Heart of Darkness

Chapter 103 - 82

Chapter 103 - 82

Rayven left Angelica alone feeling all kinds of emotions. He had only meant to be romantic and heal her wounds but got caught up in the moment. He hadn't thought of healing her that way. She gave him the idea and when her body responded to his, he couldn't stop himself.

His demon would now not try to fight him to mark her. The demon only got agitated to mark when it felt like the receiving end was willing and when there was a clear indication of no, then it retreated. Now his fangs wouldn't forcefully elongate but they could still tease their way out if he got aroused and Angelica wasn't only afraid of being bitten but also of the fangs themselves.

Anger could also make his fangs elongate and right now a part of him was burning with something other than need.

Rayven knew he was being ridiculous. They were married and he had nothing to worry about but he knew just because she desired him didn't mean she loved him. Or trusted him. Or respected him. Even if she was loyal to him, her heart could betray him.

Now that the truth was coming out in the open, she would know sooner or later that Skender tried to save. She would know that he tried to find other ways than to kill her father. Just like her brother, she was one to prefer mercy and there was no mercy or even humanity in killing someone without remorse or hesitance no matter the reason.

Aside from all that, Skender just had a natural charm. Looking at him alone annoyed him and for some reason, he was making himself look even better tonight.

"Is Angelica feeling better?" Skender asked while looking at himself in the mirror.

He was never the type to care about how he looked but he had no reason to. He always looked perfect. His skin was very smooth and almost white as marble against his shoulder-length black hair. His icy blue eyes were piercing and surrounded by feminine lashes and framed by thick dark well-shaped brows. But it was his facial features that made him stand out. He had a chiseled face with a razor-sharp jawline and high cheekbones. It added masculinity to his rather feminine beauty which made him appealing to both men and women.

He was tall but unlike him, he was lean. It made him look more elegant. Rayven had never been the type to envy someone's looks. He had been known to be the most beautiful man but he was no match for Skender. The man was an archdemon after all and they were known for their beauty. Not to add that he was also a defender, which meant that he didn't have to be an archdemon to be powerful. Defenders passed on their power to many generations forward.


"Yes, she is alright." He said realizing he had gotten lost in thought. "She… wants to talk to you."

Yes, the man was charming and beautiful but he knew Angelica needed to find out about her dreams. It wasn't right to let her continue suffering for selfish reasons. The sooner both of them healed, the faster they could move on. But God, he was bothered.

"I am sure she does," he said putting the comb away after brushing his hair. Then he turned to him. "But you don't like that." He smirked.

"She is my wife now," Rayven said.

Skender raised a brow. "Do you really need to tell me that?"

Rayven sighed. "What is the special occasion?"

"Nothing so special. Just trying to look more human for my meeting with the witches," he said.

Rayven raised his eyebrows. "You have a meeting with witches?"

"Well, not really. I am just going there to meet them."

"Are you on a death mission? You know they don't like us."

Skender nodded. "I know but do you want to find out what your wife is? This might be the only way."

"What makes you think so?" Rayven wondered.

"I have a theory. Angelica is a prophetess but her mother somehow concealed her powers. It can only be done with magic. The kind witches possess."

Rayven nodded. That could be a possibility. "But why would they tell us?"

"If my theory is right it means they cared to protect the prophetess. Would they not want to keep her protected? We are not just demons anymore. You are a demon wanting to protect your wife."

Rayven took a deep breath, "alright but this could end badly."

"I can go alone if you don't like the idea. Lazarus is coming with me."

"No. I am coming too." He said.

Skender took them to the village where the witches stayed.

"Careful." He said when they tried to walk further. "It is secured with a spell.

"Of course," Lazarus said.

"Alright. Rayven, control your temper no matter what, and Zarus no daggers. We are here to talk and not look like a threat. No fighting unless I say so." Skender told them.

Both Rayven and Lazarus seemed resistant to the idea.

"Is that understood?" Skender asked firmly.

Rayven sighed and nodded. Lazarus looked displeased but nodded as well. He loved his fights.

"Good. Now you can walk through," he said.

"You said it was secured," Lazarus reminded.

"Yes, it is," Skender smirked and then gave them both a push.

Rayven felt like he hit an invisible wall that gave him an electric shock before falling through it. He fell to the ground, groaning in pain while feeling like fire impulses shot through his nerves. The pain was agonizing and his vision became dark for a short moment. The next moment he was tied to a chair in a large tent.

He looked around, his body still paralyzed by the shock. Skender and Lazarus were also tied to chairs. Skender was awake while Lazarus was just waking up.

"Uh..." He groaned in pain as he lifted his head and let it fall back. He looked around and then at Skender. "You could have at least warned us."

"I am sorry. I thought it would be fun," Skender said getting back at him for his sarcasm even though he looked pained as well.

Rayven tried to break the ropes that tied him to the chair but he couldn't.

"Don't waste your energy. These are special ropes for demons." Skender explained.

"How do you know all this?" Rayven wondered.

"I have been here before when I was looking for a way to save Angelica's father."

Rayven frowned. He went through this to save Angelica's father?

"What will happen now?" Lazarus asked.

"Just let me do the talking," Skender told him.

"The demons are awake," they heard a female voice coming from outside and shortly after a beautiful young lady entered the tent.

She smiled at them. "Good morning or shall I say good evening."

"Good is not the word," Lazarus said ignoring what Skender just told him.

The young lady was joined by two other ladies. One was a little older than the other.

"This is good. You would not want to see what bad looks like here, Lazarus."

Now Lazarus was fully awake probably wondering how she knew his name but when he took notice of her face his expression changed. "Well, since you know my name, you could tell me yours."

And so the flirting began. Rayven rolled his eyes.

"Oh really?" To his surprise, the young lady went to sit on his lap. "I am Sophia. Not that you will have any use of my name."

"Ack! Get away from the demon." The older woman said looking disturbed by the young lady's behavior.

"Oh, aunt Marie. He is the one playing with young ladies. It wouldn't hurt to play with him a little." She ran her fingers through his hair and then put her arm around her shoulders.

"No, it wouldn't hurt." He agreed with a smirk.

The older lady ignored her and turned to Skender. "I see you enjoy pain. What brings you here again?"

Rayven noticed how her eyes changed and her tone softened despite her better judgment. Now he understood why Skender tried to look good. He knew she was a little weak for him.

"I am here for help. Again." He said.

She shook her head. "Why do you think I would help a demon?"

"It is not me who needs help. You know the shades are after the prophetess. I want to protect her."

The woman scoffed. "You know who the prophetess is?"

"I think I might, but I am not sure which is why I am here. I am guessing that her powers are somehow hidden to protect her. Is that possible?"

"I don't know." The woman said but from her expression, she certainly knew since she didn't seem too happy about him having that theory. That would make the answer yes.

Skender seemed to notice as well, but he kept asking. "I think you know. If you do, I need to know to protect her."

"Why would you protect the prophetess?"

Skender looked his way and Rayven took the hint. "She is my wife." He said.

The woman turned to him looking surprised. "Your wife?"

In the background, Lazarus was flirting with the two younger ladies.


The woman nodded slowly not looking happy at all. "If her prophetic abilities are hidden then that is the only thing that can protect her. That is why it is done. I am afraid you have attracted the shades to her."

Rayven couldn't deny that. Something must have led them to her house only now after they got married.

She looked closer. "And you don't seem that powerful to me. Can you protect her?"

He didn't reply to that. He knew he couldn't fight Constantine.

The woman sighed. "Why don't you just find a woman in your realm and stop endangering these innocent human females?"

Skender smiled sadly. "Matters of the heart can't be controlled. Are we at least not trying to protect her? Help us."

Indeed, matters of the heart couldn't be controlled. He could never blame Angelica if she never loved him.

The woman sighed again. "I can't even if I could. I don't want to put my people in a fight between you and the shades."

Skender nodded. "I understand and you shouldn't. Can she somehow get back her abilities if they are hidden?"

"I don't know. Only the one who hid them will have the answer."

Skender nodded not having anything else to ask.

Suddenly the ropes around him fell off and Skender looked at the woman surprised.

"Don't make it a habit to come here. Not every witch is like me," she warned him.

He smiled with a nod. "Understood. I am sure you will never need my help but if you ever do, then I will be happy to repay your kindness."

She smirked. "Unfortunately I can't untie your friends. I will have to throw them out." She said looking at Rayven and Lazarus.

The ladies flirting with him suddenly stopped. "Aunt Marie. Make it painful when you throw out this one." Sophia said.

"What? Why?" Lazarus asked surprised. "I thought we were getting along."

"We were. Not anymore." She smiled at him and patted his shoulder before leaving his lap.

All of a sudden Rayven felt like he went through the same wall that gave him an electric shock. This time he cursed loudly and then stood up with legs that felt beaten. Lazarus remained on the floor after a loud groan while Skender enjoyed the whole thing, standing there with his hands in his pockets.

Lazarus tried to stand up but failed time after time.

"I told you to let me do the talking," Skender shrugged.

"What do we do now?" Rayven asked.

Now that Rayven knew Constantine had a connection with the prophetess who was Skender's friend, he must be looking for the prophetess again. But what exactly made him believe Angelica was one? What did he find in her home?

"I will try to talk to William," Skender said.. "You should go home for now before Angelica worries."

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