a moment ago, she was moved by Han Xun.

For a while, a stem of scholars have come out to congratulate Han Xun for winning the hearts of beauties.

Seeing Han Xun in the limelight, MI Tuo, who has drunk a lot of stuffy wine, feels rather unhappy, and his heart can't help humming.

Unconsciously, time came to noon.

The boat provides lunch, and the cooks on the boat are good at cooking.

Song inkstone is not polite either. Enjoy it.

Seeing this, Mito stared at him and said with a sneer, "it's really a small place. It's a poor look!"

Song Yan smiled: "it doesn't matter if you are poor. As long as you have talent, sooner or later you will change the current situation!"

"It's up to you!"

Mito sneers.

"Brother MI, you are too much. Brother song didn't provoke you!"

Han Xun can't read any more.

"I have faith!" Song Yan is very sure of the way.

"Ha ha, you've only been reading for a few years!"

"Not at the height of the year!" Song inkstone is a serious way.

You...! "

Mito is full of Qi.

Song Yan continued: "there is a gold house in the book, and there is a jade in the book."

"Good poetry! Brother song

Han Xun clapped.

Other scholars also began to praise.

"I'm flattered. It's just a coincidence!" Song Yan said modestly, but Mi Tuo on the other side didn't like it.

"Eh, look!"

All of a sudden, someone pointed to the front and exclaimed. People looked up and saw that a small boat tens of meters away was suddenly overturned, making the boat scream.

Then, a huge thing rushed out of the water and bit off half of a person's body.

Seeing this scene, a group of scholars trembled with fear and shouted to make the boat turn around quickly.

"Evil animal!"

Cao Qing's angry drink suddenly turned into a green shadow shooting out, and directly fell on the lake, but when she stepped on the water gently, the whole person took off and continued to shoot towards the boat.

"It's the way of inborn master!"

Song Yan's eyes brightened, and directly let the system scan Cao Qing. Soon, there were two more books in the system.

One skill, one sword.

If you want to learn, you need 50 points of Qi, and the sword technique is called drizzle sword. If you want to learn, you need 45 points of Qi.

"Learn the formula of gas production!"

Song Yan directly gives orders to the system. Suddenly, he feels a huge force pouring into his body, rapidly transforming his body.

And now.

Cao Qing has arrived at the boat where the accident happened. At the same time, she has a thin sword in her hand. In the swing, a thin sword keeps shooting towards the water monster.The water monster seemed to be afraid of Cao Qing. As soon as he saw the sword Qi, he quickly retracted into the water.

Cao Qing stepped on a boat board and stared at the water with a dignified expression. However, she did not see the water monster for a long time and began to save people.

But just when she pulled up a woman, there was a crash. A huge head came out of the water, and a huge water column was spewing out towards Cao Qing with its mouth open.


In the face of the water from the monster, Cao Qing was not afraid at all. He threw the woman out, and the woman flew over the lake for tens of meters and landed on the boat where song Yan was.

In the moment of throwing away the woman, Cao Qing slashed out towards the water column with a sword. Unexpectedly, he spread out the water column and cut it on the head of the water monster with a bang.


The water monster made a scream and sank into the water again.

[author's extraneous remarks]: one change

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