Game, Live Stream

Chapter 57.3

Chapter 57.3

“You new guys are truly naive,” Bai Yushan smiled with a cigarette in her mouth. “But it’s fine, just consider it payment for the intelligence you gave me. The D-level instances are indeed the easiest instances. But within D-level instances, there’s a chance of a special class of instances, which is entirely determined by luck. The special class D-level instance can be as difficult as an A-level instance.”

“Fuck! Then for us to have survived a special class instance, doesn’t it mean that our luck is actually good?” Tang Mianmian was excited.

Bai Yushan raised an eyebrow, “The chance of a new person encountering a special class instance is about one percent. For the system to choose you, are you sure you are lucky?”

Tang Mianmian, “...” They were still Africans!

“As for the question of choosing an instance, I can tell you that it is absolutely impossible,” Bai Yushan’s lips curled and revealed an ironic smile. “Even your captain, Shen Yuan, the strongest in the entire S-district, has no choice in what instance he enters. He can only passively accept the system’s arrangement. And there is no such special item. No one knows how many instances there are. Maybe there’s even a million. So the chance of me entering that instance is one in a million.”

One in a million, isn’t that impossible?

Xiao Tangqiu sighed in his heart. Then, he suddenly remembered something more important. He quickly asked Bai Yushan, “That’s right, I was bitten by the devil worm that your sister raised. Are there any side effects?”

Bai Yushan held her cigarette and smiled, “The one who gets bitten by the devil worm will gradually become the devil worm’s owner’s puppet...”

Seeing Xiao Tangqiu’s pallor change, she continued, “But the devil worm’s owner is not here, so nothing happens even if you’re bitten. At most, it will be a little uncomfortable from the demonic influence.”

Xiao Tangqiu still wanted to ask how to resolve it when Shen Yuan, who was on the side, suddenly grabbed his wrist and spoke seriously, “I can help you.”

Shen Yuan’s gaze was too serious, Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help but blush. Bai Yushan laughed and said, “With your captain around, you are still afraid of a simple devil worm?”

Xue Junli and the others who were watching on the side looked uncomfortable, but they couldn’t say anything in front of outsiders. Not to mention even if they said something... their captain would not listen, so they had to endure.

Bai Yushan had calmed down completely. She put the cigarette in her mouth back into her pocket and restored her appearance of an elite businesswoman. “Well, let’s start talking about our deal.”

Xue Junli nodded and said to Sai Lulu, “Tell us about your divination results from yesterday.”

Divination? Xiao Tangqiu subconsciously shared a glance with Tang Mianmian. Although they had seen Sai Lulu’s information in the Abyss Forum and knew that she had the ability to “predict”, they never expected this lolita to know divination!

Today’s Sai Lulu changed into a purple dress — that is, a lolita dress. The dress she wore today was particularly gorgeous, not only dotted with many rhinestones and lace, but also many stars and moons on the skirt, looking very mysterious and quite in line with what she did next.

She nodded and took out a huge sheepskin tome from who knows where and opened one of the pages. But the page was blank, there was nothing there.

Just as Xiao Tangqiu was bewildered about this blank book, the originally blank page suddenly revealed a picture.

The painting emerged little by little, finally becoming clear.

Tang Mianmian asked stupidly, “This picture... what does it mean? Can’t you divine more clearly?”

Sai Lulu rolled her eyes, “Divination is a mystery within a mystery. It is impossible to get direct and clear results. If you have the skills, you do it! Go ahead!”

Tang Mianmian’s words choked, he pressed his fingers together and muttered, “If I had that ability, I wouldn’t be always so unlucky... Also, isn’t this mystery within a mystery too mysterious? So mysterious there’s no way to make sense of it...”

Xiao Tangqiu was also confused and could not understand it. Fortunately, when he looked around, he found that most people didn’t seem to understand it, so he was relieved.

Shen Yuan sneered aloud, “So stupid!”

Tang Mianmian, “...Then do you understand?”

Shen Yuan said with conviction, “I don’t understand.”

Tang Mianmian had black lines going down his face, “Then what are you being so proud of?”

Just as his voice fell, he suffered the murderous glare of the rest of the Reincarnation Team and quickly turned his head to look into the distance, pretending that he had not said anything.

Xiao Tangqiu smiled and said, “I also don’t understand.”

Shen Yuan grabbed Xiao Tangqiu’s hand and said with a serious face, “Jiujiu rest assured, I will protect Jiujiu!”

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly perceived that besides the Reincarnation Team, the expressions of the strangers headed by Bai Yushan were also a bit stiff. It is obvious that Shen Yuan’s image had collapsed, scaring them so much that their expressions were out of order.

Xue Junli, “...Sai Lulu, why don’t you explain.”

Sai Lulu was a person who had seen the world, so she was very calm, “According to my divination, the boss’s next main task should be an S-level instance... It should be of the supernatural kind.”

Without waiting for anyone to ask, Bai Yushan crossed her arms over her chest, “This range is too wide. Even if I want to sell you information, I don’t know which one to sell.”

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart thudded, today Xue Junli really came to find Bai Yushan to buy intelligence for Shen Yuan’s next main task! For these S-zone powerhouses to be so cautious, how hard could Shen Yuan’s next main task be? Was it the legendary hell difficulty?

“There will be ghosts, and there will be more than one.”

There may be hundreds or thousands or even more...”

Lastly, there should be no time limit.”

When Sai Lulu said this, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became grave.

Although Xiao Tangqiu didn’t know why, he also vaguely felt something off about “no time limit”. It probably meant that the instance was very difficult.

Bai Yushan thought about it for a moment, then she nodded. “According to these few details, I probably have four or five S-level instances of information that can be sold to you. But if there is nothing more detailed, I can’t. I can’t guess more precisely.”

Xue Junli spoke without hesitation, “We will buy all the information of these five S-level instances.”

Bai Yushan smiled lightly, “Alright, as expected of the strongest team of the S-zone, the Reincarnation Team! So direct!”

The two parties were very direct. They started trading immediately after the negotiation. The information for the five S-level instances was one million points, and Xue Junli paid a million points without blinking.

The poor ghost Xiao Tangqiu and poor ghost Tang Mianmian were stunned. They were still only just happy about the 50,000 points they got for an S-level instance. It turns out that those points of theirs were not even enough to buy one S-level instance’s information!

At this time, Duan Hongzhen snorted at the side, “Blackhearted businessman.”

A girl who was probably from Bai Yushan’s team sneered, “During key moments, these kinds of information can save a life. Isn’t your life worth two hundred thousand points?”

Duan Hongzhen rolled his eyes, “Your intelligence have better have use. If it’s not useful, I will come back and find you!”

The girl was tit for tat, “If our intelligence is not useful, you will die directly in the next instance. We still need to be afraid of you?”

Xiao Tangqiu, “...”

What she said made sense!

Bai Yushan lazily resolved it, “Ok, everyone shut up! This transaction was successfully completed. Let’s go, there is another fat sheep waiting for us to kill... No, there is the next customer waiting for us.”

Xiao Tangqiu, “...”

Hey! You said everything in your heart!

When Bai Yushan led her teammates out of the room, she stepped forward and turned to look at Xiao Tangqiu, “Right, I forgot to say thank you, and... I owe you a favor. If you make it back alive from the next instance, I can promise you one thing. Anything is fine, as long as it’s something I can do.”

After that, she didn’t wait for Xiao Tangqiu to answer before she turned and left.

Tang Mianmian blinked at Xiao Tangqiu, “Wow~ A big beauty tells you that you can do anything to her~”

Xiao Tangqiu, “...Why do I feel like my back seems to be covered with FLAGs?”

Tang Mianmian, “Peh peh peh! Don’t say anything! Children’s words are unscrupulous! Children’s words are unscrupulous!”

Shen Yuan, who was on the side, said with conviction, “I can do anything for Jiujiu! No matter if I can do it or not!”

Xiao Tangqiu quickly said, “I have nothing I want to do, let’s eat! Eat!”

At this point, food was served in their room. As Duan Hongzhen said, the Baobab Tree Pub’s ingredients were very fresh, the dishes looked quite good, and the flavors were also very good. They’ve basically only been able to eat vending machine canned food or food from within instances this entire time so Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian practically shed tears while eating.

After eating this meal, Xue Junli softly spoke to Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian, “From today on, you can be considered temporary members of our Reincarnation Team. As long as you pass the assessment, you will be official team members.”

Xiao Tangqiu was a little bit flattered. He thought that Xue Junli would only temporarily let Tang Mianmian and him pass the gates. He didn’t expect Xue Junli to be willing to let them join the Reincarnation Team! Although they still needed assessment...

Tang Mianmian hurriedly asked, “What assessment?”

Xue Junli smiled faintly, “As long as you can work with us to complete Shen Yuan’s next main task and come back alive from that S-level instance, then you are official members of our Reincarnation Team.”

Xiao Tangqiu, “...” Sure enough! Just as expected!

Tang Mianmian’s mouth twitched, “Come back alive? Then what if we can’t come back alive?”

Xue Junli sighed, “Then that’s a pity. We will build a grave for you. We will burn a little money for you every year during Qingming.”

Tang Mianmian focused on the wrong thing, “The City of the Abyss also celebrates Qingming?”

Xiao Tangqiu grabbed the key point at once, “You are going together?”

Xue Junli looked at Xiao Tangqiu and then nodded, “Yes, when our team members go on side tasks, if other people are interested they can go, if they don’t have the time they don’t. But if it is the main task, no matter which team member, everyone must participate together.”

“For Shen Yuan’s next main task, every member of the Reincarnation Team will participate.”

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