Becoming the Luna

Chapter 307

Chapter 307

Kieran waited till Dream had gone out of earshot before whipping out his phone, he wasn't tattling, he was just doing his job.

Besides, a huge part of him was pumped to see the girls get more than a proper beat up.

Dale had been about to step out of his office to go check up on Dream, a hand out to twist the knob just as his phone rings, he pulls it out of his pocket with a muffled curse.

"Alpha Everett." He barks into the phone with even checking the caller ID forgetting that it was his personal line.

"Yo, Alpha." The very person that he was aching to knock out their teeth drawled into the phone.

"Kieran." He bit out, dialing back on his anger although he wanted to lash out at someone. "What's up?"

" I need you on the third floor closet." Kieran says without mincing his words, it would be best if his report also had visuals to go along with it. 

"What?" Dale frowns, in confusion. 

"Alpha business." Is all Kieran says, hanging up to pay attention to the girls who were slowly rousing, no one would mind if he gave them a couple taps from the pipe again, would they?

Dale glances down at his beeping phone, curiosity spiked, what was that all about?

Cursing again, he shoves the device back in his pocket and swings his door open. He had forgotten to ask if Dream was with the Head Beta, well he was about to find out.

He stepped out of his office only to nearly bump into Dream who was scurrying down the hallway.

He blinks, realization hitting him after Dream has nearly gotten to the end of the hallway. "Dream! Wait!" He starts to say, making a move to follow after Dream.

"Don't!" Dream calls back sharply. "I need to get a couple things done, I'll be right back." He threw over his shoulder, disappearing around the corner.

Dale skids to a stop, more out of confusion than anything else, was his eyes playing jokes on him when he caught a glimpse of Dream's face?

Unable to provide the answer to that question he decides to go down to meet Kieran, he plans to honor Dream's request anyway so he might has well kill time by checking out what Kieran was talking about, for some reason, he can't help but feel like Dream dashing away at top speeds and whatever the Head Beta had going on down in the floor below were interconnected.

Instead of running after Dream like he might have liked to do, he spun around and stalked in the other direction, leaving the floor. He took the steps three at a time, an urgency burning under his skin.

The door is closed when he gets to him, well if you could call it that, it could barely close properly, it looked broken in.

He pushed it open anyway, steps faltering when he got a gander at what was going on inside.

"What the fuck?" He exclaims when he comes in to see two passed out girls and two other crying ones, a guy was crouched beside one, trying to console her while Keiran stood in a corner of the closet of chaos, casually smoking.

"What the fuck is going on here?" He cursed again, he was usually more reserved than this but at the moment his sanity was hanging off a thin thread and he just wanted to know what the hell was going on.

The girl that was getting consoled, pushed the guy away and scrambled to her feet, her clothes had rips in them, her fake blonde hair looked like she had a spectacular fight with a flock of rabid birds.

He had expected Kieran to give him some sort of explanation but the Head Beta just looked laid back, watching the scene unfold.

He recognized the Werewolf from his first and only pseudo date with Dream and how she had nearly ruined ever fucking thing, he just watched her with glaring apathy as she crawled over to him with exaggerated motions like she was in utter agony.

He had to stop himself from cringing when she wrapped herself around one of his legs, he was still the Alpha with a duty to her, although what he really wanted to do was kick her away with his other leg.

"Alpha?" She whined breaking into sobs, shoulders shaking.

Dale just glances up at Kieran who's puffing through cigarettes like he's in a competition.

"That evil Omega from the other pack ambushed us and b-beat us up." She hiccups out, moving higher up his leg.

Information starts to slide into place in Dale's head, his blood slowly turning to liquid rage.

"Why?" He asks her in a blank tone, hands curling into fists.

The way she perks up at this nearly makes Dale laugh out cynically, she probably read his body language wrong too, thinking he ws mad because of her, no wonder Kieran had waited for her to do the stupid thing and rat herself out.

Kieran just lit up another cigarette, the thin sticks of nicotine helping him keep his anger at bay.

"I-I don't know!" She half wails, an ugly crier. "I-I h-have never done anything to deserve this, e-except" She snaps a finger like it is just occuring to her - a terrible actress indeed. "Yes! It must be because we have all gone on dates with you." She sniffs, smugness coloring her tone as she says this like it is some feat.

Dale just mutters a faint 'oh' except for the crazy person slobbering all over his favorite pair of jeans who had did something gruesome that he couldn't forget, he hadn't recognized any of the others, not to mention remember that they even went on dates with him - courtesy of his overbearing mother.

Dale had had enough of her snivelling, his eyes shifting to a melted gold as the actual situation painted itself across his mind's eyes, the glimpse he had caught of Dream's face, he realized what had been wrong now, there were bruises.

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