Finest Servant

Chapter 252

Chapter 252

Chapter 252 Captured? Wedding Ceremony?

"General Lin, General Lin..." Thousands of swift horses galloped out of the western gate of Jining, heading straight to where Lin Wanrong had previously been seen. Leading the charge were Gao Qiu, Hu Bugui, and the others. The armies had entered the city and everyone thought the battle was over. No one could have imagined that a surprise attack on General Lin would be launched from the rear. Seeing the figure of General Lin disappear in the dense smoke, Hu Bugui and others spurred their horses onward with frantic desperation, their eyes red with fury.

After the cannon fire, the smell of charred dirt filled the air, with raging flames everywhere. The remains of the soldiers from both armies, who had died in the battle before the cannon fire, were scattered everywhere. Everyone looked around, but there was no sign of General Lin.

"Brother Lin, Brother Lin..." Gao Qiu called out, his voice filled with sorrow and desolation. He was filled with regret. If only he hadn't been so careless, Brother Lin wouldn't have met such a fate.

"General Lin..." Thousands of soldiers cried out, dismounted from their horses, and started searching the burning battlefield, hoping to find traces of General Lin.

"Look, General Lin's helmet..."

"General Lin's saber..."

Cries of surprise echoed as Du Xiuyuan picked up the helmet and the saber, examining them closely with a mournful look. He handed them to Gao Qiu, saying, "Brother Gao, please take a look. Aren't these the General's belongings?"

"Brother Lin..." Gao Qiu accepted the items and fell to his knees with a thud, shouting, "It's my fault, Brother Lin!"

Seeing Gao Qiu's reaction, Du Xiuyuan knew these items indeed belonged to General Lin. With his teeth gritted and his body trembling, he cursed, "It's all my fault for advancing into the city and leaving the General alone outside. Tong Cheng, you son of a bitch..."

"Mount up..." Hu Bugui roared, kicked the stirrups, and got on his horse. Thousands of elite riders followed suit, their armor clanging against the saddles.

With a wave of his broadsword and tears welling up in his eyes, Hu Bugui roared, "Kill Tong Cheng, avenge General Lin!"

"Kill Tong Cheng, avenge General Lin!" echoed thousands of elite soldiers, their blood boiling, horses neighing in unison, their cries of sorrow and war cries shaking the heavens.

Hu Bugui pulled the reins, and his steed neighed loudly, rearing and spinning. With bloodshot eyes, he said to Du Xiuyuan, "If you're a real man, come with me..."

Du Xiuyuan's eyes were also red. With a grunt, he got on his horse, "Old Hu, let's go!"

Li Sheng also roared, "Brothers, don't forget me..."

"Kill Tong Cheng, avenge General Lin!" The three commanders and Gao Qiu, all ablaze with anger, led the army of ten thousand from the right wing, leaving the empty city of Jining, heading straight for the camp of Tong Cheng of the central army.

Due to General Lin's wise command, the right-wing army had easily captured the Holy King of the White Lotus Sect in today's battle, effortlessly occupied the city of Jining, and previously killed the bravest warrior of the White Lotus. Their military exploits were truly remarkable, causing astonishment among all the armies.

General Lin, the master strategist who destroyed formidable enemies with just a smile, was already a war god and an idol in the hearts of the soldiers. After the city was broken that day, all the soldiers had entered the city, awaiting the inspection of the commander-in-chief. Little did they know that suddenly from outside the city, there would be a burst of cannon fire. Many soldiers saw General Lin's body disappearing into the sea of flames with their own eyes. The invincible war god did not die on the battlefield but instead fell to a scheme from his own people. This was heartrending for all of them.

Led by Gao Qiu and several commanders, tens of thousands of soldiers, their hearts filled with rage, rushed towards Tong Cheng's camp. The sight, the scale, was enough to chill anyone's heart.

Seeing tens of thousands of soldiers from the right-wing army rushing towards them, the central army hastily turned their cannons towards them, ready for battle. Standing on a high platform, Tong Cheng shouted, "What are you doing? Are you rebelling?"

"Tong Cheng, you son of a bitch, you dared to fire cannons from behind and plot against General Lin. I, old Hu, will take your life today to avenge General Lin." Hu Bugui's face was flushed red, his eyes cracked wide open as he shouted, "Brothers, charge"

In the right-wing army, General Lin was a god. Upon hearing this call, the soldiers were filled with righteous indignation and shouted in unison, "Charge" Tens of thousands of soldiers rushed like a tidal wave towards the central army's camp.

"Rebellion, they're rebelling" Tong Cheng, terrified, didn't expect that Lin San had such a strong appeal. In a panic, he shouted, "Artillery battalion, fire"

As the two armies were on the brink of a massive battle, a loud shout rang out, "Everyone, stand down" Gao Qiu and the others turned their heads and saw hundreds of horsemen rushing from a distance. The one leading the charge, with white hair and an angry face, was none other than Xu Wei, the supreme commander of the expedition against the White Lotus.

Xu Wei, having received news of the fall of Jining City, was overjoyed and hurriedly rushed from the rear. He didn't expect to come upon the internal conflict between the central and right-wing armies. Not knowing what had happened, he was furious. With a full beard and an authoritative aura, he quickly arrived at the front of the two armies on his fast horse.

"Master Xu" Gao Qiu Gao hurriedly dismounted and ran to Xu Wei, falling on his knees and crying, "It's my fault, it's my fault!"

"Gao Qiu, what's wrong with you? Stand up and talk." Xu Wei quickly responded. Gao Qiu was a guard by the emperor's side, a person of high pride and indomitable spirit. When had he ever shed tears in front of others? Today, he was such in distress and despair that Xu Wei didn't know what had happened.

"I am to blame. I failed to protect Brother Lin, and he fell victim to a traitor's plot. I beg you, Master Xu, to avenge Brother Lin," Gao Qiu cried out. In recent days, he had shared meals and travels with Lin Wanrong, going through life and death together, and their bond was extremely deep. He considered Lin Wanrong as his own brother. Today, due to his own negligence, he had cost his brother his life. How could he not regret and wish to die?

"What happened to Little brother Lin?" Xu Wei was so shocked that he almost fell off his horse. His attendants quickly supported him and helped him dismount.

With a pale face and a solemn expression, Xu Wei loudly said, "What exactly happened to Brother Lin, Gao Qiu, tell me quickly."

Gao Qiu pointed angrily at the hurriedly approaching Tong Cheng, shouting, "It's this damned Tong Cheng. When our grand army entered the city, and General Lin was left behind, he took his private revenge. With heavy artillery firing in unison, Brother Lin"

"What happened to Brother Lin?" Xu Wei roared.

"The artillery fired all at once, we didn't even find Brother Lin's remains" Gao Qiu cried out in anguish. Normally an outspoken and straightforward man, his public display of tears at this moment showed how deeply he was connected with General Lin.

"We plead with the Marshal to take action for us, execute Tong Cheng, and avenge General Lin" Du Xiuyuan, Hu Bugui, and Li Sheng all knelt down in their armors, their faces streaked with tears.

"We plead with the Marshal to take action for us, execute Tong Cheng, and avenge General Lin" Tens of thousands of soldiers from the right-wing army prostrated themselves on the ground, beseeching the commander.

Xu Wei's face turned ashen. He threw his marching order token on the ground with a clatter, yelling, "Tong Cheng, you have some nerve!"

Tong Cheng hurriedly knelt on the ground, saying, "Commander, do not listen to their nonsense. As co-leaders of two separate armies, how could I intentionally harm General Lin?"

A cold glint flashed in Xu Wei's eyes, he shouted, "Are you saying this heavy artillery fire wasn't your doing?"

Tong Cheng kowtowed, saying, "Commander, indeed the artillery fire was ordered by me, but it was not aimed at General Lin."

"What did you say?" Gao Qiu, Hu Bugui, and Du Xiuyuan instantly wanted to charge forward, but Xu Wei held them back. Xu Wei asked, "Then who was it aimed at?"

"Seeing the right-wing army break into Jining, I was delighted and ready to take the central gate. But then a woman emerged from the west gate. Our scouts reported that this woman was none other than the Holy Mother of the White Lotus Sect. But at this point, the right-wing army had already entered the city, and we were too far away to take her down. In order not to let this criminal escape, I ordered heavy artillery fire. When I ordered the firing, I didn't see General Lin. If I am guilty, it's merely of overstepping bounds, not of intentionally harming someone." Tong Cheng defended himself.

"You dare to deceive the Marshal," Gao Qiu rose in anger, "At that time outside the city, besides General Lin, there were no other people. The Holy Mother of the White Lotus was killed by our cannons the moment she rushed out. What need was there for your cannons? It was you, this bastard, who deliberately harmed General Lin, trying to avenge your nephew. All the soldiers know this."

Tong Cheng retorted, "Nonsense. The situation changes every moment during a battle. When I ordered the fire, I only saw the White Lotus leader, not General Lin."

Xu Wei coldly grunted, "Tong Cheng, you're the leader of the central army. Do you have clairvoyant eyes, constantly keeping an eye on the right-wing army? You say the cannons were targeting the Holy Mother of White Lotus, but all the soldiers saw that the Holy Mother was already killed by General Lin before you fired the cannons. What need was there for you to fire? However, your artillery bombing of General Lin was seen by everyone, what do you have to say now?"

Tong Cheng argued, "These are all allegations from the right-wing army. One side's account, can it be trusted so easily?"

Xu Wei shouted in anger, "How dare you! The facts are there for all to see, yet you still dare to quibble! Strip him of his armor, and wait for the Emperor's judgement."

Seeing the soldiers escort Tong Cheng away, Hu Bugui and the others saluted, saying, "Thank you, Marshal."

Xu Wei said, "Where did Little brother Lin fall in the line of duty? Quickly, take me to see."

Gao Qiu and the others quickly took Xu Wei to the outside of the western gate. Xu Wei carefully examined the scene, looking at the shell craters left by the cannons, and asked, "Did you find Little brother Lin's body?" Du Xiuyuan reported, "Marshal, the cannon fire was intense at that time. I'm afraid General Lin's remains are untraceable"

Xu Wei burst into hearty laughter and said, "Don't worry, don't worry. There are no signs of General Lin's remains in the vicinity. All we have found are a helmet and a sword, nothing more. In my opinion, General Lin did not perish."

"Marshal Xu, are you telling the truth?" Gao Qiu exclaimed in disbelief, as did Hu Bugui and the others.

Xu Wei laughed and said, "Haven't you understood Little brother Lin's abilities from the time you've spent with him? Given his intelligence and resourcefulness, how could he have suffered such a misfortune? He must be inconvenienced at the moment and will surely return safely in a few days."

The commanders were overjoyed at this. Xu Wei was considered the top scholar in the world, and if he said that General Lin was still alive, his word was highly credible. In no time, this good news spread throughout the right-wing army, and all the soldiers were overjoyed, looking forward to General Lin's early return.

"Damn," Hu Bugui kicked several large stones scattered at his feet and laughed, "I knew it. General Lin is wise and valiant, a paragon of chivalry. If he were to be so easily harmed by a treacherous person, it would be too outrageous."

Xu Wei laughed loudly, "Now that the city of Jining has been broken, and the White Lotus has scattered, the right-wing army led by General Lin has made the greatest contribution. They have slain the bravest warrior of the White Lotus, captured the bandit leader Lu Kanli, bombarded the Holy Mother of White Lotus, and were the first to breach the city of Jining. The merit list is endless, all earned through the hard-fought battles by General Lin and all of you. According to the promise I made before, I will reward you immediately. Li Sheng, Du Xiuyuan, Hu Bugui, step forward to receive your titles!"

"We are here"

"All of you, who have followed General Lin in suppressing the bandits, will be promoted to the rank of five-thousand-man commander today, each in charge of five thousand men, and will be assigned under my camp. All other officers and soldiers are promoted by one level, and those who have made contributions will be rewarded separately. I will immediately report this great victory to the Emperor," Xu Wei announced loudly.

These rewards were expected by everyone. After all, the contributions of the right-wing army in this suppression campaign were obvious to all, and the bestowal on these men was unanimously accepted by all soldiers. The three commanders exchanged glances. They had followed General Lin in his campaign for less than half a month, and had risen from the ranks of hundred-man commander to thousand-man commander, and now to five-thousand-man commander. Although their bravery and combat contributions were undeniable, the most significant credit was due to General Lin.

The three of them bowed together and said, "Thank you, Marshal, for the honors. We are undeserving. As long as General Lin has not returned, we dare not accept the reward."

Xu Wei sighed and said, "Do not worry. General Lin is blessed by destiny and nothing will go wrong. If he were here, he would certainly hope to see you receive these honors and continue to achieve new successes for our Great Hua. Do not let his efforts be in vain."

Du Xiuyuan gritted his teeth and said, "In that case, please grant us three days, Marshal. Within these three days, we brothers will scour every corner of the city of Jining, searching for General Lin. After three days, regardless of whether we have found him or not, we will return to your command."

Xu Wei nodded and said, "Good. Passionate and righteous men should act this way. I grant your request! In three days, the army will march. I await your good news."

"Thank you, Marshal!" the three of them exclaimed in unison.

With Lin Wanrong's fate uncertain, Gao Qiu wasn't sure what to do next. Xu Wei pulled him aside and said in a low voice, "Tong Cheng is a cavalry commander, subordinate to the governor's office. I can't simply deal with him; I need to report to the Ministry of War and the Emperor before we can take action. Tong Cheng has a close relationship with the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of War. If this case is taken up with them, who knows when it will be settled. That's why Tong Cheng is so confident."

Gao Qiu wasn't entirely rash. After some thought, he said, "Master Xu, this matter is strange. Even if Tong Cheng bears a grudge against Brother Lin, he shouldn't risk the great blame of the world by bombarding a meritorious officer."

Xu Wei's eyes flickered with cold light. "Tong Cheng's mother, Lady Yu, comes from the household of Prince Cheng."

Understanding dawned on Gao Qiu. "No wonder. So, this dog was acting under orders."

Xu Wei sighed, "I used Tong Cheng intentionally, hoping he would leak some false information. I never imagined he would go so far. I failed to notice, and allowed him to harm Little brother Lin."

Only then did Gao Qiu understand the intricate machinations at play. Xu Wei said with regret, "Today's incident is partly my fault. If I don't deal with Tong Cheng, I would be letting Little brother Lin down."

Gao Qiu's eyes flashed. "I understand. But won't this get you into trouble?"

Xu Wei said, "Doing something for Little brother Lin is not a burden. We can't let him return and find that Tong Cheng is still free. That would break his heart. A cavalry commander killed by soldiers loyal to General Lin while in custody... it's not an unreasonable outcome. I may be reprimanded by the Emperor, but compared to the credit of eliminating the White Lotus, this is nothing. This minor fault is insignificant."

Gao Qiu gratefully said, "On behalf of Brother Lin, thank you, Master Xu."

Xu Wei shook his head, "I should be the one thanking Little brother Lin. The victory over the White Lotus was his doing, he deserves the most credit. Now that the White Lotus is taken care of, we should address the matters in Jiangsu. I wanted to discuss plans with him, but I don't know where he is."

Gao Qiu added, "There's something charismatic about Brother Lin. Having traveled with him, it's unsettling not seeing him around."

That night, news came that the cavalry commander, Tong Cheng, had been killed by a cold arrow through his forehead while in transit at Feng County, suspected to have been executed by soldiers loyal to General Lin.

At the time of the incident, the generals of the right-wing army including Hu Bugui and Du Xiuyuan were in discussions with Marshal Xu Wei about withdrawing the army, all with an alibi corroborated by the Marshal himself. Upon hearing the news, all the generals, including Hu and Du, expressed their shock.


Lin Wanrong only felt his body floating as if on waves, sometimes being tossed up to the pinnacle, sometimes thrown down into the valley. Amid his astonishment, a beautiful woman approached him, gently wiping the sweat from his forehead, and shyly said, "Young Master--"

The woman's eyes were as beautiful as a painting, her smile radiant. She seemed both near and far, her image vivid before his eyes. He quickly reached out to hold her, calling out, "Qingxuan--"

But his hand met only air. The woman's face vanished instantly, and he rolled up from the bed, sweat dripping from his forehead, awakened from his dream.

"Young Master, are you awake?" Qin Xian'er's voice, filled with joy, rang in his ear. A smooth arm, as tender as a lotus root, slowly came to rest, gently twining around his neck.

The soft and smooth body beside him was like a burning flame, snuggling in his arms. Her high and firm breasts, as smooth as ivory, gently brushed against his chest. A faint, alluring fragrance wafted over. The woman moaned softly, her emotions apparent.

Lin Wanrong reached down, caressing her long, jade-like leg. Just as he was about to playfully knead it, he suddenly became lucidhe and Xian'er were lying naked together in bed. Recalling the story of the love bug in Xian'er's body, he shivered all over.

Bad news! Lin Wanrong let out a miserable yell. He hurriedly used the quilt to cover his body, his eyes wide open, "Xianer, what exactly did you do to me?"

Qin Xianer's face flushed, and she shyly retorted, "Young Master, you're terrible, what else could I have done to you?"

It's over, it's over. Xian'er had always been coveting me, using any means to possess my body, in order to monopolize me. I was sleeping soundly, my innocence was certainly violated, otherwise how could I be naked in bed with Xian'er? It's over. Qingxuan, Qiaoqiao, Second Miss, I can't hand over your lives to Xian'er.

His desolation made Qin Xian'er quite amused. She couldn't help but hold his arm and ask, "Young Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Xian'er, be honest, while I was sleeping, how many times did you torment me?" Lin Wanrong asked in despair.

"Torment? Why would I torment you?" Qin Xian'er replied, sounding surprised. Her face turned red as she slowly moved her body closer to him, "Young Master, you risked your life to save me. I haven't even had time to express my gratitude, why would I torment you?"

She didn't torment him? A glimmer of hope arose in Lin Wanrong's heart. He checked his body carefully but found no traces. Damn it, life is so unfair. Why don't men have hymen? Now I can't even tell if I've been violated. This problem is too serious, it relates to my lifetime of happiness.

"Xian'er, how did the two of us end up sleeping together? Oh, don't misunderstand, though I do want to sleep with you, as you know, if a person faints, then wakes up to find himself lying naked with another woman, anyone would find it strange. Can you tell me, what exactly happened? Were you... oh, did anything special happen?"

Qin Xian'er lowered her head in coy shyness and said, "Young Master, I would never harm you. You risked your life to save me and my master. Even if I became a workhorse in my next life, it would be hard to repay you. My master said that since you were willing to risk your life for me, I must be number one in your heart."

A colossal misunderstanding, he thought. If it was Qiaoqiao, Qingxuan, Yushuang, Eldest Miss - ah, why would he think of Eldest Miss? If it were any of these women, he would have risked his life too. Not because he put someone first, but because of his broad love. "Xian'er, you didn't take advantage of my unconsciousness to... you know..." Lin Wanrong's voice trembled, nervously looking at Xian'er. His good fortune, which any man would relish, he couldn't enjoy.

"Disgusting" Qin Xian'er blushed, "Am I that kind of casual person?"

Lin Wanrong sighed. Lying naked in my bed, indeed she is not a casual person like me. Qin Xian'er's words relieved him but also saddened him. When will the matter with Xian'er be resolved? Did Qingxuan have a solution?

Qin Xian'er seemed to understand his thoughts, sighed faintly and said, "Young Master, you are so kind and righteous to me. I will never do anything you dislike. After you fainted that day, my master and I braved cannon fire to carry you here. My master said it would be hard to find another man as kind and righteous as you, so she told me to conduct the marriage rites with you"

"Your master?" Lin Wanrong exclaimed. Damn, what kind of master asks her disciple to take advantage of a man when he's unconscious? Isn't there any law left?

Qin Xian'er nodded and blushed, "Master did it for my sake. She said that once we conducted the marriage rites, you would be completely devoted to me, never thinking about another woman again."

This was undoubtedly a cunning plan, Lin Wanrong realized. Xian'er's current habits were all learned from her master. An Biru was indeed dangerous.

"I love you, Young Master, but I don't want to make you unhappy. Pressured by my master, I sleep naked with you every day to deceive her. But Xian'er is not such a shameless woman," Qin Xian'er cried.

This silly girl, sleeping naked together can deceive your master? Lin Wanrong thought it was amusing. He held her hand and said, "How could I not believe you? In my heart, you've long been my wife."

Qin Xian'er was overjoyed, "Are you serious, Young Master?"

"I swear by Heaven and Earth," Lin Wanrong declared loudly.

Qin Xian'er wiped the tear stains on her face, overjoyed. Her delicate body rubbed against his. With a trembling voice, she whispered in his ear, "Husband"

The word was both numb and crisp, striking straight to his heart. They were already naked and embraced each other, this flirtation threatened to ignite a flame. He warned himself over and over again, he must not give in.

Having received the promise, Qin Xian'er was overjoyed. Slowly, she got up, her skin smooth and luminous like a delicate jade, glimmering with a gentle radiance. Her full bosom, slender legs, and perky derrire were all displayed before him like a jade sculpture of a goddess. Gently, she concealed her exquisite body under a long dress before turning around and smiling, "Husband, do you find me pleasing to the eye?"

Lin Wanrong's eyes nearly popped out, swallowing hard before he hurriedly said, "Very pleasing, exceedingly so."

Qin Xian'er broke into a smile, "Then, I will let you feast your eyes every day." This devilish girl knew that he couldn't have her yet still deliberately tried to tantalize him. How tragic!

"Husband, I know what you're thinking." Qin Xian'er giggled, leaning towards him and planting a kiss on his cheek. "If one day you can't help yourself and want to take me, that won't be on me."

This impudent girl, if I cant stand it, I have countless ways to satisfy myself! Leather whip, dripping wax, wooden horse, which one would you choose?! Fuming internally, Lin Wanrong grudgingly bore his teeth at the seductive whispering in his ear, clearly an attempt to ensnare him.

Only then did Lin Wanrong realize that they were on a small boat. The faint sound of wind rustling through reeds floated in from outside, creating an atmosphere of serene quietness.

"Xian'er, where are we?" Lin Wanrong struggled to sit up. His body was still sore, but he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Xian'er quickly held him steady, whispering, "Husband, your injuries are not yet healed, you need to rest for a few more days. We are currently on Weishan Lake."

Weishan Lake? Lin Wanrong was startled and hastily asked, "Did the imperial troops retreat?"

Qin Xian'er replied, "They seemed to have been looking for you, only retreating yesterday afternoon. However, the navy on the lake had already withdrawn a few days ago."

They were looking for me? Seems like these fellows had a little wisdom, knowing that this general is an invincible cockroach. If they had killed that dog Tong Cheng for me, that would have been even more satisfying.

As they were talking, someone lifted the curtain and entered from outside the cabin. Dressed in coarse floral clothing, disguised as a fisherwoman, she could not conceal her voluptuous, mature figure. Her face wore an alluring smile as she sauntered in like a captivating landscape that captured the heart.

"Hey, Sister, could you show a bit of decorum? I'm not dressed," Lin Wanrong was greatly startled and hurriedly reached for his pistol by the pillow. Damn it, how could I forget about this woman? I even blasted her with a cannon a few days ago.

An Biru laughed charmingly, "What's the big deal about not wearing clothes? Your clothes were taken off by Xian'er and me. Besides, when have you ever worn clothes while you and Xian'er spend all day in the cabin?"

Damn, is this really Xian'er's master? She's even more uninhibited than me. Lin Wanrong lifted the gun in his hand and said, "Master Sister, as you know, I have a potent hidden weapon in my hand. I suggest you stop having ideas about me."

An Biru smiled and said, "Of course I know that. Meng Du died by the hand of your secret weapon. But if I had wanted to kill you, you would have died hundreds of times in these past days."

Her words struck true. Lin Wanrong sighed and put away the firearm, saying, "Alright, let's make peace."

An Biru laughed and said, "Oh, my dear little brother, that's more like it. You led the army that destroyed my White Lotus Sect, even bombarded me with cannons, yet I haven't settled accounts with you. You needn't be so petty. I expected more from a man."

Xian'er, grabbing his hand, said, "Husband, my master has been healing your wounds these past days, exhausting much of her energy. Please, do not misunderstand her intentions."

Misunderstand? Bullshit. Does this 'sister' look like someone who fears misunderstandings?

Lin Wanrong asked with a start, "Sister, were you the one who undressed me?"

An Biru chuckled, her beautiful eyes twinkling as she teasingly replied, "And what if I did? Little brother, you don't seem like the shy type."

Shy? Bullshit. I'm more concerned about her looting the treasures in my possession. I'd be in deep trouble then. He glanced around, relieved to see that everything - the knockout drug, the miniature painting, the gold medal, the Buddha Big Stick - were still beside him.

An Biru looked at him, holding two red candles and a thick rope in her hand, slowly walking towards him.

Lin Wanrong didn't understand and asked, "Sister, what are you planning to do?"

"What do you think?" An Biru answered with a mysterious smile.

Bondage? Wax play? Domination? Lin Wanrong was terrified. He cried out, "No!" His wounds had yet to heal, leaving him weak. After struggling for a bit, he ended up coughing violently.

Xian'er hurriedly held him and asked, "Husband, are you okay?"

Upon seeing his reaction, An Biru couldn't help but burst into laughter, her ample chest threatening to burst out of her thin clothing. "General Lin, didn't you look quite pleased with yourself when you besieged my White Lotus sect? How come today, with just two red candles and a piece of rope, you're terrified to this extent?"

Lin Wanrong sighed, "The war was the war, a matter between two armies. We both had different identities then, even if it ended in a death match, we would have accepted it willingly. Today, however, we're drifting on a lake, having shared hardships. We have put our worries aside, the situation is quite pleasant. But for some reason, sister, you're bringing up those past incidents. It's not entertaining at all. Had I known, I'd rather have perished in that bombardment, instead of going through all this."

An Biru paused, taken aback. This young general, once her sworn enemy, was not only clever and impudent but also demonstrated an unexpected depth and wisdom, something quite unusual for his age.

"Master, what are you doing?" Qin Xian'er also asked curiously.

"Silly girl, I'm doing this for your own good." An Biru smiled, "These past days you've been sharing a bed with him. Did you think you could hide that from your master? I didn't force you while he was unconscious. Now that he's awake, you can consummate your marriage. After tonight, there'll be no more worries."

"Consummating our marriage?" Lin Wanrong exclaimed in shock. "Sister, I'm still young, my body hasn't fully developed, and I'm not psychologically prepared either. Can't you just let me off for now?"

An Biru surveyed him from head to toe, then giggled. "Still young? In what way? I've never seen one as big as yours. With such a lustful look in your eyes, you must have lost your virginity long ago. Are you still afraid of consummating your marriage?"

Lin Wanrong was utterly defeated. He had encountered strong women before, but none as domineering as this. Even in his previous life, An Biru would be considered shocking. No wonder Xian'er was such a little enchantress; her master was a greater one, truly following in her footsteps.

An Biru lit the two red candles, casting a soft glow on her jade-like face, adding to her allure. She turned to Lin Wanrong and said, "What do you say, Mr. Lin, will you come willingly or shall I tie you up?"

Faced with the thick rope in her hands, General Lin could only imagine himself being bound and subjected to wax play by this demoness. He had been a ladies' man all his life, yet never in his wildest dreams did he expect to be coerced into a wedding. It was utterly beyond his expectations.

"Sister, now that it's come to this, I won't hide from you. Besides Xian'er, I have several other wives. We're deeply in love, but none of us have held a formal wedding ceremony yet."

"I know," An Biru replied with a mischievous smile. "But there's nothing wrong with you and Xian'er having your ceremony first. Tonight, you will be the lucky one. What do you say?" Holding the rope, she slowly moved towards General Lin's bed, her face growing more alluring.

Although he could see that she loved Xianer very much, he knew about the Love Bug in Xianer. Thinking she was trying to bluff him, Lin Wanrong realized the sadistic delight she took in building Xian'er's happiness upon his own discomfort.

"That might not be the best idea. This boat is too small, and my capabilities are too large. And with you here, Sister, I'm a shy person, how could I just consummate the marriage like this?" Seeing her draw nearer, Lin Wanrong hurriedly protested. His heavy wounds had left him powerless.

"No worries, no worries," An Biru said. "You two can consummate your marriage inside the cabin while I guard the entrance, just in case Xian'er pities you and decides to put on a good show."

Play voyeur? Unbeatable! This An Biru was indeed a fox, an enchantress, a witch, and one with a personality!

Seeing her master advancing relentlessly, Qin Xian'er couldn't help but blush. She knelt before An Biru and said, "Master, my husband and I are deeply in love. Whether we have a ceremony or not makes no difference. I am his in life and in death. Please, stop pressuring him."

"Silly girl" An Biru quickly helped her up and said softly, "Why are you doing this to yourself?"

"Master" Qin Xian'er began sobbing in An Biru's arms. Perhaps only she understood her own bitterness.

Fine, just to end this ordeal. Lin Wanrong sat up and said, "My love, let's have our ceremony"

An Biru glanced at him, her face flushing as she laughed. "Hurry and get dressed. You're hard to look at when you're completely naked."

Lin Wanrong glanced down at himself. Damn, I am merely bare-chested, the vital parts are still concealed, yet it frightened you to this extent? Aren't you the hot-tempered one?

Qin Xian'er helped him into his clothes. He was incredibly frail, causing a pang of heartache in her. Abruptly, she embraced him and said, "Husband, I will serve you in this life and every life to come."

An Biru, watching the young couple's tender exchanges, felt out of place within the cabin. She threw a flirtatious look at Lin Wanrong, giggled, and walked out.

A seductress! She thought to seduce me? Not a chance! Lin Wanrong's heart skipped a beat, he quickly averted his gaze from her bosom. Having already had the experience of a wedding ceremony with Qiaoqiao, he smoothly completed the three bows with Xian'er, solidifying their status as husband and wife.

Fulfilling her wish, Qin Xian'er, overwhelmed with joy, fell into his arms and said, "Husband, today is the happiest day of my life."

"Naive girl, this is only the beginning, we have a long journey ahead." Lin Wanrong consoled, a phrase tried and tested, enough to make even the iron tree bloom.

Qin Xian'er hummed softly, finding bliss in his embrace.

Having been unconscious for several days due to his severe injury, Lin Wanrong had woken up that day and held a ceremony with Xian'er. His heart was restless, so he whispered, "Xian'er, can you help me step outside for a moment?"

With a sweet smile, Xian'er fetched a robe to cover him, then assisted him outside the cabin.

The moon was shining brightly, casting a delicate silver glow on the lake. A gentle breeze stirred waves that traveled toward their small boat, and dissipated upon reaching it. The soft lapping of water against the hull and the slight rocking of the boat felt like a serene cradle.

The vast lake under the night sky was a sight of solitude, with their small boat floating upon the surface. An Biru sat at the bow, her thoughts unknown. Seeing the couple emerge, she greeted them with a faint smile.

With Qin Xian'er's support, Lin Wanrong sat down next to An Biru. As the three sat together, the world around them seemed to quieten.

Gazing at the seamless merge of the sky and the lake in the distance, Lin Wanrong sighed deeply, "Life is so beautiful, yet I am forever adrift. Happiness is right before your eyes, yet you can't always see it."

Snuggling close to him, Xian'er asked, "Husband, is this a verse you composed?"

"Suppose you could say that," Lin Wanrong chuckled.

An Biru questioned, "Young Master Lin, you're so young, from where comes such sentiment?"

Lin Wanrong responded with a slight smile, "I'm young and naive, whats wrong with writing new verses filled with melancholy?" Qin Xian'er giggled, recalling their first encounter in the Miaoyu Pavilion. It all seemed like it happened just yesterday.

An Biru laughed, her gaze flitting flirtatiously over him as she said, "This youthful facade of yours is indeed a deception. Had I not witnessed your misdeeds, I would have surely fallen for your act."

"The feeling is mutual, sister," Lin Wanrong chuckled, glancing at her. His eyes caught the sight of a golden hairpin adorning her updo, shimmering under the moonlight. Beneath her coarse clothes, her body had all the right curves, irresistibly seductive. Her rounded, firm legs tapped lightly against the boat, her eyes sparkling playfully. She appeared as both an indifferent young girl and a disenchanted young wife. Her enticing smile under the moonlight was incredibly bewitching.

Lin Wanrong's heart throbbed in his chest. Clearly, this sister was testing me, he thought. His gaze fell upon Xian'er, his newly wedded wife, blooming like a flower, her face adorned by faint dimples as she smiled at him.

Admiring beauties under the moon, the more he admired, the more entranced he became. He sighed lightly.

"Master Sister, wife Xian'er, is Jinan your home?" Lin Wanrong gazed towards the north, softly asking.

"Home?" An Biru glanced at him, shaking her head, "I am alone, everywhere can be home."

Softly, Xian'er said, "Husband, when I was young, I followed my master to Jinan. The first night we spent on a small boat on Lake Weishan. If we talk about home, Lake Weishan is my home."

"Naive girl," An Biru gently stroked Xian'er's hair, "Now that you are married, you have a husband who cherishes you, there is no need for this nomadic life. Following me earlier caused you much hardship."

Xian'er quickly grabbed An Biru's hand, "Master, Xian'er's home is your home, we will never be apart. Husband is such a kind person, he will not treat you unfairly. Isn't that right, husband?"

"That's right, sister, the more people we have, the more chopsticks we'll use. We have lots of chopsticks at home." Lin Wanrong joked. This Master Sister was skilled; having her at home would certainly provide protection, after all, so why not?

An Biru offered a faint smile, her long, strong legs lightly tapped against the side of the boat. The rhythmic thudding resonated within Lin Wanrong's heart.

"I don't have a home either." Lin Wanrong sighed, his gaze deep and far-reaching. The cool breeze swept by, and as he was still recovering from serious injuries, he trembled slightly, unconsciously leaning into Xian'er. Since Qin Xian'er had known him, she had only seen his playful and carefree demeanor. Seeing him in such a fragile state moved her. She held him tightly and whispered, "Husband, don't be afraid, Xian'er is here! Xian'er will always protect you!"

Lin Wanrong gave a wry smile. When had I become so vulnerable? His eyelids grew heavy as he settled in Xian'er's arms, his heart was at peace. "Xian'er, I feel like singing a song."

Gently stroking his hair, Xian'er replied, "Husband, please sing, I am listening."

"In this world, only mothers are good, a child with a mother is like a treasure." Lin Wanrong's voice was weak and halting, gradually fading until it was no longer audible.

An Biru held back a laugh. How old was this guy? She turned to tease him, but to her surprise, the young man who had been singing, with a sweet smile gracing his lips, had quietly drifted into slumber.

An Biru stared at Lin Wanrong's face, lost in a daze for a moment, unable to utter a single word.

Qin Xian'er held him tightly in her arms, one hand gently caressing her husband's cheek, while the other hand covered her lips. Tears streamed down her face as she said, "Master, I really do love my husband. His heart carries so much sorrow, and yet, I am unable to share his burdens. I want to break this love bug and make him happy forever. Master, do you have a way? Please, help me!" Qin Xian'er's tears continued to fall.

"Foolish girl, foolish girl," An Biru murmured, stroking her hair and sighing softly. Qin Xian'er, holding her soundly sleeping husband and sobbing, nestled into her Master's embrace.

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