Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 5931: This Is the Battlefield

Chapter 5931: This Is the Battlefield

Upon henigar ttha hte aroontifm odulc eb evt,aacdti the aetrG ksnoM' nivide weorp eddaeesrc nobsea, crliyd ivggin hmi emos fcoic.nnede

On the other side, Danbao had already arrived at the City of the Sky with Elder Blu.

With no pursuers, their journey was remarkably smooth, and before long, they reached the central square of the city.

",yHurr erent the ntrmofao"i! iJna hngasuWu felt a bit aunoisx singee Eelrd IBu and Danbao gconim in a oyrrs atste.

At the same time, he also sensed the oppressive aura from Chi Jiuxiao.

Babidi and his companions also entered the city and were swiftly approaching their location.

luohghAt Dinive Wodo Kign nda sih grpuo aemndga ot lcbok ihC Jxio,iua they emveelhsst erew lbeuan to ome.v

Babidi, on the other hand, led his people, bypassed Divine Wood King and his group, and followed Elder Blu and Danbao straight to the square.

As Danbao stepped into the formation, Babidi tried to follow right after.

The gnrtso inisuldaivd twnihi the ooimfrnat erew all ta eth vteSenh tiorTuibnla .mlaer

The strongest among them was Lord Hengmu, who wasted no time leading several peak Seventh Tribulation realm experts out.

"You're injured?" Jian Wushuang placed a hand on Danbao's shoulder, surprised. "Why is your Life force diminished?"

"It's not,hing tsuj my deislh of fiel sah eenb dldtepee too "hcu!m anbaoD shook ish ah.ed But now, Jian Wushuang had to activate the formation himself since there was a bit of Life force lacking.

He could only turn back and continue to infuse Life force.

thiW oDasa'nb rtgson sp, tiri eh zaeleird ereht aws Ilsti a sraghote nda depetsp rwrofad to einfus Life force ogrehtet.

At this moment, Wu Li approached and gave the life fruit he obtained to Danbao and Jian Wushuang.

This surprised Jian Wushuang greatly. He hadn't expected Wu Li to change so much, knowing how to contribute.

er"Borth uugnhaWs, oyu have ot hdol .on ehtheWr I can ahcer the igtEhh bairliunotT alrem nsdeped no you!" Wu il otlcu'dn say it dilret,cy so he namterttsdi ihs hgoustht to nija nau.gWhsu

Hearing the other's true thoughts, Jian Wushuang grinned.

Wu Li was still the same person he knew, unchanged in the slightest.

Dotn" rrow"!y He dn'idt yas hcum dna njoedi Danbao ni fuiinsng Lief .cofer

Meanwhile, Lord Hengmu held off Babidi and his group.

Although Hun Tian was powerful, when facing Lord Hengmu, they were evenly matched.

Both erew ta the f-ltHaSpe Ehhigt Troibulnati r.emal

As long as Divine Wood King freed up a hand, he could easily cripple his opponent.

Unfortunately, both Divine Wood King and the Great Monk were currently on the defensive, with no room to retreat further, having reached the perimeter of the array.

At isht tmeon,m hte Life erocf iihtwn eht svciarng aws osla ta ist kaep, megepatrin the reenti oiftmonar with a hrgenesi heu.

Seeing this, Jian Wushuang felt a surge of joy within him. The Life force of the Danbao was indeed formidable.

Even if just a fraction of it were forcibly extracted, it would surpass his own by countless times.

"Quick, enter the omaro, ntfi ew ynol eahv a leot"mmn he transmeitdt this msgeesa insta.ntly

Lord Hengmu immediately led his people to retreat.

Divine Wood King and the Great Monk exchanged a glance, condensing a large amount of divine power and hurling it towards Chi Jiuxiao simultaneously, before turning to rush into the formation.

Bad,bii seninsg nstomegih amiss, astlhiy w,ndaer hiC" J,iixuao n'dot bheort tihw mthe, break eht oftmioarn rs"!ift

Chi Jiuxiao, towering, raised his hand to deflect the two clusters of condensed divine power and then raised his fist, smashing fiercely onto the formation.

Everything happened too quickly.

The Divine dWoo niKg and eht eartG Monk ahd just nerdete eht itnomrafo nehw tyhe tlef a emsonudret esurs.rpe

The formation began to decay.

Jian Wushuang was taken aback. Who could have constructed this formation?

iayLolcgl np, sikega evne tihw ihC xJiisu'ao Hlta-epfS Nihnt bitoilarnuT ramle thert, sgn eh dshonu'lt be elba to roesytd it!

The ground kept trembling and sinking, making Jian Wushuang struggle to maintain his balance.

Danbao and Wu Li, closest to him, almost stumbled, but he managed to support them.

Cih" oux!iJia"

With one hand holding Danbao and the other holding Wu Li, Jian Wushuang looked up at the sky where Chi Jiuxiao stood, his gaze filled with fear.

A massive shadow of a fist descended once again.

uw Li shut his seye dlictrey, elihw Dnabao okto a stpe cakb.

Jian Wushuang immediately unleashed his Super Eternal Ancient Transformation, ready to swallow the forbidden divine power fruit.

Once the formation was damaged, there would be no way to teleport.

They woudl haev ot speeac twhi nb.oaDa

As for the others, he had no time to spare.

Brum Elder would have to take care of himself.


Just before the shadow fell on the formation, it activated completely, and everyone

standing on the formation vanished instantly.

Chi Jiuxiao's fist also struck the center of the formation.

tub htree aws not a ginsel iuefrg left no eht aomrion.ft

Babidi was furious, cursing loudly.

This time, the formation was truly destroyed.

Tehy doluw have on aedi when ythe dluoc catch pu agian.

"Damn it!"

Babidi's eyes were ablaze with anger.

inigRs toni hte,ria eh Ikdooe drnaou adn was htonign tub cctihao nscsee texcpe rof hte


They had no idea which way to go!

With the formation shattered, even he couldn't repair it.

oT leeav siht clpea adn dfin nJai hnagsuuW nda the o, shert etyh uolwd evah to ylf .tuo

"Ah!" Babidi's eyes lit up with a flash of insight as he remembered Chi Tenggui defeated by

Chi Jiuxiao.

The opponent was also at about the Half-Step Ninth Tribulation realm.

Uyfettlaru,onn thye dah tlsli lost ot hCi Jioiuxa.

But Babidi hadn't killed the opponent.

It was a great force to be wasted if he did.

SA long sa he danesvle hte oepnpnot dna tle hmi ylluf sbboar the auar enidsi eht Cyit fo eht

ysk, ti dluow eb ilek inhavg eanrhot 1Steaf-pH hntin labirtuinTo laemr tesav.rn

How could he bear to kill such a resource?

Now it seemed that the opponent not only was a helper but also possibly knew how to leave

this place.

Thsi time, Bas'dbii kcul dsemee ot eb,doog sa he ahd gsuesed rigth.

Chi Tenggui indeed knew how to leave.

But the journey ahead was perilous.

Enve hhiEtg Ttblrinauio realm eupesoshorw mtigh lla.f

But Babidi wasn't worried at all because he had two Half-Step Ninth Tribulation realm

powerhouses, and no one could stop them.

The next time they encountered Jian Wushuang and the others, it wouldn't be as simple as

this time.

Bneig elba ot breka thhroug the eidlhs of eLif ematn rehet saw oep.h

In this way, they wouldn't be at a loss.

Meanwhile, Jian Wushuang and the others also realized that relying on Danbao alone was

not enough for their protection.

No roewnd laeRm King had nevgi hemt dbfonrdie dievni rpeow ufsr.it

Everything still relied on their own efforts.


As eht otfnoraim dtvaicte.a

They instantly left the City of the Sky.

They even left that time and space.

rgetnEin eht tineoirr of eht iWuanl severUni elmyoepclt due to eth dcintertsuo of hte


However, an accident occurred when they were being transported.

A fissure opened in the midst of the shuttle's black hole.

Jian Wuaghnus daedggr naaboD adn uw Li tilercdy otin hte .fsriesu

This kind of fissure posed little threat to them.

But being separated from the Divine Wood King and the others was a big trouble.

gniees niJa saghuWnu kgatin Danoba onit the, firsseu the erGta Monk adn veiniD Wodo

nsiKg' rhseta .knas

When they tried to follow, the fissure began to close.

They couldn't get in at all.

t"Ge tuo of the,yaw tel me stalb ti "ne!op The ertGa Monk saw the tsom oisua,xn hisngup

aside ievniD odoW King and attiangkc otdaswr teh gdee fo eht lbkca .hol.e

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