I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 135: The O5-5

Chapter 135: The O5-5

The time was 10:00 PM. Zhang Jue, followed by Bellamy, headed for the place where the O5 Member's office was located. The reason why I use the word "headed" is because Site-19 is huge, so huge that it can be called a complex.

Site-19 had all sorts of facilities. Compared to Site-14, where Zhang Jue was positioned. It was like a bad apartment building.

Several tall buildings and a dozen searchlights were swinging around. Helicopters were flying in the sky from time to time. Zhang Jue had encountered several MTF patrols along the way. Using MTFs as ordinary soldiers for patrols, this kind of handiwork is probably only implemented here.

I'm afraid that Site-19's strong defense force and high level of defense are unmatched in the world. However, there were only the things that could be seen. Remember that this is the Foundation headquarters. There must be some hidden secrets.

Zhang Jue did not doubt that even if governments suddenly went crazy and sent allied forces to besiege the place. They would not be able to take it down in a short time, and they might even lose the war. The things that the Foundation had mastered could not be made up for by numbers or ordinary equipment advantages. There might be a failsafe against nuclear strikes here.

Zhang Jue thought of the saying, "To defeat me, you must at least become me first. To defeat the Foundation, you can't be a normal person in the first place. Dealing with the Foundation with conventional tactical and strategic weapons was a fool's errand."

This monstrous behemoth exists in the world. Whether the government hates it or not, there is nothing they can do with it. They can only be used to it and beware of them.


Zhang Jue followed Bellamy, going through several security checks along the way and finally getting on a special elevator. The elevator went all the way down and stopped at the negative 20th floor. After the elevator door opened, there were all kinds of identity verification.

Zhang Jue noticed that Bellamy had used passwords, fingerprints, pupils, and other authentication methods, interspersed with a few modal catalyst tests. After another ten minutes of walking, Bellamy finally stopped in front of an office door.

"135467," Bellamy said to the intercom on the door. Zhang Jue knew it was a voiceprint with a passcode. With a click, the door opened.

Bellamy glanced at Zhang Jue, this time standing outside the door and not entering. Knowing that the inside was most likely the O5 Member's office, Zhang Jue put his hands behind his back and swaggered in.

The office was very spacious, but there wasn't much inside. Without exception, all of them showed an extremely strong sense of technology. A holographic projection of the Earth rotated in mid-air, with various locations marked with symbols Zhang Jue couldn't understand.

"Advisor Zhang, viewing Foundation secrets without permission is punishable by disciplinary action." An ethereal voice came, seemingly processed.

Zhang Jue turned around, and a short-haired woman in a white suit appeared behind him at some point. The woman looked very young, only about twenty years old, but the dangerous aura emanating from her was nothing less than that of the Black Queen. Needless to say, she should be the O5 Member on duty here.

This O5 has a serious expression, and her constant high position gives her a sense of oppression. As soon as she opened her mouth, she made Zhang Jue aware of her presence. Zhang Jue didn't expect something like this.

She only saw him slowly turn around. His eyes rolled upward and white. His hands waved in the air, just like a blind man who kept groping the air around.

"Who? Who's talking? Why can't I see anything?" Saying that he took a step forward and looked like he was about to touch O5's chest. The woman took a step backward, dodging Zhang Jue's hand.

She sneered, "Advisor Zhang, you really are as 'interesting' as the legend says." The word "interesting" was accented with a murderous tone.

She turned back, walked back behind her huge desk, and sat down in her seat. She was towering over like a monarch talking to a peasant.

Zhang Jue returned his eyes to normal and smiled harshly, "This Lord O5, it's harder to meet you than find a prostitute."

"I am O5-5," the woman looked at him, "This is the Foundation headquarters. Please watch your words." It looked like O5-5 was very unwelcome to his arrival.

The reason why Bellamy dared to treat him this way must have been authorized by her. Zhang Jue recalled that O5-12 had once told him that two O5 Council members had voted for containment and the vote on how to dispose of him, and he thought about the other one. It must be the woman in front of him.

In the eyes of O5-12 and O5-5, Zhang Jue, a visitor from another world, was more worthy of caution than the most bizarre anomaly.

"Take my advice, don't use this rhetoric to pressure me. It's useless. I told the guy with the glasses outside a long time ago that I'm your Advisor when I feel like it. If I get mad at you, I'll tear down whatever bullshit the Foundation has."

Although Zhang Jue was smiling, his words were arrogant to the extreme. O5-5 looked at him. Her eyes were calm. At her level, she was no longer able to be angered by words. Even if she was angry, it must have been faked anger.

Zhang Jue didn't know this, but he still had things to say. Whether it worked or not didn't matter, it was important that he was happy to let it out.

When O5-5 didn't say anything, Zhang Jue shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't come here because I wanted to pick a fight. The Foundation promised to let me see SCP-682, and with that, my reason is clear enough."

Zhang Jue's method of provocation was relatively low-end, but against someone on O5's level, this simple method was effective.

O5-5 said, "The Foundation will naturally not go back on what is approved. There are still three days until the deadline, and in those three days, I won't let you see SCP-682."

So that's how it is. This O5-5 tried to limit himself to the maximum extent allowed by the rules. But with only three days, it didn't matter to Zhang Jue.

He smiled, "Lord O5, I have a question, and I wonder if you're willing to answer it."

O5-5 calmly said, "Speak."

"I once met O5-12, and the reason he wanted to take me in because he felt that dragon slayers eventually become evil dragons, and I want to know why you are interested in targeting me?"

O5-5 looked Zhang Jue in the eyes. "No comment."


After Zhang Jue left, O5-5 sat at the table, picked up Zhang Jue's file, and looked at it. And after a moment, she pressed a button on the side of the table.

The wall behind her slowly pulled open, and there was a secret room inside. A man stepped out of the secret room.

"I thought you were going to kill him." He walked up to the desk. O5-5 did not pay attention to him but concentrated on the information in his hands.

Meanwhile, another woman came out of the secret room. She also wore a white suit, had short shoulder-length hair, and looked exactly the same as O5-5.

If someone were to use something to test it, they would find that not only did the two O5-5s look the same. There was no difference in their pupils, voiceprints, and fingerprints. Even their DNA sequences were identical. It's like a copy and pasted version of herself.

There is no way to identify these two people with the current conventional human science.

The second O5-5 said, "The Foundation still holds their principles, and as long as he still holds the title of Special Advisor for one day. I will not take direct action against him."

The man said, "So, you found me."

O5-5 looked at him, "That was supposed to be your mission."

"I think you're mistaken about something." The man smiled, "Since the Insurgency changed its name to Chaos Insurgency. We no longer have anything to do with you guys."

O5-5 said, "There are no mortal enemies, only mortal interests. I believe this is something your father knows better than anyone."

The man shrugged his shoulders, sort of acknowledging O5-5's statement, "One last question, why is it that the person you found in me, and not my brother?"

The seated O5-5 sneered, "The whole world knows that brother of yours is an arrogant fool, only he doesn't seem aware of it."

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