Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 103: Transcendent Profound Meaning

Chapter 103: Transcendent Profound Meaning


The clone and main bodys attacks combined into one. Ling Xiaos attack power increased by 70%, and his gang qi condensed on his swords tip, piercing through Shi Feiyus shoulder.

In front of this sword, <Iron Dress Divine Technique> was useless.

When this sword pierced him, a terrifying cold qi spread through his body. His entire body froze.

You let me win!

Ling Xiao returned his sword to its sheath.

One move!

He really used one move!

This Ling Xiao was too terrifying, even more so than Ling Yihang.

We all looked down on this person. I guess that he is the real number one among the younger generation of the Ling Clan.

He cant be Ling Chens opponent, right? After all, Ling Chen has already stepped into Mid Rank Six Martial Vein. His cultivation base is even higher than Li Xinghuis. Ling Xiao is just a Peak Rank Five Martial Vein martial artist.

Thats true, but Ling Chen still hasnt made a move. No one knows how powerful he is. Some people are not that powerful despite their higher cultivation. There will always be many variables in actual combat.

Ling Chen was stunned.

He knew of <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique>, but he had always thought that it was a trash sword technique. However, someone had actually cultivated it successfully!

He truly couldnt let Ling Xiao continue to grow.

Fortunately, he had only mastered the first layer; otherwise, he truly might have been unable to deal with him.

In Ling Chens view, that <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique> was simply too difficult to cultivate, so Ling Xiao could not have already cultivated <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique> to the fourth layer, the great success realm.

After all, <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique> had only five layers.

However, Ling Xiao was actually a step away from the perfection realm. There, <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique> would evolve, but since no one had ever successfully cultivated it to that level, the martial art records were unclear about what would happen.

Hahaha, good brother! I knew you could do it, but that was beautiful! I have no complaints!

Ling Yihang knew that Ling Xiao was strong, but he felt that the Ling Xiao within his expectations was far worse than the real one.

This fellow created surprises every time.

His choice to become friends with Ling Xiao was proven correct once more.

Ling Yixues beautiful eyes shone. Her current happiness exceeded when she had defeated Shi Feiyu and seized third place.

Shi Feiyu was carried away by the Shi Clan while Ling Xiao sat in the fourth arena.

What a Ling Clan! As soon as one was defeated, another came up. The frustration that Ling Xiaotian swallowed these past few years will be vented off today.

Yes, in the past few years, Ling Clan has always been ridiculed at the Heavenly Peak Gathering. Now, however, they have suddenly produced four first-rate disciples, and that Ling Feifan hasnt even come. With the addition of him, their younger generation this year is too strong.

In Heavenly Peak City, each clan made some calculations.

Some people felt that the Ling Clans rise was irresistible, so they planned to make friends with them.

Meanwhile, some people planned to dispose of the Ling Clans geniuses to weaken the clan.

Ever since ancient times, the struggle for power between martials clans had always been dirty and sinister.

Look, someone is going to challenge Shi Yulian!

As the City Lords golden daughter and the number one beauty of Heavenly Peak City, very few ever challenged her.

No one wanted to offend the City Lord residence. Moreover, many men didnt want to hurt such a charming beauty.

However, as Heavenly Peak Gathering approached the end, some people would be unable to bear it.

Thus, Wang Zui took the initiative to challenge Shi Yulian.

Wang Zui was very frustrated. As the third noble son last year, he had only placed eighth this year! How could he tolerate this?

After considering it a bit, he decided to challenge Shi Yulian.

Even though he didnt know her depths because she had not yet made a move, he didnt have any certainty to win against the others in front of him.

However, Wang Zui lost miserably once again.

Facing Shi Yulian, he could only persist for 20 moves.

In other peoples view, Shi Yulian might not be as strong as Ling Yihang.

However, Ling Xiao could tell that Shi Yulian had held back when dealing with Wang Zui.

This woman knew how to behave. If she had defeated Wang Zui in one move, she would have offended the Wang Clan, so she had waited twenty moves.

She had calculated everything.

This woman is terrifying. Not only is she strong, but she is also good at scheming. Be careful if you run into her later.

Ling Xiao reminded himself while simultaneously warning Ling Yihang and Ling Yixue.

In fact, Ling Yihang and Ling Yixue had wanted to challenge Shi Yulian. After all, she was only the fifth ranker and didnt seem to be on the level of the four noble sons.

However, Ling Xiao had warned them to not challenge her.

Merely, since Shi Yulian had needed twenty moves to defeat Wang Zui, Ling Yihang ignored his words due to his blind confidence.

Therefore, he also challenged Shi Yulian.

In the end, she defeated him in 21 moves.

Sure enough, she is pretty good.

Ling Xiao made a wry smile.

This Shi Yulian was truly confident. She skillfully handled Ling Yihangs domineering blade techniques while scheming at ease.

Too terrifying!

I hope that she will not challenge Senior Apprentice Sister Yixue since she is not her opponent.

After all, Ling Yixue had obtained a peak martial art too late, but if she were given another year, she would definitely be stronger than Shi Yulian.

Soon, the thing Ling Xiao that worried about happened.

Shi Yulian smiled and said to her, Among the top four, you are the only girl, so let us learn from each other.


Ling Yixue wouldnt avoid a battle.

Although she believed in Ling Xiaos words, she would still fight to win.

Moreover, something special had happened to her recently that even Ling Xiao hadnt calculated. Perhaps, she could win.

The battle between two beauties unfolded, naturally causing countless people to shout and jump in joy.

Both sides interacted with each other normally at first, but after twenty moves, Shi Yulian suddenly sped up, as if she were preparing to finish the battle.

Landscape Martial Souls energy circulated within Ling Xiaos body, and Shi Yulians moves slowed down to his eyes.

The profound meaning of a Transcendent Martial Art fragment!

After twenty moves, Shi Yulians attacks obviously contained a special profound meaning.

Although it was not a Transcendent Martial Art, it resembled one and instantly increased her attack speed. Ling Yihang had been defeated by this thing before.

However, Ling Yixues strength was better than Ling Yihangs.

When they had swapped pointers in the Ling Clan, Ling Xiao had discovered that Ling Yixues circumstances were a bit special with his Landscape Martial Soul.

Ling Yixue wasnt a human; she was likely from the Soul Clan.

Among the myriads of ancient races, unless the Human Race awakened a Martial Soul, their aptitude to cultivate martial arts was abysmal.

If Ling Yixue was truly from the Soul Clan, it was reasonable for her strength to improve so rapidly.

Twenty-second move. Sure enough, she didnt immediately lose.

Ling Xiao nodded his head and suddenly became interested in this match.

Perhaps, Ling Yixue might win.

He still didnt know the Soul Clans special aspect.

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