Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2046

Chapter 2046

Huangshan county is the most remote county under the jurisdiction of Mingshan Prefecture. With the speed of this carriage, I'm afraid it will take two days to get to the Fucheng.

Unconsciously, most of the day passed. There is a town twenty miles away. Song Yan plans to rest in the town tonight.


Thunder rang, and the sky was covered with thick black clouds.

"Xiao Lang, it looks like rain. I'm afraid we can't get to the town. Let's find a shelter." The driver, Chen Chong, suggested.

"Well, stop when you see a shelter!"

Song Yan replied.

After moving on to many places in the mountains, the rain began to fall in the sky, and he barely made it for a while. Chen Chong exclaimed, "Xiao Lang, there is a temple in front of you!"

"That line, go to the temple to shelter from the rain!"

Song inkstone.

Therefore, Chen Chong immediately drove his carriage to the temple. When he got close to it, he found that it was a ruined temple without people living in it, and the rain in the sky was growing.

Driving the carriage into the temple, Chen Chong beckoned song Yan to get off.

After getting out of the car, song Yan went into the temple and explored it. It was indeed a broken temple. Except for the main hall, almost all other places had collapsed.

When he returned to the main hall, Chen Chong had taken the shaft off the horse and led it to the eaves of the temple for shelter.

But half a quarter of an hour.

The drizzle turned into a torrential rain. There were several leaks in the main hall, but they could barely keep out the rain.

They made a fire, then took out dry food and baked it. It seems that the rain will not stop for a while. They are going to spend the night in this ruined temple tonight.

Sure enough.

The rain had not stopped for half an hour, and the sky was completely dark. With the strong wind, it was like crying and howling.


After another half hour, the rain finally stopped.

Song Yan and Chen Chong talked for a while, then spread a blanket beside the fire to go to bed.

Just then, a sound of horse's hooves came from outside the temple.


A group of people broke in.

There were seven of them, each with a fierce face and a scabbless sword on their back.

However, none of the them have developed internal Qi.

"Someone came first!"

Before the seven entered the main hall, they found song Yan. After all, the fire was still burning, especially in the dark.

"You give up your place, let's have a fire!"

One of them glanced over Song inkstone and Chen chongmu with disdain and shouted.

"Go away!"

Song Yan, who was sitting on the blanket, stood up slowly, spitting out a word in his mouth.

Smell speech, the other side is enraged: "boy seeks to die!"

Light drink room, that person brandishes fist to hit toward song inkstone.


Song Yan kicks out, and the other side flies out and smashes on the wall of the main hall.

Suddenly, six other strong men, one after another, pulled out long knives and stared at Song inkstone.

"Our well water doesn't offend the river water, you'd better behave for me, otherwise, don't blame me!" Speaking, song inkstone relieved the breath of the master of internal Qi, which made the faces of six people suddenly changed.

"Boy, I'm going to kill you!"

The kicked man got up from the ground, pulled out the long knife behind him and was about to kill song Yanchong, but was stopped by a man: "five, get back to me!"

Then the man stepped forward and bowed to song Yan to salute: "I'm the one who offended me. I hope you will allow me to rest in this temple!"

Song Yan's face relaxed a little: "as long as you don't disturb me, please do it!"

"Thank you very much, young man!"

The man hurried on, while the other strong man quietly reminded the kicked strong man that the other side could be a martial arts master. Hearing that song Yan was a martial arts master, his anger immediately disappeared. Even if the seven of them worked together, they were not rivals.

The reason why song Yan didn't pursue the other party was that he found that the Qi luck of the seven people was actually negative, and all of them exceeded the negative ten.

In other words, I'm afraid these ten people are not far from death.

In that case, why does he have to contend with several dead people.

Soon, seven swordsmen lit a fire nearby and ate and drank around the fire. One of them took a bag of sauce beef and gave it to song Yan, but he refused.

Unknowingly, another multi hour has passed, and the time has come to the child time.


A sound of footsteps came from outside the temple.

Song Yan suddenly opened his eyes, and the seven swordsmen also opened their eyes and grasped their hands on the hilt.


A figure appeared in front of the main hall. It was a woman with a headdress and a package on her back. She was wet all over, and her clothes were tightly attached to her body, making her body appear exquisite and visible.All of a sudden, the eyes of the seven swordsmen became hot.

Feeling the eyes of seven people, the woman seemed to be a little timid, but at last she said to song inkstone, "young man, can you come in and bake a fire?"

Wen Yan's eyes narrowed, and he was a little surprised, because he saw that the strength of the woman's head Qi Yun was blue, and her Qi Yun point reached more than 80 points.

"Go to them!"

Song inkstone is light.

"Come to us, little lady!"

At first, seven disappointed swordsmen heard that song Yan had actually brought the woman to their side, but they were very happy. One of them hurriedly called out.

"Thank you very much!"

Slightly hesitated, the woman went to the side of the seven swordsmen and made a fire around the fire, but she pulled the hair that covered her cheek to one side and showed her real face. The eyes of the seven swordsmen were all sluggish, because they thought that the little woman was too beautiful and enchanting. After only one look, a stream of heat came out of their belly.

If there is no song Yan in the temple, maybe some of them have jumped on it directly, but there is song Yan, the martial arts master, they are not brave to make a mistake, so they start to talk with women.

We learned from the chat that this woman was from a village in Linxian County. When her husband died, she couldn't bear the abuse of her mother-in-law, so she secretly ran out to go back to her mother's house.

"A widow!"

Knowing this, the eyes of the seven swordsmen are even hotter.

"Little lady, drink some wine and keep warm!"

A swordsman handed his wine pot to the woman.

"Thank you very much, sir!"

The woman didn't refuse. She took the wine pot and took a sip. Then the other side took out the dry food and gave it to the woman. The woman was not polite.

In a quarter of an hour.

The woman's face was wriggling, and she said to a swordsman beside her: "my Lord, the little lady wants to go to have a little urination, but the little lady is afraid of the dark. I wonder if I can go with the little lady?"

Hearing this, the swordsman was very pleased and nodded: "OK! well! I'll go with you! "

But song Yan sighed to himself: "it's really the brain of the Jingchong!"

He also heard what the woman said, but there were so many mistakes and omissions. However, these swordsmen had no doubt about it.

[author's extraneous remarks]: one change

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