A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 112: Dumbledore's Afternoon Tea

Chapter 112: Dumbledore's Afternoon Tea

In the Great Hall, young wizards and witches whispered over breakfast.

Hermione borrowed a newspaper from the neighboring seat and pointed to the text, saying, "Look here, 'Lohart tampered with wizarding memories, gained their stories, and used Obliviate to make them forget everything. Currently, only seven victims have been identified, and their memories have suffered permanent damage.'"

Ron's chicken leg suddenly lost its appeal. "So, you're saying I could have lost my memories forever?"

He couldn't fathom it – how Lohart, with his usual magical prowess, could repeatedly succeed in ambush.

Harry, still shaken, added, "You might not even know you lost your memories. Who would have thought he's a true master of the Obliviate charm?"

"Terrifying! I spent a week in the same office with someone like that," Ron gulped down a large mouthful of pumpkin juice.

"Who caught Lohart then?"

"Wasn't it Proudfoot from the Ministry? That's what Dean said."

"It can't be. I asked the Fat Lady, and she said no outsider came that day," Hermione interjected casually.

"How does she know?" Ron looked shocked, "She's just a portrait."

"Ron, portraits retain their personalities too. The Fat Lady loves opera and gossip; she often sneaks into other portraits when no one's around," Hermione squinted, "If you praise her singing, she'll be more than happy to share some gossip with you."

"And to be fair, her singing isn't bad."


In the afternoon, in the headmaster's office, Felix Harp and Dumbledore sat face-to-face, discussing the aftermath of Lohart's capture.

Several plates of pastries and biscuits were on the table, along with two cups of pumpkin juice.

"Unfortunately, the number of affected individuals may exceed our initial estimates," Dumbledore said softly.

"More than his adventurous stories?"

"Yes, he can't guarantee that every story he encounters will be enticing enough."

Felix perused a few newspapers on the table, "Why haven't I seen a report from Rita Skeeter? That's unlike her."

Could she be afraid her attack on Lohart would be exposed? But memories are hard to use as evidence, especially when the perpetrator is a master of memory magic. Even if Lohart pointed out Rita Skeeter in court, it wouldn't hold much meaning.

"She's gotten herself into some trouble," Dumbledore speared a piece of cake with a small fork, "Tastes quite good, Felix. I highly recommend it."

Felix took a piece and tasted it, "Would she really get herself into trouble? She's quite clever."

Dumbledore glanced at him, "Clever people make mistakes too, and they're more likely to find loopholes in rules, so their mistakes can be greater."

"So, her trouble is—"

"From what I've heard, she went to great lengths to find out about Lohart's arrest, then hurriedly went to the Ministry on the same day to register Animagus."

"Animagus." Felix swallowed his cake, repeating, "Yes, Animagus, illegal Animagus..."

He finally understood why Rita Skeeter targeted Lohart.

"I assume her Animagus form must be some small creature," Felix spoke with certainty.

"A beetle," Dumbledore said calmly, "If our assumptions are correct, her years of being well-informed suddenly make sense. Based on your previous assessment, Lohart had been hit by the Obliviate curse, but he had broken free from its effects. That put her in a very awkward position."

Memories can be fabricated, but magic doesn't deceive. If Lohart truly accused Rita Skeeter of being an illegal Animagus, the Ministry would surely have an interest in investigating.

In these past years, Rita Skeeter had acted recklessly, probably making enemies she couldn't count.

"I don't think she'll have an easy time of it," Felix said.

After a moment of silence, Felix continued, "Headmaster Dumbledore, there are five months until the next school year. What should we do about the Dark Arts Defense class?"

Dumbledore's expression turned troubled too; he couldn't help but sigh, "This course really does wear out its professors quickly."

"So, the curse of the Dark Lord is real?"

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