Finest Servant

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

Chapter 251 General Lin's Mysterious Weapon

"Master" Qin Xian'er let out a joyous exclamation: "You're not dead?"

Damn it, she is alive, but I am on the brink of death, thought Lin Wanrong, a flicker of anxiety racing through his mind. He blinked and responded with a grin: "Xian'er, don't blurt out such nonsense. This lady here is so young and beautiful; she can't possibly be your master. She appears more like your elder sister."

A gentle, seductive female voice chuckled, "Silly girl, your master hasn't yet seen you get married. How could I die so easily?"

The woman nudged the short dagger in her hand against Lin Wanrong's chest, laughing as she said: "So this is General Lin, a true youthful hero. No wonder my dear Xian'er is so infatuated with you."

Feeling the chilly sensation of the dagger pressing against his chest, Lin Wanrong silently cursed his carelessness. Damn it, both an enemy leader and a formidable expert - who would have thought it'd be so challenging to take her down? If he'd known, he would've let Li Sheng bombard her with hundreds of rounds after defeating her, let the cavalry trample over her thousands of times, and finally, let the infantry finish her off, slashing her body into a hundred thousand pieces.

Regret was useless now. Lin Wanrong pressed the muzzle of his pistol against the woman's temple, chuckling: "Oh, sister, you've awake, have you?"

The woman giggled, her bosom subtly quivering, creating waves of enticing curves, emanating a seemingly endless heat. She slightly advanced her dagger, "Little brother, what kind of hidden weapon is this? It's so hard, I can't quite handle it."

"Little brother?" Lin Wanrong exclaimed, "That's quite imaginative. Sister, my hidden weapon might leave your body numb. I wonder if you have any precious artifact that could counter it?"

Qin Xian'er watched in horror as her master held a short knife to the Young Master's chest, while his mysterious double-barrel weapon was aimed at her master's head. They were at a stalemate.

"Master, Young Master, please stop" Qin Xian'er urgently cried out. Her joy at finding her master alive had evaporated. These two were mortal enemies, and injury to either one would devastate her.

"Foolish girl," the woman sighed lightly, staring at Qin Xian'er, "this young man is a smooth talker, deceiving you at every turn. Yet, you are blindly in love with him."

"Hey, sister, you can't slander me like that. Xian'er and I share a deep mutual affection. Though we've spent considerable time together, we've kept our propriety intact. Even Liu Xiahui would not compare to me. I've never deceived her. As for you, sister, you feigned being shot to lure Xian'er out. You knew I would never harm a hair on her head, so you exploited my affection for her, trying to catch me off guard. Isn't that true?" Lin Wanrong spoke with an air of righteous indignation.

"Little brother, you really do understand me," the woman chuckled charmingly.

Little brother? Lin Wanrong broke out into a cold sweat. Just how old was this master of Xian'er, to look so dangerously attractive? It was a good thing he had a strong resolve; otherwise, he'd have been beguiled by her long ago.

Qin Xian'er, seeing the two of them in a standoff, felt a surge of anxiety. She actually dropped to her knees, pleading, "Master, please let him go. He is a man of honor and kindness, his graciousness to me is as vast as a mountain. Even if he's been deceiving me, I am willing."

Seeing her disciple so enamored, the beautiful woman could not help but sigh. "Foolish girl, all the men in this world are heartless. If you treat him this way and he discards you later as one does with chaff, wouldn't that cost you your life? Besides, at this very moment, even if I wanted to let him go, he might not let me."

Lin Wanrong chuckled. "Sister, you can rest assured. Other than my excessive honesty, I have no other flaws. As long as you put down the dagger in your hand, I will naturally withdraw my secret weapon."

"Excellent!" The beautiful woman giggled. "Then I will count to three, and we both drop our weapons at the same time, how does that sound?"

"Sounds perfect to me," Lin Wanrong sincerely smiled.




As soon as the word 'three' fell, Lin Wanrong fiercely jabbed his firearm forward, only to feel an intensifying chill on his chest. Looking down, he realized that the dagger had pierced through his winter clothes, pressing against his flesh.

"HahahaSister, you're quitedevious!" Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, his grip on the firearm tightening.

"Pot calling the kettle black, Little brother, I really like you more and more." the beautiful woman flirtatiously laughed, her voluptuous body twisting like a flame, her face blushing, her eyes emitting traces of seduction, perfectly demonstrating the charm of a mature woman.

Lin Wanrong's heart pounded. He knew well enough that this woman wasn't attracted to him, this was a charm technique. The same one Xian'er used at the Miayu Pavilion, but now being performed by this sultry woman, its power had magnified. No wonder that so-called White Lotus Holy King was willingly manipulated by her for so many years without gaining an advantage. A flirtation like this could kill any man.

"Sigh, us being at a stalemate like this isn't a solution. How about we both give our secret weapons to Xian'er, she is our common kin. What do you think, Sister?" Lin Wanrong generously suggested.

"As long as you behave, I have no objection." The beautiful woman smiled sweetly, this time without using her charm technique, yet it set Lin Wanrong's heart aflame. Have I never seen a beauty before? He scolded himself silently, but upon looking at her again, his mind had become much calmer.

Upon closer observation, although the woman was smiling brightly, her complexion was as pale as paper, and her body was slightly trembling. Lin Wanrong suddenly realized that the previous attacks hadn't killed her, but had seriously injured her. That explained why she was being so polite to him and only playing with a small knife she simply didn't have the energy left. With this realization, he found his courage surging.

Xian'er, hearing the agreement between the two, was naturally overjoyed. She approached them and whispered, "Master, Young Master, I apologize in advance." She extended her hand, grabbing the dagger with one hand and the firearm with the other, taking both weapons into her possession.

The beautiful female warrior seemed to have expended her last bit of strength. She collapsed backward in a soft heap, and Xian'er hurriedly caught her. Alarmed, Xian'er exclaimed, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

The woman forced a grim smile, replying, "The impact of the cannon earlier was massive. It shook my internal organs. With a few days of rest, I'll be alright."

Upon hearing this, Lin Wanrong was secretly delighted, thinking that this was indeed a heaven-sent opportunity. He gathered his strength discreetly, but heard the woman laugh, saying, "General Lin, Young Master Lin, are you planning to strike me down now?"

"Of course not!" responded Lin Wanrong, his face filled with righteousness. "I was just wondering where to find a pharmacy to treat your injuries!"

Xian'er, who by now had come to understand his tendencies, looked at him with tear-filled eyes and said, "Young Master, the White Lotus sect is defeated, and my master's years of efforts have been destroyed in an instant. Can you please show her mercy and let her go?"

Damn, do I have a choice now? With Xian'er present, he had to carefully consider whether or not to act. Lin Wanrong nodded, saying, "Northern barbarians are invading, threatening the lives of our Great Hua. The purpose of the military is to quell the White Lotus internal chaos so that next year we can focus our military power on resisting the barbarians. As long as Master Sister doesn't cause more trouble, I will pretend I never saw her here."

The beautiful female expert let out a bitter laugh. "Twenty years of hard work, destroyed in an instant. And my senior sister in the sect will laugh at me, An Biru. Why does heaven always treat me so harshly?"

Lin Wanrong realized that this beautiful female expert was named An Biru. A rather elegant name, he thought, while he saw Xian'er hugging An Biru, their expressions full of desolation.

With the fall of Jining City and the destruction of the White Lotus sect, the war was over. But what about Xian'er? Lin Wanrong sighed, wondering if she would leave with her master.

As he was thinking, a long howl echoed in the air.

"What's that sound?" Lin Wanrong wondered aloud.

An Biru gave a charming smile, saying, "How come, General Lin? Didn't you hear it earlier? You even used this thing against me."

"Cannon?" Lin Wanrong jumped up as he said this. As he spoke, the cannonball exploded a few yards away from the three of them. The blast created a large crater, and the hot wave from the explosion rushed toward them.

Damn, who is firing? Don't they know I'm still here? He thought to himself with a surge of anger. But then he heard Xian'er saying, "Young Master, why would the military cannon be aimed at you?"

"Oh, it's nothing, just a stray cannonball. Don't worry, it won't happen again"

Before he could finish, the sound of numerous solid cannonballs falling around them filled the air, the smoke from the explosions left Lin Wanrong covered in dust. This was not a stray cannonball, someone was deliberately firing at him, Lin Wanrong realized. As the booming sounds of the cannons rang out, the sharp whistles engulfed them all in dust.

Looking up, Lin Wanrong saw Tong Cheng's central army firing twenty cannons simultaneously. Amidst the dazzling red light, a volley of cannonballs flew toward them, instantly turning the surroundings into a sea of fire.

He'd been ambushed!

"Tong Cheng, I curse your eight generations!" General Lin, with bloodshot eyes, jumped up and yelled, but amidst the booming of the cannons, no one could hear him.

"Young Master, what should we do?" Qin Xian'er anxiously asked. An Biru was severely injured, and they were surrounded by cannon fire. Every step they took was fraught with danger.

Lin Wanrong gritted his teeth, jumped into the large crater created by the first cannonball, and shouted, "Xian'er, come down quickly."

Qin Xian'er had complete trust in him, and without hesitation, she clutched An Biru and jumped down. Even at this moment, she couldn't bear to leave her master behind. Lin Wanrong sighed; the girl indeed had deep feelings.

The crater left by the cannonball was quite small to accommodate all three of them. An Biru struggled to sit up. The three were closely huddled together with Lin Wanrong in the middle.

The cannons' bombardment intensified, making it nearly impossible to move within a hundred yards. The heat from the burning fires reddened their faces. Cannonballs exploded around them, covering the area in dust, but their little sanctuary in the crater was spared from direct hits.

"Young Master, will we die like this?" Qin Xian'er asked softly, leaning against him. Her face was burning hot.

Slyly, Lin Wanrong slid his hand into her clothes, gently caressing her chest and said, "No, we won't die."

Despite her master's presence, his bold action startled Xian'er. She was unable to move due to their close proximity and flushed deeply as she let him proceed. An Biru's back was turned against them, her voluptuous body pressed tightly against Lin Wanrong. Her rounded bottom sat slightly lower, exactly between Lin's legs, causing him to gasp. Damn, I'm sandwiched between two beauties, what a wonderful feeling, he thought.

"General Lin, you're quite cunning," An Biru chuckled. However, her voice held a hint of anger.

"Cunning?" Lin Wanrong, who was still caressing Xian'er's soft chest, paused, "Master Sister, we're in this together right now, and I've done nothing to you. Why call me cunning?"

"You're not cunning?" The beautiful expert retorted, "We agreed to give all the weapons to Xian'er, but you kept one hidden. Isn't that cunning?"

"Weapon? I don't have any!" Lin Wanrong was taken aback. The musket pistol was with Xian'er, and the bee needle was on his chest. What other weapon could she be referring to?

"What is this hard thing pressing against me then?" An Biru asked, her voice still alluring but with a hint of undeniable anger, as she pressed her body back against his hidden "weapon".

"Young Master, what is it" Qin Xian'er gasped, biting her lip hard to prevent her master from noticing any inappropriate behavior.

"Oh, that's a naturally occurring weapon that reacts when faced with irresistible forces," Lin Wanrong blushed as he spoke.

Intrigued, Xian'er was about to reach for this "weapon," but Lin Wanrong, startled, quickly caressed her soft chest again and asked, "Xian'er, have you ever heard of the 'crater theory'?"

Xian'er cried out softly, collapsing weakly in his arms, her mouth gasping for breath. An Biru quickly asked, "Xian'er, what's wrong?"

Flushing deeply, Xian'er avoided her master's gaze and quickly asked, "What's the crater theory? I've never heard of it before."

Lin Wanrong laughed and said, "The 'crater theory' is actually quite simple. Let's use cannonballs as an example. In terms of probability, the chance of two cannonballs landing in the same hole is less than one in ten thousand. Therefore, hiding here should be safe."

An Biru chuckled and replied, "General Lin, you seem to make some sense. It appears we might not be buried under these cannons after all."

"Of course " Lin Wanrong began to reply with a grin. But before he could finish, a sharp whistling sound erupted in the air. A solid cannonball was flying directly toward them.

"Danger, move " Lin Wanrong, his heart filled with terror, hastily wrapped his arms around the two women and, using all his strength, jumped out of the crater. He instinctively sprawled himself over them to shield them from harm.

There was a deafening explosion. The crater they had just been occupying was upended, and Lin Wanrong felt as if he'd been struck with a heavy hammer on his back.

"Young Master " Xian'er cried out in alarm. She quickly hugged him, tears streaming down her face. An Biru clenched her teeth but remained silent.

One in ten thousand. Such odds, and he had to be the one to encounter it. With a cry of despair, General Lin's vision faded to black, and he knew nothing more.

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