Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 352 - Hint

Chapter 352: Hint

Little Jing had already told the prince about the situation and then called everyone to discuss it.

“Do you think it has anything to do with the disappearance of Yaoyao? ” asked Little Jing.

Xia Chunfeng didn’t know all the details of Datong Hui: ” It’s not supposed to be possible. Datong Hui is for business and may relate to the interest of King Yu. It’s possible to provide King Yu with funds. What’s the matter with helping King Yu catch my sister – in – law? ”

Zhao Qixuan said sternly, ” However, if King Yu got Datong Hui as his back up, the problem will be difficult.”

Everyone knew very well that financial resources wrer the key to expanding their power.

Money makes the mare go!

Su Yi said, ” I’m going to explore the bottom of Datong Hui tonight.”

” Ah? I’ll go too,” Zhao Qixuan said excitedly, looking for Datong Hui at night.

Su Yi glared at him: ” You’ll only get in my way.”

Zhao Qixuan murmured bitterly, ” You are too despising people.”

Everyone had no intention of ridiculing Zhao Qixuan. This was no laughing matter. Xia Chunfeng said, ” Otherwise, I will go with you.”

Xia Chunfeng still had some confidence in his skill. Although he was not as good as the second brother, HeLianXuan and Su Yi, he was not bad among Jinling’s people.

Su Yi shook his head: ” I’ll do it alone.”

Seeing Su Yi so firmly, Xia Chunfeng didn’t say anything.

Little Jing said: ” Chun Feng still goes to meet you. You are on the periphery. If Su Yi is caught, you may help as well. Datong Hui is too mysterious. It is always good to be careful.”

Su Yi had no objection.

Four people decided on the plan and prepared it separately.

If King Yu knew Little Jing that they were eyeing Datong Hui, they would be vomiting blood. In fact, this was a beautiful misunderstanding.

That night Lin found him in a hurry, but it wasn’t because of Datong Hui, but because of the news from the flying pigeon in Ganzhou: The failure.

Vice Admiral Guan not only failed to make Xia Chunyu to death, but also dead. He also let Xia Chunyu destroy bandits at one stroke. The government suppressed the bandits for many years without winning them. Xia Chunyu won them as soon as he went. All right, Xia Chunyu performed meritorious service again, and he lost a deputy.

However, but it was fine that this kind of useless thing was dead. Moreover, the secret newspaper also mentioned Xia Chunyu’s interrogation of the pass lieutenant. Although Xia Chunyu’s argument was that the pass lieutenant colluded with the bandits, did Xia Chunyu already know that the pass lieutenant was appointed by him?

In a word, a coincidence had exposed Datong Huihui.

Ye Jiayao was still on an arduous hunger strike. It was been three days, and she’s still lucky to have water to drink, or she had already been dead.

Just as Ye Jiayao made up her mind to stick to it for another day, the iron gate was opened and the doorman with poker face came in and said, “The second lady, my master agreed to let you take a walk in the outside passage every day.”

Ye Jiayao exulted and thought that she reward from hunger finally, but she said weakly, ” I want half an hour, otherwise, I will continue to hunger strike.”

” My master said that if you go on hunger strike, my master will let you eat in a way, but he doesn’t want to embarrass you. Please take a step back. ”

Ye Jiayao secretly ground her teeth. One wick was better than none. She also wanted to explore another channel.

There was a strong smell in the chamber of secrets.

Ye Jiayao smoked her stomach and turned her head to look. It was the old woman who brought the delicious food to her heart.

” I’m going to eat Buddha jumps over the wall tomorrow and I’m locked up here by you. I can’t do anything. This little wish should be satisfied me, right? ”

Em ... the man hesitated: ” I need to consult my master.”

When the man went out, Ye Jiayao wobbled up, dazed and dazzled. People died without eating. Sure enough, the taste of starvation was too bad.

While drinking the soup and eating white steamed bread, Ye Jiayao was thinking about the plan that had just popped up.

There were not many people who could do the real Buddha – leaping wall. Except Lu Jia and his son, Zhong Xiang, Wang Mingde and Deng Haichuan, all the other people couldn’t. The cook here couldn’t do anything. Could she send a message to the people outside from the food? Yes, that was it. If Buddha jumps over the wall came here tomorrow, she would ask for ice cream again, which was even more unique. Only Jiang Yue could make ice cream besides her.

Ye Jiayao was a little excited, but more depressed. Why didn’t she think of it earlier?

This night, the sky was particularly dark and dark, with dark clouds overhead and opaque, as if a storm was brewing.

A black shadow, like a kite spreading its wings, crossed the high wall and fell silently into the courtyard.

The man was Su Yi.

Su Yi did not dare to be big, had a reserved breath, bowed himself and looked at the courtyard like a civet cat.

Behind the front of the five-bay window, there was something fantastic.

Moreover, this seemingly ordinary courtyard was full of unusual atmosphere. Every tree, every stone and every path here was exquisite and hides the array map of five element diagram.

If Xia Chunfeng or Little Jing came, they would be found within ten steps.

Su Yi walked carefully through the garden and saw a house in front of him. He was about to pass by when he suddenly found it wrong. A murderous look pervaded all around him.

Su Yi held his breath, slowly searched for the source of murderous look, and soon found a secret sentry. The opponent was definitely a master. He was probably at the same level as the man.

The secret post was set up and used by the master. Su Yi affirmed his suspicion even more.

Datong Hui has a lot of articles.

However, it was still uncertain whether Ye Jinxuan was captured here.

The expert hiding in the dark was also searching around with a pair of eyes. He found something wrong just then. After searching for something, he did not find anything unusual. It may be due to his confidence in his skill, and the man hid his breath and hid himself in the dark.

Progress would surely be discovered, and Su Yi retreated quietly and sought another way.

From the side detour past, he came to a window.

he was just about to peep at the house when hearing a burst of footsteps.

Su Yi was busy hiding.

“Young Majesty ...”

” Well, she is willing to eat? ”

” Yes, but she offered to eat Buddha jumps over the wall tomorrow.”

” Well ...” A warm jade voice tugged at the often upturned tail tone.

Su Yi’s heart leaped quickly, and he restrained. He stepped back to leave, followed the way he came and leaped over the high wall. After taking a wild cat in Xia Chunfeng’s hand and threw it away , the two men quickly left.

Tonight’s harvest was not small. The man in the house was called the young majesty. If he was the young majesty of the Jiangzuo League, his martial arts would not be weak. If he didn’t retreat in time, he would surely be exposed.

Su Yi’s inference was not wrong. Immediately after he left, someone opened the window and looked out. Several men in black also started searching the garden and finally found a wild cat.

They didn’t think it big and took the wild cat back to their master.

Su Yi and Xia Chunfeng came to safety, and Xia Chunfeng urgently asked, ” How about that? What did you find? ”

Su Yi was recalling that simple conversation.

“She’s willing to eat?”

She offered to eat Buddha jumps over the wall tomorrow ...

Who was she? But the key thing was ” Buddha jumps over the wall”, which was the sign in the sky. Ye Jinxuan was dubbed the imperial kitchens by the emperor for this dish. Why did she say she want to eat Buddha jumps over the wall?

” Go back and talk about it.”

The next day, a beggar sat at the gate of Datong Huiyuan. As soon as the waiter opened the door and saw the beggar, he pushed him away with bad attitude. The beggar couldn’t be provoked to go further. He sat down again and set up a broken bowl to beg there.

Towards noon, a man came out of Datong Hui, medium height and overweight, with calm eyes and a slight smile on his face, look like a Maitreya Buddha.

The man got into a carriage, said a place, and the carriage rolled.

Across the street, different people followed, either on foot or in a carriage, all the way to the vegetarian restaurant.

After the fat man entered, he soon came out and returned to Datong Hui in a carriage.

Before long, there was news from the ninth lord that the steward of Datong Hui went to the vegetarian restaurant and ordered a Buddhist ceiling to be sent to Datong Hui.

With the excitement in his heart, Little Jing asked everyone, ” Do you think it is Yaoyao that wants to eat Buddha’s leaping over the wall??She is telling us in this way that she is there.”

Zhao Qixuan clapped his thigh: ” This is entirely possible.”

Su Yi calmly said, ” It is not enough to confirm with a Buddha jumping wall. Wait a minute. If Ye Jinxuan is really hinting at us, then I believe there will be other hinting at the back.”

” What if it did not? My sister-in-law was caught, and her captors could do whatever she wanted? ” Xia Chunfeng retorted.

” I suggest applying to the government for a search and turning the Chase Exchange upside down. I don’t believe I can’t find anyone.”

Su Yi said lightly: “What if they can’t find it? Wouldn’t it be startle? ”

Uh ... Xia Chunfeng had lost his temper.

Little Jing felt that Su Yi’s remarks were reasonable. Without sure message, it was better not to disturb.

Su yi said: ” let the people of the ninth lord keep watching and following this thing. These gangsters are more professional than those in the police station.”

In the afternoon, news came that Datong Hui people went to Juxiang Garden to buy candied fruit and persimmon cakes, and went to Tianju pastry house to order a honey taro and persimmon cake.

Everyone was lost in thought after listening.

” These things are very common, Ye Jinxuan want to pass the message also want to give a clear point! ” Zhao Qixuan depressed.

Little Jing seemed to think of something, his eyes suddenly flashing and looking at Su Yi.

Su Yi nodded slightly and said in unison, ” Chamber of Secrets.”

” What? What chamber of secrets? What’s going on? ” Zhao Qixuan was at a loss.

Xia Chunfeng smiled: ” The snacks bought in both places have a secret word, candied fruit, honey taro, plus persimmon cakes and persimmon cakes. Isn’t that the secret room? ”

” Don’t be suspicious, it must be Yaoyao. Yes, she is telling us that she is locked up in the Chamber of Secrets, and I knew she would figure it out.”

“We’re not bad either. If we hadn’t targeted Datong Huihui, Yao’s message would have been passed in vain.” Zhao Qixuan laughed and was not forgetting to take credit for himself.

Everyone also laughed and confirmed Ye Jiayao’s presence. The next step was how to rescue her.

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