Hogwarts Outsider

Chapter 94: “Entrapment”

Chapter 94: “Entrapment”

Not bad! Not bad! Morgana exclaimed, her eyes filled with excitement as she gazed at the bright red stone.

The Philosophers Stone Its the Philosophers Stone Its really the Philosophers Stone Her voice trembled, unable to contain her exhilaration.

Matthew even felt she might break into dance right then and there.

Morgana raised the Philosophers Stone in her hand, pointing it towards the window, aligning it with the moon outside.

Bathed in moonlight, the vibrant red stone appeared exceptionally radiant and beautiful.

Finding it was so easy Morgana spoke in a fascinated tone. It was so simple so effortless I searched every secret room in Hogwarts and explored every nook and cranny of the castle. Every hidden passage, I scoured the most secluded places

I always believed that the Philosophers Stone would be heavily guarded, surrounded by strong defenses but I never expected it to be within such easy reach

Its so beautiful, isnt it Morgana seemed to be addressing Matthew yet also muttering to herself. There couldnt possibly be anything more beautiful in this world so enchanting so magnificent My dear Philosophers Stone

Morganas demeanor bore no resemblance to the most formidable Dark Witch in British magical history

To Matthew, she seemed more like a lunaticor, more accurately, like an addict.

How utterly tedious! Matthew couldnt help but sneer.

Wickfield, Morgana reluctantly tore her gaze away from the Philosophers Stone.

She looked at Matthew and said, Im grateful you guided me to the Sorcerers Stone. Although, even without you, I would have eventually found it at Hogwarts

But Im sorry, I must break my previous promise now. Im going to kill you She smiled, her voice dripping with temptation. After all, you know too much. Theres no reason for you to continue living in this world

As she spoke, Morgana raised her wand, aiming it at Matthew.

Poor little guy, you may be quite clever She whispered, But its impossible to trap me in a contract without any consequences Youre just a child, after all. You can never comprehend what the adult world truly entails

Surprisingly, Matthews expression didnt display surprise at her words.

In that case, may I say a few last words, dear Ms. Morgana? He spoke calmly.

Of course, you can. Consider it your reward for assisting me in obtaining the Philosophers Stone. Morgana nodded with an air of anger. She winked at Matthew, saying, I can even grant you any wish including experiencing an unprecedented dream youve never encountered before

Ahem Matthew cleared his throat softly before averting his gaze. Apologies, allow me to say a few last words

Morgana once again lowered her head, her gaze greedily fixated on the magical stone in her hand.

Alright, Im listening attentively!

Dont you find it peculiar? Matthew asked in a hushed tone.

Peculiar? Morgana furrowed her brow slightly.

Yes, honestly, Ive always found it strange. A smile formed on the corner of Matthews lips. Why did Hogwarts hire a Vampire teacher this year?

Morgana snorted dismissively. Im not interested in pondering the thoughts of that little Grindelwald!

To be fair, considering Morganas age, referring to Gellert Grindelwald as a little individual wasnt entirely inaccurate.

Then allow me to explain it straightforwardly Matthew shrugged

and continued, The saliva of a succubus has a potent and stimulating effect. For ordinary men, even a small amount of succubus saliva can sap their vitality for an extended period

and for half-blood Succubi like yourself, their saliva also holds a certain degree of potency. Particularly when a mans blood becomes tainted with their saliva, the effect is amplified manifold

As a half-blood Succubus, Morgana was well aware of this. She didnt even bother looking up as she coldly asked, Are you finished?

Apologies, please bear with me for a moment, Matthew hurriedly responded. Furthermore, for immature boys under the age of twelve or thirteen, succubus saliva can be fatal as it stirs up their most primal desires without any outlet for release

It causes them excruciating torment, gradually weakening their bodies until they meet their demise Just like what happened to Ronald Weasley and Justin Finch-Fletchley initially.

Of course, Morgana knew this all too well; otherwise, she wouldnt have launched such an attack. She seemed a touch impatient as she retorted, Anything else?

Indeed, please be patient, Matthew replied helplessly. This saliva isnt poisonous, rendering all antidotes ineffective The only way to save someone is by having most of the blood on their body drained in some manner

This significantly reduces the stimulating effect, and with frequent blood replenishment, the victim gradually recovers Matthew explained.

This time, Morganas expression finally changed slightly.

She took a deep breath. Its merely a coincidence!

Yet, her tone lacked the same conviction as before.

Perhaps! Matthew shrugged, neither confirming nor denying. But in my view, after being imprisoned by Merlin for thousands of years and deprived of freedom for such an extended period, your ability to judge has deviated slightly

What did you say! Morganas fury became evident.

Dont be so quick to anger! Matthew quickly comforted her. Dont you think that since you arrived at Hogwarts, everything youve experienced has gone far too smoothly?

What do you mean? Morgana lowered her wand, her voice icy.

Then let me rephrase the question, Ms. Morgana, Matthew continued. Do you truly believe you know our Headmaster, Gellert Grindelwald, inside and out?

Morgana fell silent.

Our Headmaster, Gellert Grindelwald, takes the most pride in his role as a Seer!

This time, Morganas face abruptly changed.

So, Ms. Morgana, a triumphant smile graced Matthews face, Since you set foot into Hogwarts, youve been ensnared in a trap Everything may seem to be going well, but unbeknownst to you, youre actually the one trapped within!

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