A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 85: Selfish

Chapter 85: Selfish

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Sorry about yesterday, I site things happen and ask the jury to be lenient.


Long time no see Hidaka.

There was Saeki.


He sat in a seat like it was the obvious thing to do.

Where and what have you been up too? Who are they, your companions?

Saeki grinned as though he was trying to make fun of me.

Who are you, youre not Saeki are you.

What makes you think that? Arent you just misunderstanding?

Im here to challenge the dungeon. Thats why Im here. Thats all.

Saeki stood up.

Seriously, youre alive?

Ill say it again, who are you?

Hey Hidaka, how did it feel to kill Aries? Was it fun? Were you satisfied?

I pointed my hand at the imitation of Saeki.

Whats that? Hahahaha what are you going to kill me too? Are you serious?

It was a perfect imitation of Saeki, the tone the attitude. It was pulled right from my memory. However I know it isnt him, for one hes wearing the school uniform.


Toas expression looked worried.

Lord Nito do you know him?

Sufilia was also curious about the person in front of her.

Its fine, this person was summoned here like I was. Or its probably not h-

Not that! Whats with that eye?


Toa was looking at me like me stunned with her mouth hanging open.

What.that redeye. your right eye is glowing.

My right eye?

I brought my hand up to touch my eyelid.

Not that one.

Oh this one?

Toas right meaning my left eye. However, I dont have a mirror

Hmm? What

However I noticed a red glow in the window. I ran up to it quickly to get a better look and could clearly see my left eye glowing red.

What..is this? When did this happen?

It happened when he appeared.

He was probably referring to Saeki.

You, what did you do?

Ha! Me? What are you talking about Hidaka.

No, youre right it wasnt you. I know that, this is my problem.

Its hard to put it into words but I understand. Its there something wrong with me? .nothing feels different? My hearts beating a little faster than usual but..


Toa looked at me with a concerned expression.

Its ok. I dont know what the cause is but itll probably go away soon.

Dont ignore me!

Saeki screamed, before I would have felt scared immediately but I dont feel anything now.

What are you some kind of worthless adventurer?! Youre already dead! That day that Aries sent you away you died! Youre not alive now!

What, did you think saying things like that would break my spirit or something?

I heard about you Hidaka, the adventurer Nito. But you know what I think? I think youre a scam artist. Youre scamming them all arent you? So what is it youre doing? What kind of scam are you trying to pull off?

At then Nem could no longer keep her mouth shut.

Youre insulting master! Nem cant take it anymore!

As she said this 6 fairly large fireballs appeared around her.

Saeki looked at Nem them back at me.

Oh is this your companion? Thats funny, theres no one thats going to save you, not even in this world.

Eat this!

Nem fired all six fireballs but when they hit Saeki they just splashed against him and disappeared. He picked the singed bits off his uniform afterwards like nothing happened.

Even if you look like Saeki youre just a dungeon monster.

Hidaka, youre going to be bullied by me again after this.

No, I wont. Because Im going to kill all of you.

Everyone? Haha! Youre going to kill everyone? Even those unrelated to it? Sawachi and Ichijo too?

I had nothing else to say, it was just a dungeon monster.

Isnt it strange? Not just me but youre going to kill the people around us too?

But the things mouth just kept moving.

They arent unrelated. Everyone knew, they just pretended not to notice because they thought it was annoying and just didnt want to get involved.

They didnt help you so youre going to kill them? How selfish can you get?

Saeki looked down on my smiling.

Youre trying to say its unreasonable?

Unreasonable, selfish, what even you want to call it, violent. And to top it all off, youre ugly.

Saeki pointed at me as if giving some kind of speech.

Then, why me?


You could have chosen anyone couldnt you have? It didnt have to be me.

What are you talking about?

You could have chosen someone else. That day I just happened to meet you in front of the vending machines but, you could have chosen anyone. So why me? Dont you think thats unreasonable Saeki?

You would have been bullied either way. Thats just your fate. Thats your problem.

No, I dont think so. I believe it was unreasonable, it was unreasonable that I was the one chosen to be bullied. But it cant be helped now, thats just how the world is.

Yeah, its just how things are.

Dont you feel the same way about me killing those guys?

You killing us is ordinary, just how it is?

Yeah, they were spectators. You might say its unreasonable or selfish, and it might be. But isnt being a bystander, just watching it happen because you dont want to get involved; isnt that selfish?

Thats just your resentment.

No, you dont form grudges intentionally. At this point, unreasonable, resentment, youre just saying things.

Even you are only thinking about your own convenience.

Everything has a reason or a cause for happening. However, I did nothing wrong. So, if there has to be a cause, that means it was you Saeki. Youre the one in the wrong.

From their point of view youre evil you know, saying youre going to kill them all. What youre saying is messed up.

No, for me theyre evil, thats why Im going to kill them.

What? Even though they didnt do anything theyre evil? Hahahaha.

Well not in essence. You said it before didnt you? That they were bystanders and spectators? They built a wall between us and rejected my existence.

What do you mean in essence?

Saeki squinted.

You should already know.

No I dont know! Youre not making any sense!

It doesnt have to make sense, its my will.

Youre saying this is your will?

They chose to look away and ignore me. That was their will, they must have felt guilty doing it. But they still chose to do it. Why? Because that was their will.

The three girls all kept silent, Toas face had a complicated expression while Nem looked at the ground. Sufilia however was just smiling.

And thats what Im doing as well, I judged them to be evil, that is my will.

Thats a little far-fetched dont you think? You should also be aware that youre in the wrong.

Hes trying to make me doubt, why?

Good and evil are abstract, especially in this world. I believe in my own judgement but, more importantly Ive remembered the real reason I said I would kill all of you.

The real reason?

Although it was unreasonable everyone just ignored or bullied me. They built a wall between us because they wanted to. So I too, am just going to do what I want.

Saeki smiled and raised his right arm.

I understand now, this is the end.

He snapped his fingers.


I felt a shaking at my feet, the desks and chairs began to shake.

Saeki what did you do?

Its too late, you know that dont you?

Masamune, whats happening!?

Its scary! Everything is shaking!

Nem take my hand!

She grabbed ahold of my hand.

The shaking becomes more intense as Saeki begins to enlarge.

What are you?

A selector.

What is that supposed to mean?

Do not doubt the abyss or yourself.


It said the same words as Bell while its face distorted.



Lord Nito!

They grabbed onto me calling my name.

But the shaking suddenly subsided.


Suddenly desk chairs walls everything moved away from us at an incredible speed. Where we were standing disappeared but we didnt fall, instead we stood on the ground. The scenery changed just as fast, all of the scenes from my memories, elementary school, and amusement park, even memories I didnt want to remember. Suddenly the ground seemed to be approaching us rapidly from a distance. The three of them clung to me, scared.

Its ok.

Everything came to a stop creating a new place.

Where is this?

Sufilia asked looking around.

.the gym.

It was my junior high school gym, in front of us was no longer Saeki but just a blob of meat.

The king does not work for those who doubt the abyss.

It stared at me as it spoke.

What are you talking about?

Whatever he meant was completely lost on me.

Now, choose.

It began to grow, a large red arm with claws came out of it as it grew larger. The other one came then legs and finally a torso.

Masamune, thats.

Looks like Toa figured out what it was.

Finally a red neck appeared and a mouth filled with fangs. On its back to giant wings appeared.

Yeahits a dragon.

A giant red scaled dragon appeared in front of us.

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