Finest Servant

Chapter 256

Chapter 256

Chapter 256 The Xiao Mansion is Not My Home

Lin Wanrong looked toward the direction of the voice. The speaker had already sprinted toward him, and it turned out to be the Xiao family's servant, Si De: "Brother San, Brother San, you've finally returned"

Lin Wanrong smiled and said, "Si De, what are you doing out here this late instead of sleeping at home? Are you sightseeing?"

Si De quickly replied, "Brother San, it wasn't my choice to come here, it was the Eldest Miss who brought us."

"Eldest Miss?" Lin Wanrong paused, "Where is she?"

Si De pointed to the woman in the pavilion, "Isn't that Eldest Miss right there!"

Lin Wanrong focused his gaze on the woman standing in the pavilion. Her figure was elegant and upright, wasn't that Eldest Miss Xiao? Her face was slightly blurred in the dark night, her body seemed a bit thin, and she was looking deeply in his direction. Her body seemed to tremble slightly, her eyes shining brightly.

Si De's voice continued, "For some reason, Eldest Miss has been down these few days. She comes here every day after finishing her tasks, staying until dawn. No one knows what she is looking at. Even little Cui doesn't know."

Every day? Could she be waiting for me? Lin Wanrong thought smugly, he then turned to Xian Er, "The Eldest Miss is waiting over there, let's go and see."

An Biru had already caught up, and she chuckled, "So that is Eldest Miss Xiao, I have heard much about her. I'm curious to see her." The downfall of the White Lotus Sect started when this Eldest Miss Xiao was captured. It was Lin San who ruined their plans, naturally, An Biru wanted to see what this Xiao Yuruo looked like.

Lin Wanrong glanced at her, "Sister Master, look all you want, but don't start anything."

An Biru chuckled flirtatiously, "What, can't bear it? Xian'er is still here, and you've already started defending others. You heartless boy, Xian'er cares so much for you."

Against this Sister An, Lin Wanrong was utterly helpless. He let her words go in one ear and out the other. To Xian'er, he whispered, "Your Master is quite strange. Dear wife, better stay away from her. If she corrupts you, I'd be heartbroken." Qin Xian'er heard his instigation, but didn't reply. She merely pursed her lips and smiled in response.

After jesting with the two beauties, just as he was about to go meet Xiao Yuruo, he saw the Eldest Miss look their way a few times. Suddenly, she stamped her foot, turned and left the pavilion, quickly boarding a palanquin and commanded in a soft voice, "Return to the mansion!"

Although her voice was not loud, it was clear enough for them to hear. There seemed to be a hint of anger in her words. The palanquin then set off, leaving in a hurry.

Lin Wanrong was stunned and said in confusion, "Si De, the Eldest Miss wasn't here waiting for me, was she?"

Si De was also puzzled, "I'm not sure. The Eldest Miss has been waiting here every day. She's never returned this early before. It's not even the third watch, why did she leave?"

Lin Wanrong no longer bothered with these matters. He had fought hard in the war, nearly killed by a bombardment, and had narrowly escaped death to return. He certainly hadn't returned to accommodate her moods. Since he was back, he should quickly report to Madam Xiao, and then settle Xian'er and Sister An. That was the priority.

At that moment, Si De led the way, with Lin Wanrong and the two beauties following him, heading straight toward the Xiao household. The Eldest Miss's palanquin hurriedly sped ahead, seemingly trying to avoid them, growing farther and farther away.

Lin Wanrong, however, was unconcerned. After much difficulty, he had finally returned to Jinling, naturally in high spirits. Having conflicts with the Eldest Miss was not a new occurrence and it was nothing major.

Jinling was a major town in Jiangnan, endowed with remarkable individuals and natural resources. It was prosperous, rivaling the capital. Even though it was late, brothels and taverns were still brightly lit, beauties moving back and forth, a scene of bustling activity.

Ah, it was indeed comfortable staying in Jinling. Looking at the brilliant lights, Lin Wanrong heaved a sigh of relief, an indescribable sense of joy in his heart.

Qin Xian'er, returning to the old place, naturally felt nostalgic. She stayed close to her husband, not leaving his side for a single step. An Biru looked at the bustling night view of Jinling and couldn't help but sigh: "Jinling's beautiful scenery remains unchanged after so many years, indeed it's the capital of prosperity!"

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Sister, you're only this young, where did all this sentimentality come from? Are you pretending to be worried like me?"

An Biru glanced at him, snorted, "You may mock me now, but there will be a time when I deal with you. At that time, Xian'er won't be able to protect you!"

"Master" Xian'er looked pitifully at An Biru, her face full of pleading. Sister An laughed, "Alright, alright, you girl, you just got married, and already you're siding with your husband. If you want me to spare him, you better control your husband. Today is your lucky day since I'm in a good mood. Otherwise, on a regular day, we, master and disciple, would take him down together, hahaha"

By the time she finished, she was already laughing, her face slightly flushed, her eyes seductively playful, her gaze rippling like water waves, full of charm and allure. Her mature charm made people's hearts beat faster.

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "If you won't take me down, then I will take you both down. Xian'er, you have no objections, right?"

Xian'er giggled. An Biru gave him a glance, her laughter carrying a hint of flirtation: "Little brother, let's see if you can take us down then."

Si De listened and silently stuck out his tongue. Brother San's lady was extremely beautiful, but her master was extraordinarily seductive. Hearing their strange names for each other sister, master, wife it was all mixed up. Was Brother San planning to have his way with both the young and the old? Impressive!

"Brother San, let's walk faster. The brothers at home are eagerly waiting for your return. Maybe the Eldest Miss is leading everyone in a welcome line," Si De cheerfully suggested.

"There's no need for such grandeur. Just a line of men and women, some drums and firecrackers, and a welcome procession will do. I'm not much for formality," Lin Wanrong laughed.

"With your smugness, if I were Eldest Miss Xiao, I'd have kicked you out of the Xiao house by now. What welcome procession, you're dreaming," An Biru said. Lin Wanrong was used to An Biru's teasing. Finding nothing strange, he laughed and didn't speak. Soon, they arrived at the front door of the Xiao residence.

What was strange was that although they had just seen the Eldest Miss enter the house, in the blink of an eye, the Xiao house was shut tight. Even the night watchman at the door was nowhere to be seen.

Lin Wanrong looked around, puzzled. There was nothing unusual. How could this be? Didn't they know that Brother Lin had returned? Strange!

Qin Xian'er laughed, "Husband, is this what you call a warm welcome? I see very few people around."

"Oh, this... it could be that everyone was too overjoyed to hear of my return and forgot to open the door. It's understandable," Lin Wanrong replied with a forced laugh, giving Si De a meaningful look.

Si De hurried forward and banged on the door, shouting, "Who's on duty? Open the door quickly. Brother San is back. Open the door!"

The house remained silent. After waiting a while, still no one opened the door. Just as Si De was about to knock again, a woman's voice from inside said, "Si De, come in by yourself, I have some things to tell you."

Si De quickly acknowledged and slipped through a crack that opened in the door. Then the door creaked shut again.

Lin Wanrong was stunned. He had clearly heard the voice of Eldest Miss Xiao. She called Si De back but left him standing outside in the cold. What was this all about? Damn, he was still wounded, how could she treat him like this?

An Biru glanced at him and giggled, "General Lin, it seems Miss Xiao has quite the complaint against you. This Xiao family has treated you rather poorly. Why don't you follow me? I can restore the White Lotus Sect and make you a little Holy King, ensuring you live in luxury."

Damn it, she really was a notorious female bandit. Wanting to keep him as a kept man, did she think he was that easy? Lin Wanrong sneered, his gaze sweeping across her chest, in mock confrontation.

Qin Xian'er stared at the pitch-black door, her face angry, her small fists clenched, and her eyebrows furrowed, "This Xiao girl is too unappreciative. My husband went through great hardship to help her, even risking his life, and she treats us so poorly. Hmph, if one day she falls into my hands, she'll get what she deserves."

"I'm afraid someone can't bear it, Xian'er. Your husband is quite the ladies' man. I'm sure he and this young lady are very close--" An Biru, always one to stir up trouble, commented.

Lin Wanrong ignored her, about to knock on the door himself, when the door creaked open a crack. Si De, with a troubled expression, stepped out and called out timidly, "Brother San--"

"What is it, Si De?" Lin Wanrong felt something was wrong.

Si De made a face, "The Eldest Miss asked me to give you a message. She said, she said--"

Seeing Si De stammering, Lin Wanrong impatiently interrupted, "Just spit it out, what did the Eldest Miss say--"

Si De hesitated, glancing at Qin Xian'er and An Biru, "The Eldest Miss said, it's late and the dew is heavy, it's not convenient for the Xiao family to entertain female guests. She asks these two ladies to leave quickly, and then she'll come out to welcome Brother San back."

Damn, what kind of talk was that? Was she being disrespectful? He had been so eager to finish his duty that he rushed here with Xian'er, only for this girl to give him the cold shoulder. Qin Xian'er's lovely face instantly hardened, her eyes murderous. She pulled out a small sword from nowhere, causing Si De to let out a shout and retreat several steps in fright.

Qin Xian'er's fury surged, "This audacious girl! How dare she speak to my husband like this. I'll take her life!"

She swiftly brandished her short sword, executing a flourish of quick strokes that flashed and dazzled. Poised to charge inside, Lin Wanrong was alarmed and quickly restrained her. "Xian'er, what are you doing?"

Qin Xian'er fumed, "This girl insults my husband, how can I let her go? If I don't take her life, my heart's anger will not be quelled."

Sweating bullets at her intensity, Lin Wanrong hurriedly caught her hand. "Why would you kill her? That's just the way she is. Gentle as water when she's kind, and as stony-faced as a rock when she's stubborn. There's no need to take her seriously!"

Qin Xian'er pouted, tears welling in her eyes. "Husband, you stop me and speak well of her...could it be that you truly have some connection with this girl?"

An Biru chimed in, "I would say it's highly likely. General Lin, you've played the thief with the young lady, no wonder you're defending her so fiercely. So there are such interesting affairs going on, hehe, fascinating, utterly fascinating."

Between the master and disciple's dialogue, Lin Wanrong's face turned crimson. He had indeed stolen the heart of a young lady, but it wasn't this mysteriously eccentric Eldest Miss Xiao, but the recently matured Second Miss, whom Qin Xian'er had once almost struck down with her sword.

He had no idea which wire in Eldest Miss Xiao's head had crossed, creating such a chaotic situation. Lin Wanrong, already exhausted, no longer had the energy to deal with her. Thinking of all the experiences he'd had in the Xiao Mansion - the joy, the disappointment - his heart was filled with a complex mix of emotions. After a long silence, he sighed dejectedly, "This Xiao's not my home after all." With that said, he didn't linger. Grasping Qin Xian'er's hand, he turned and left.

Seeing her exuberant husband instantly turned desolate due to Eldest Miss Xiao's words, Qin Xian'er's heart ached. Biting her lower lip, she flicked her wrist and her short sword lodged firmly into the beam of the Xiao Mansion gate.

"Brother San, don't go! Miss, it's bad, Brother San is leaving" Si De exclaimed in a startled voice, nearly tripping over his feet.

The doors of Xiao Mansion flew open and Xiao Yuruo, holding up her long skirt, rushed out, shouting, "Lin San, Lin San, where are you going? Come back, come back quickly"

Lin San seemed not to hear her call, leaving arm in arm with the two beautiful women, not once looking back. He moved quickly, cutting through streets and alleys, and in a blink of an eye, he was gone.

"You come back to me, come back" Seeing his unwavering departure, Eldest Miss Xiao stomped her feet in desperation, crying out with all her might, tears welling in her eyes, her voice gradually weakening, "Who said this isn't your home? You arrogant man! I hate you"

In her irritation, she flung out the small booklet she had been holding. A gust of wind flipped open a few pages, revealing a vivid portrait that caught her eye. It was one of the three versions of Lin San's painting that she had confiscated when he first entered the mansion.

Eldest Miss Xiao clenched her teeth, her nose sniffled, and she bent down to pick up the small booklet. She gently brushed off the dust on it, staring at her own frowning face on the cover, she remained silent, seemingly lost in thought...

Lin Wanrong, full of emotions, walked swiftly, ignoring the Eldest Miss' calls from behind. Qin Xian'er followed him quietly, seeing his melancholic expression, she felt a pang of sadness. She gently held onto his sleeve, cautiously asking, "Husband, where are we going?"

Lin Wanrong paused and looked around. In his rush, he hadn't paid attention to his direction, and unknowingly had ended up at the edge of Xuanwu Lake. The place where he now stood was exactly where he first met Xiao Qingxuan. It was here that he first encountered Xiao Qingxuan, and a series of stories that followed completely changed his life.

Sighing softly while looking at the tranquil lake, Lin Wanrong couldn't help but think, 'I was really screwed over by fate.'

Qin Xian'er nestled by his side and softly said, "Husband, let's not think about that detestable Eldest Miss Xiao anymore. Shall I tell you a joke?"

"My little darling knows how to tell jokes?" Lin Wanrong showed interest and said, "Oh, let me hear it."

Qin Xian'er smiled, "Once, a turtle and a rabbit were racing. The rabbit quickly took the lead. The turtle could only crawl slowly behind. On the way, it saw a snail moving very slowly and offered, 'Climb on, I'll carry you.' Then, the snail climbed on. After a while, the turtle saw an ant crawling slowly and invited it too. After the ant got on, it greeted the snail. Husband, do you know what the snail replied?"

"I can't guess," Lin Wanrong shook his head.

"Little brother, how have you become so dull? The snail said, 'Hold on tight, this turtle is so fast, hehe...'" An Biru interjected, laughing.

Well, these two women are really trying to stump me with a tricky question. Looking at Xian'er's caring and gentle face, he was moved. He embraced her delicate waist and rubbed his head on her beautiful hair, "Xian'er, my good wife, you're really great."

As Qin Xian'er felt her husband's hand roaming over her chest and leg, a rush of heat surged within her. Her lips parted slightly, panting, "Husband, don't... Master is still here..."

Lin Wanrong lifted his head and looked at An Biru discontentedly, "Master Sister, my wife and I have some business to attend to. Could you please leave us for a moment?"

"You're really dull. You were so melancholic just now, and after Xian'er comforted you, you're eagerly taking advantage of her. It really lacks taste," An Biru said, unfazed.

"Hey, sister, I'm not in a good mood today. Don't provoke me. Otherwise, be careful, I might strip you naked, tie you up, and spank you. I'm capable of anything," Lin Wanrong threatened fiercely.

An Biru snorted through her nose, and said disdainfully, "Look at your behavior. Just now, you didn't show this kind of arrogance in front of Eldest Miss Xiao. Now you're acting tough with me. Humph, do you think I'm afraid of you? If you've got the guts, just try and see what you can do. Let's see who ends up getting tied up and spanked." As she spoke, a strange smile spread across her face. She looked him up and down, seemingly confident that she had him figured out.

Dammit, Lin Wanrong thought, somehow, he had suffered the ill fortune of being defeated twice by women in one day. He kept his mouth shut, choosing a clean spot on the shore, and flopped down. Qin Xian'er nestled against him and asked, "Husband, where shall we lodge tonight? You've just recovered from serious injuries; rest is essential."

Returning to the Xiao family's residence was out of the question, and he didn't have the audacity to invade Qiaoqiao's space with two women at such a late hour. As he pondered, he clapped his hands and asked, "Xian'er, doesn't your Miaoyu Pavilion own a pleasure boat?"

Qin Xian'er nodded, "Yes, husband, what do you want to do?"

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Let's find a boat. Just us two- oh, the three of us- will drift on Xuanwu Lake overnight, and sleep there too. Roaming around Xuanwu Lake at night, sipping fine wine, and observing the beauty; what a carefree existence."

Qin Xian'er clapped her hands, laughing, "Well, Husband, since you're in such high spirits, I will accompany you. Master, the three of us will rest on the pleasure boat. You help take care of my husband for a moment while I arrange everything."

With her swift nature, Xian'er gave her husband a quick smile and rushed off to secure the boat. An Biru laughed, "This child, all in an effort to please her husband, she's even assigned her own master. The foundation I worked so hard to build has become a plaything she gave to you. Mr. Lin, General Lin, your ability is too great."

"Oh, that, I'm quite surprised too." Lin Wanrong sighed, "I thought I had to support my dear Xian'er, but it turns out she's wealthier than I am. It's as if I've picked up a golden ingot."

"Of course." An Biru said proudly, "My White Lotus Sect has been operating for many years. Though now in decline and not as lucrative as before, the income from just this brothel is enough to keep Xian'er prosperous for ten lifetimes. If you mistreat her, I won't spare you."

Lin Wanrong chuckled twice, pretending not to hear her words. He thought, Damn, it's not like I married into her family. I have plenty of money too; I don't need you nagging.

"Little brother," An Biru changed the topic, noticing his silence, "You risked your life rushing back to Jinling, was it to be rejected by Eldest Miss Xiao? She's quite heartless. How about I use some means to capture her and let you have your way with her? I have plenty of tricks that can turn a virtuous lady into a libertine. You can have your way with her, get bored, discard her, and I'll find you someone new, maidens from prestigious families. You'd like to see these normally proud and chaste ladies turned into used goods, wouldn't you?" An Biru's eyes swirled with seductive intent, a charming smile played on her face, her cherry lips parted slightly, and her words were shockingly bold. Lin Wanrong broke into a cold sweat listening to her. This enchanting and attractive sister, was she really a woman?

"Heck, you needn't worry about Xian'er. These women are just for fun, not to marry. I promise Xian'er won't be jealous. In fact, she'll delight in seeing you torment this lass. Whatever you want to do, Xian'er will obediently comply with you. I guarantee it, in the name of her Master."

Defeated, Lin Wanrong sighed, "Master Sister, there is no woman in this world more eccentric than you."

"Really? I like being eccentric!" An Biru's eyes sparkled with a captivating light as she lightly licked her bright red lips. She lifted her chin, as smooth as jade, and her beautiful, spring-flower-like face gradually moved closer to his. Lin Wanrong could feel her hot, fragrant breath lightly brushing against his face, causing his cheeks to burn.

"Stop, stop, sister, if you have something to say, just say it. Don't frighten me anymore." Lin Wanrong bitterly laughed. His arousal was akin to a flagpole standing tall, painfully hard.

"Little brother, you really are smart, and you're also very well-endowed!" She glanced at his lower body, a flirtatious gleam in her eyes, "Hehe, my Xian'er is indeed fortunate do you want to break the Love Bug on Xian'er?"

At the last sentence, his arousal twitched, and Lin Wanrong felt his heart jolt. He knew this Master Sister all too well she would never let him gain the upper hand without a catch.

"Master Sister, please be direct, state your conditions!" Lin Wanrong said with righteous indignation.

"You little rascal-" Sister An gently tapped his forehead with her delicate, leek-like finger, giggling, "I knew you were smart. Sister wants you to do something advantageous. Will you do it?"

"Sigh, I'm a very upright person, I only occasionally do advantageous things- why not tell me what it is? I'll consider if it's morally justifiable or not."

"To you, it won't be unjust, but it will be very... stimulating. Truly very stimulating," An Biru lightly licked her red lips and seductively said.

Damn, nothing could be more stimulating than you seducing your disciple's husband, Lin Wanrong thought as he swallowed hard.

"Husband, Master, it's time to get on the boat-" Qin Xian'er's voice carried from afar. A pleasure boat was slowly approaching the shore, with Xian'er waving from the bow, smiling...

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