I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 131: Zhang Jue's Choice

Chapter 131: Zhang Jue's Choice

Nobody is one of the Groups of Interest that are watched by the Foundation. To say it's an organization may not be accurate. Because the Foundation doesn't even know how many of them there really are. There may be a lot of Nobody, or there may only be one. As for their purpose, it's even more of a mystery. The Foundation has always been vigilant about them and has sent many operations to launch investigations on them. But for so many years, it has not been able to grasp any valuable clues. They were like a mysterious person, appearing in the vision of the Foundation from time to time.

He was remaining neutral. Until Zhang Jue's appearance and the Site-14 Infiltration incident, Zhang Jue had met him once. Zhang Jue learned that he was the so-called "chosen one" from him. Obviously, Nobody knew something, maybe even the truth about his travel to this world.

But he obviously wouldn't tell Zhang Jue this and only said some godly things. For this kind of person, Zhang Jue hated it with a passion. He wasn't very fond of such kind of riddle like that. At this time, he reappeared, and at such a sensitive time, Zhang Jue wondered what exactly he had in mind. Nobody seemed to have guessed Zhang Jue's thoughts.

"You know, I have no hostile intentions." He said at first. On this point, Zhang Jue was quite clear. Nobody was very strong. If he wanted to kill him, he could have done it at Site-14 because there was no need to wait until now.

Zhang Jue slung the long black sword in his hand over his shoulder, "Did you come here to tell me to go to the landlord? Then you may have to wait a while. Master is busy killing people." Nobody looked at Zhang Jue and then at SCP-1440, who didn't say a word.

"I'm just here to make a deal." He said.

"Oh, so it's a pimp." Zhang Jue looked at the already cracked wall, "Please say what you have to say quickly. This place won't last much longer."

"That's okay." Nobody snapped his fingers, and the shaking building suddenly stopped shaking, and the cracked walls returned to their original state in an instant.

Zhang Jue watched his movements, his head analyzing his abilities. He could massively modify reality instantly and seemed to be an advanced reality bender. But then again, it didn't seem to be. Nobody gave him a different feeling than any of the people he'd come in contact with before.

His figure is different. It was like encountering a 2D character in the real world, how out of sync it was going to be. The way he appeared, the way he disappeared, were all very abrupt. It was as if some creature had put him directly into this place.

Nobody ignored Zhang Jue's scowl at him, but continued to speak his own words. "Kuba, you want to ask for help? I can help you." Nobody turned to SCP-1440, and only then did Zhang Jue learn the old man's name.

"Mr. Zhang. If you want something in return too, I can make it up for you." Nobody said, "But there's only one condition."

Zhang Jue asked, "What?"

Nobody turned around and looked at Zhang Jue with a different kind of gaze, "Don't go see SCP-682."


The scene was quiet for a moment. Nobody's condition seemed simple, but it was obvious that it had been planned before. He seemed to know that Zhang Jue had asked O5-10, and the purpose of his trip was to stop Zhang Jue.

After a few seconds, Zhang Jue suddenly smiled as he looked at Nobody, "What if I don't agree?"

Nobody looked at him, "I'm here to help you."

"You don't need to." Zhang Jue said, "Either you tell me the truth right now or get the hell out of my way. You won't let me see SCP-682, and it will do nothing but make me plunge this sword into you right now."

Nobody stared into Zhang Jue's eyes and smiled back. "Mr. Zhang, you're really impenetrable."

Zhang Jue looked at him, "You too."

"In that case, then let it be." Nobody looked at SCP-1440, "Are you ready?"

SCP-1440 only wanted to die. He didn't care about anything else. He slowly said, "That Mr. Zhang will be taken away by death soon." Before his words fell, the wall that had just been repaired by Nobody returned to its original state in an instant, and the ground began to shake again.

For some reason, Zhang Jue felt a sharp pain in his chest and abdomen and unexpectedly spat out a mouthful of blood. "Heh, goddammit. Was there really necessary to follow the basic law?" He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his expression slightly grim.

Seeing this scene, Nobody looked serious and knew that he couldn't hold it out any longer. With a wave of his right hand, SCP-1440 disappeared as if it had been erased with an eraser, from top to bottom, slowly and finally completely gone. Zhang Jue had gone to great lengths to kill him, but he couldn't even withstand a second under Nobody's power.

Zhang Jue did not doubt that if Nobody made a move on him, he wouldn't even have the power to fight back. After SCP-1440 disappeared, the building's anomaly started to become disappear, but it was already irreversible.

Nobody carried SCP-2416. Zhang Jue looked at him.

Nobody said, "As for this person, I have things to do with him."

Zhang Jue licked his face and said, "Buddy, it's hard for you to show up once. Since you're leaving, don't you want to say goodbye? Or you can give me some information, so it'll not be a waste of time to come here, right?"

Nobody looked at him. "I've done what I have to do. The path has been laid for you to choose. I hope you do not regret it." A cloth bag suddenly appeared in his hand, and he threw it to Zhang Jue.

"After this, I probably won't be able to appear in this world for a long time. This is for you. I hope it can help you on your path 'till the end." After saying these words, Nobody cocked his head.

Zhang Jue saw that his expression seemed a bit gloomy and unclear. Then, like SCP-1440, he was erased from this world. Zhang Jue took the cloth bag and looked around but did not see any clues. It seemed to be just an ordinary bag. But Nobody was so cautious. This thing should be something extraordinary.

It must be that he was not strong enough to use it. Anyway, it was not a wasted trip. Zhang Jue put the bag into his Pocket Dimension, planning to study it when he had time. The building was about to collapse, and he was going to go out.


Two days later.

Zhang Jue was sitting alone on the street side of one of the streets in Mei. He was holding food in his hand, and some pigeons were looking at him with full attention, but he never let go of his hand. The pigeons were anxious, but they never dared to grab food from his hands. A man in a white suit came to him, sat down, took some food out of his hand, and gave it to the poor birds.

"Holding food in your hand but not giving it to them. Advisor Zhang, that's unlikely like you."

Zhang Jue glanced at him. "Is this like the Foundation?"

Lei Shan smiled gently, "You seem to have some misconceptions about the Foundation."

"I hope so." Zhang Jue grunted, "We've known each other for a while. Is there anything you want to say to me?"

Lei Shan thought for a moment and said solemnly, "Advisor Zhang, no matter what you hear or see in the future. I want you to know that the Foundation is always on the side of humanity, and that has never changed."

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