Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 150: Mock

Chapter 150: Mock

Reiner hurriedly opened the envelope, it was indeed Claire's handwriting on it.

The content was very simple. The student president of Luna Nova Magical Academy who was originally scheduled to take the magic test, Elymia Von Erubiorene did not arrive at the room for the magic test. Claire contacted the other party's family after settling with other students, but the reply was that Elymia had given up taking part in the magic test.

In desperation, Claire could only write to Reiner for help.

"That girl..."

Reiner read the letter again before putting it away.

The president of the student council, Elymia, had always had opinions about Reiner, and she didn't even take the mock exam. Reiner always thought it was just a simple disagreement, but now it seems that the problem was quite serious.

If Elymia's family was a nobleman or wealthy businessman and they only wanted her to receive magic-related education, but did not intend to make her become a mage, then it was understandable why they did not want her to participate in the magic test.

But Elymia's family, the Erubiorenes, was not that kind of family. Not only that, her family was a pure-blood family that had more than 800 years of history. They should be proud for her to have an identity of a mage. So why did Elymia give up?

This Ernest meeting was nearing its end. Reiner weighed it and decided to leave immediately and head to the city of Berger at the Ann Monet province, where the Erubiorene family was located.

In any case, he was the principal of Luna Nova Magical Academy and could not ignore this.

Before leaving, Reiner first wrote a letter to Demetrius, explaining to him the reason for leaving early and hoping for forgiveness. He then wrote a letter to Claire asking her to join him in the city of Berger when she finished supervising the magic test.

Early the next morning, Reiner took a regular airship from the airport to Torrendo, the capital of the province of Ann Monet, and then followed with a steam train to the city of Berger at the eastern part of the province.

This city was smaller than Prester. Reiner carefully read the contents of the travel brochure on the train and learned that Berger was mainly based on agriculture and the economy was not very developed.

The reason why the city was built here was due to the relationship with the Erubiorene family. This long-established family was regarded as a hegemon in the ancient magic empire. At the height of their power, the entire family's ruling area occupied almost half of the Ann Monet province, even extending to the neighboring Bunajien Kingdom. The city of Berger was the central city of that era.

Now, most of the people living in Berger were descendants of the servants of the Erubiorene family, and most of them were proud to be servants of the Erubiorene family. Even after the collapse of the ancient magic empire, when the Erubiorene family relinquished most of its territory to the Magic Association, in this region, their influence was still far-reaching.

Walking out of the station, Reiner saw a large castle located on the outskirts of the city, built on the hillside, leaving a huge shadow that could cover the entire city in the afternoon sun. It was the mid-summer day, yet the castle appeared to be extremely gloomy, giving off an indescribable chilly feeling.

"It's like an old castle where vampires live."

Reiner said to himself. The improved robe and outfit he wore attracted the attention of passers-by. They greeted Reiner one after another, but there was a sense of awe in their eyes, making Reiner feel a little uncomfortable.

He confirmed the time and first went to the hotel where Claire was staying.

"What? She went out?"

However, when he arrived at the hotel, Reiner learned from the innkeeper that Claire, who had checked in last night, had left early this morning and never came back.

"Where would she go at this time?"

Reiner pondered, turning his gaze to the old castle outside the window.


"I've been waiting here for half an hour. If Mr. Erubiorene is not home, please tell me directly."

In front of the iron door with the heavy metal texture, a woman in a mage's robe said with dissatisfaction in her heart.

"Sorry, my master is too busy, but he will definitely take the time to meet you, Miss Sallywynn" said a middle-aged man dressed as a butler. Although it was an apology, there wasn't a hint of apology on his face. His tone was cold, and his reply was very perfunctory.

"Why do I think you are trying to fool me..."

Claire curled her lips on the other side of the iron gate and said.

In order to meet this traditional, pure-blood mage, Claire deliberately changed into her traditional mage's robe. However, the hot weather, coupled with waiting for a long time, already made her robe soaked with sweat, thus this teacher felt even more irritable.

She crossed her arms before her chest and kept tapping her elbows with her fingertips. Suddenly, Claire noticed a middle-aged man walking in the garden with several maids behind. There was also a young man beside him and they seemed to be discussing something.

"Huh, isn't that Mr. Erubiorene?" The butler turned his head following Claire's gaze, raised his eyebrows slightly, and replied.

"No, that's not the master, it's just an ordinary guest."


This was obviously nonsense. Claire knew that she was being deceived, so she shouted immediately.

"Mr. Erubiorene, I'm Claire Sallywynn from Luna Nova Magical Academy, I'm here for your daughter Elymia..."

Her yelling caught the attention of the man, and the other party looked at her and frowned. He said a few words to the young man beside him, then turned around and walked away without looking back.


Claire was about to explode with anger when she heard an arrogant voice from behind the butler.

This was the young man who was talking to Master Erubiorene just now. He was wearing a classic mage's robe and looked like a second-ring mage. The man had light golden curly hair with a good look, but his eyes were full of contempt.

"Huh! You are just a mongrel, but you want to meet with my father? Who gave you the courage? Hagrid, why can't you properly handle these things?"

He reprimanded. The family crest on the robe showed that this man should belong to the Erubiorene family. Judging from the meaning of the words, this should be the son of the Erubiorene family and the brother of Elymia.

"Mongrel? What do you mean!!?"

Claire stomped angrily after receiving the obvious insult. She tried to take a step forward, but a magical barrier appeared on the iron gate, blocking her steps.

This defense magic was at least the fourth-ring level. Claire was a first-ring mage, so there was no way to break through.

"I said you are just an impure mixed breed, don't you understand?" He said while looking at Claire as if she was an animal.

"I've heard that you are just an orphan and you were lucky that you passed the assessment to become a mage. But in our eyes, you are an impure existence among mages and you don't deserve to be called a mage! Honestly, even that woman is not pure either. Now it seems that sending her to Luna Nova Magical Academy was really a mistake."

In the eyes of pure-bloods, only mages that had descended from the ancient magic empire were authentic mages. Those who were promoted through the Magic Academy and came from ordinary people were mongrels, but this word was extremely insulting. In formal occasions, purebloods would not say this word at will. Otherwise, it was easy for the humiliated person to file a complaint to the Magic Association.


Claire was extremely angry, but the other party stood behind the safe magical barrier. She couldn't do anything at all. She could only jump up and down in anger.


A familiar voice came from behind Claire.

Claire turned her head and saw that Reiner was walking towards her. She felt relieved. She hurriedly explained everything to Reiner.

"Before insulting others casually, it's better to look at yourself."

After listening to Claire's explanation, Reiner said to the man with a blank expression and a cold tone.

"Are you qualified to say it?"

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