Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Chapter 135 - 96: Withering Flourishing _2

Chapter 135: Chapter 96: Withering Flourishing _2

Translator: 549690339

“Marvelous, marvelous!”

The White Mountain Monk exclaimed in admiration repeatedly.

Taoist Man Qinghe also nodded in agreement, “This Dry Prosperous Monster, using the heretic methods, has hastily achieved his cultivation, reaching the state of ‘Yin Soul Leaving the Body,’ comparable to our Taoist True Men. His mastery of evil skills is indeed formidable, but in thunderous weather… heh heh heh!”

As he spoke, Taoist Man Qinghe smiled coldly, “The thunder and lightning of heaven and earth are terrifying. Not to mention him, a demon of evil, even we, the Righteous Skills True Men of Taoism, dare not let our Yin Soul leave our bodies and practice at such times!”

“If we cannot let our souls leave our bodies to practice, how is he different from us?”

“A demon of evil will always be a demon of evil. Most of his cultivation is illusory, accompanied by many taboos.”

“If it weren’t for that, he wouldn’t have been chased and forced to flee in a sorry state by the Subduing Dragon Abbott that year.”

“Today, with Brother Dao taking action, you will surely defeat him!”

Between their conversations, both men were all smiles.


In North City County, Mount Jilei.

Inside Mingxiao Taoist Temple, lightning flashed and thunder roared.

A mana altar stood tall, with command flags arranged in two columns on either side. On the altar, incense was burned, and yellow talismans were pasted all over.

A man stood in front of the altar, with his long hair bound in a high crown, covered in a dark robe, holding a Peach Wood Sword in his hand. He scattered a handful of Thunder Summoning Talismans, stepping in the Big Dipper formation, reciting the Divine Movement Curse Intent and calling upon the wind and rain, commanding thunder and brandishing lightning.

It was indeed: The True Man’s divine skills were revealed as he initiated the ritual of Taoism!

“Nine Heavens Responsive Mansion, supreme Jade Pure King.”

“Transformation fills all directions, discussing Taoism sitting among the Nine Phoenixes.”

“Holding the golden Ru Yi, proclaiming the Jade Shu Treasure Scripture.”

“Those unaligned turn to dust, the decree is swift as wind and fire.

“In command of the five thunders, governing the heart across the Three Realms.”

“Greatly kind and saintly, supreme and profound in Tao.

“Disciple respectfully invites Nine Heavens’ Responsive Thunder Sound Universal Transformation Heavenly Venerable, to decree the thunderous and Jade Pure realm ennobled gods and generals!”

“Summoning the thirty-six Thunder Generals!”

“First summon the twelve Heavenly Thunder Generals: Thunder General of Divine Loftiness, Thunder General of Five Directions, Thunder General of Traveling Wind, Thunder General of Traveling Rain, Thunder General of Traveling Clouds, Thunder General of Spreading Bounty, Thunder General of Traveling Ice, Thunder General of Traveling Loftiness, Thunder General of Flying Sand, Thunder General of Harvesting, Thunder General of Subduing Demons, Thunder General of Swallowing Ghosts.”

“Then summon the twelve Earthly Thunder Generals: Thunder General of Correcting Virtue, Thunder General of Punishing Evil, Thunder General of Social Decrees, Thunder General of Rice Cultivation, Thunder General of Four Seasons, Thunder General of Averting Disasters, Thunder General of Gathering Toxins, Thunder General of Assisting the Endangered, Thunder General of Healing Diseases, Thunder General of Great Ascension, Thunder General of Inspecting Heaven, Thunder General of Observing Earth.”

“Lastly, summon the twelve Human Thunder Generals: Thunder General of Gathering Plague, Thunder General of Capturing Toxins, Thunder General of Averting Misfortune, Thunder General of Eliminating Calamity, Thunder General of Breaking Calamity, Thunder General of Destroying Temples, Thunder General of Confining Mountains, Thunder General of Subjugating Tigers, Thunder General of Striking Tigers, Thunder General of Annihilating Corpses, Thunder General of Piercing Barriers, Thunder General of Managing Souls, Thunder General of Cleansing Oddities.”

“The order of Thunder Generals carries out swiftly, as fast as wind and fire, should not be delayed. Wherever the blessing descends, there will be spears, and where the thunderous voice resonates, there will be numbers. If it should be dry, let it be dry; if rain is needed, let it rain!”


With that incantation, as the sword raised its Spirit Light, a talismanic decree shot straight into the heavens.

At that instant…


A thunderous sound resonated, and the world shook as the lightning flashed and the thunder roared. Amidst the wild storm, it seemed as if celestial generals had received their orders and departed.

At the same time, atop Dry Prosperous Mountain, within Dry Prosperous Taoist Temple.

“This thunder… something’s not right!!!”

On his meditation cushion, a Taoist man abruptly opened his eyes, full of shock and skepticism.

His heart pounded with trepidation, as if he were struck by an alarming bell, echoing ceaselessly.

“Someone is out to kill me secretly!”

The Dry Prosperous Taoist’s eyes narrowed, as he promptly got up and bowed towards the altar.

“The spirit light of heaven, the spirit light of earth, let the light open before me, profound and entering the mirror!”

“I invoke the Supreme Elder Lord with utmost urgency as if it were a decree!”


Having hurriedly recited the incantation, the Dry Prosperous Taoist shouted aloud. The Spirit Light in his brow flashed, splitting open to reveal a talismanic script.

Then, he lifted his right palm and covered it with his left, grinding them together as if grinding ink or wiping a mirror.

In just a moment, a Spirit Light began to form and transformed into a profound scene.

This was indeed the righteous technique of Taoism—the Spirit Eyes Mysterious Light!

The Dry Prosperous Taoist, with Spirit Eyes open upon his forehead and holding the Xuan Guang Mirror in hand, took just one glance and saw in the mirror the vast thunder and lightning. As the thunder dispersed, it revealed a mountain, a view, a path, an altar; it was…

“Jinhua Mansion, North City County!”

“Mount Jilei, Mingxiao Taoist Temple!”

“Thunder Lightning Mana King—Shi Jian?”

“I did not seek trouble with you, yet you have come to provoke me?”


Having seen the face of his foe, the Dry Prosperous Taoist sneered angrily, “A mere mage still not versed in the out-of-body stage, do you really think your Thunder Series is formidable enough to fight beyond your realm?”

“Today, let me show you the might of a True Man and the art of leaving the body!”

Having said that, he put away the Xuan Guang Mirror and started to perform a ritual at the altar.



The thunderous noise echoed, reverberating with a roaring shock.

Before the altar, the Dry Prosperous Taoist who was about to exercise the incantation trembled, as if struck by lightning, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his mouth bled a tinge of bright red.

‘How is this possible!’

“Even if you practice the thunder series, the human soul and Yin God are fragile. During stormy weather, you absolutely do not have the ability to leave your body!”

“Not to mention that you have not yet entered the state of leaving the body. The power of your Yin God and the art of your curse should not possess such might!”

“What is going on, what is happening!”

The Dry Prosperous Taoist’s face turned ashen, and blood trickled from the corner of his mouth as his eyes filled with horror, and he descended into chaos.

He could not help but be dismayed.

Just now, he had opened his Spirit Eyes and initiated the profound gateway to ascertain the origin of his adversary and discovered it was merely a mage, which had greatly assured him.

Although he was an Evil Cultivator and his strength greatly reduced during thunderstorms, this restriction only applied to his external offensive capabilities.

Being a Genuine Evil Skills True Man who had entered the fifth realm and was capable of Yin Soul leaving the body, he might not be able to attack or curse others during a storm, but within the sanctity of his own lair and before his altar, he should have more than enough power to protect himself.

Thereupon, having a mage of merely the fourth realm coming to engage in a magical confrontation was tantamount to asking for humiliation, wasn’t it?

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