A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 84: Memory fragment

Chapter 84: Memory fragment

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Of course I remember that day, how could I forget?

For that seat I could see her well. I used to thing she had such beautiful black hair.

Oi, Hidaka, you looked didnt you?


That was Saeki.

You looked at Shirakawa, you like her?

No way, I wouldnt match her at all.

Want me to help you out?

A suspicious smile floated up onto Saekis face.

He offered to help me, of course I knew it was a lie, but in that moment I was willing to accept it. My heart was weak.

Yeah, ok.

But saying that was a mistake, I knew it was. It was a mistake for me to trust Saeki even for a moment. Even then I was already oppressed.

Then lunch break that day came.

My school didnt have a cafeteria so students ate together either in their own or neighboring classrooms with friends. Ichijo was actually a frequent visitor in my class.

I was eating my lunch when Saeki stood up and spoke.

Everyone, listen up. Actually Ive recently talked with Hidaka about something.

Talked? What do you mean Saeki?

The was Ria.

Shirakawa, its about you.

Huh? Me?

She looked confused but I think its only natural for someone to be confused in that situation. For a moment she avoided my eyes. I think she knew what was happening.

Stand up Hidaka.

My mind was blank, I didnt know what to think and so I stood up like I was told. And then directed by Saeki I turned to face Shirakawa.

Alright, from here you have to say it.

Everyone understood.

Hidaka is going to confess to Shirakawa.

Everyone was whispering.

And you know what happened after that, I was shamed. It was exactly what Saeki had intended. Shirakawa turned away doing her best to ignore me. I hadnt even said anything yet.

But it didnt end there.

Everyone began to talk about me behind my back as I walked by. Even those that hadnt been around when it happen laughed at me. Everyone.

And now, that women was in front of me.

Do you remember?

What is she asking, of course I remember.

You told me you liked me Hidaka.

I wonder why shes saying this. Looking back on it now, I feel nothing for her.

I was happy, when you said that.

Then why did you avoid me?

I tried to say it but I was embarrassed, you know the feeling.

Back then if I heard that my heart would have beat wildly but now I feel nothing.



You dont have feelings for me. You dont even like me, I disgust you dont I?

No! I

Thats the kind of human Chihiro Shirakawa is. You may look nice on the outside but inside youre like a rotting fish. Only, I can smell it now.

Suddenly I notice the executioners axe in my right hand.

Wow, what a surprising turn of events, when did the axe get in my hand?

I walked forward until I stood in front of her, I still felt nothing.

Hey Hidaka, will you tell me again? Tell me what you said that day one more time.

I dont feel like it. And I have another reason.

It was simple.

Youre ugly. Let me be clear, the three girls that I travel with are extremely beautiful. Your face is just sad in comparison.

Hidaka, please..

What do you mean. What exactly are you pleading for, for me to say those words? Is it so important that you would pleas for it?

I cant even make a facial expression, thats how little feeling I have right now.

In that case, I have a plea as well.

I raised the axe over head as Shirakawa looked up. The questioning look on her face seemed as though she was trying to be cute.

Never show your ugly face in front of me again.

I swung the axe down sending blood and her head flying. Am I crazy? No its people like this that are crazy. Killing them should be proof of normalcy.


I put my foot on top of her decapitated.

Is my parallel world.

The next moment I was staggering.

Masamune get it together!

I heard a voice. I opened my eyes and became aware of a beautiful girl with pink hair next to me.


Toa sighed in relief when I spoke.

Are you ok master?

Nem looked like she was going to cry.


Lord Nito, you were asleep.

Sufilia filled me in on the situation.

Asleep? What so you mean asleep? I was over by the window.

But when I looked, I was still by the window.

You suddenly stopped talking, and when we approached it looked like you had fainted and lost consciousness.

But why

But I understood quickly.

By defeating Nightmare , [Goddesss Blessing] was activated. Choose your loot.

You have leveled up, your level is now 1262.

Apparently I was forced into a nightmare by a monster.

Although it appears that I defeated it.

A nightmare?

Sufilia looked at me with interest.

Yeah the monsters name also seems to have been Nightmare.

Nightmare!? Thats not a monster thats a devil!

[ t/n: yes hes using the actual word nightmare for the dream. And a katakana version for the name. Cant help ya.]

I see, a devil huh?

Yes, theyre said to invade the mind and bring put trauma.

Trauma Huh? But all it did was allow me to kill someone that I wanted dead?what a dumb dream.

Masamune, before you fainted you said that you knew the truth. What did you mean by that?

I remembered at Toas prompting.

Oh the truth behind the dungeon. Yeah, but youll figure that out when its time.

Toa tilted her head to the side.

But thats not important I remember something that is thought.

I looked into the eyes of all three.

I have something to tell you three, I have another reason for this journey.


Yeah, the reason I started this journey.

The three of them quieted at my words.

The are people I must absolutely kill. Like I did with the princess of Greyberg.

I will kill all of you with out fail.

I met Toa, Nem, Sierra and Sufilia, I forgot that I swore to kill everyone. I forgot the pain, but I remembered it now.

I remembered.


It might cause problems for you in the future but Ill do it myself as much as possible, like I did in Greyberg.

Master? Is that something bad?

Nem is waiting for me to deny it, I can tell by her expression.

I dont think so, do you believe in my opinion? Thats whats important, I dont think Im making a mistake at least.

In that case, Nem will follow master.

Is that your will? If thats the case then good.

I still saw a mixture of anxiety and hesitation on Nems face.

Lord Nito, I am the same as you. I didnt understand why you saved me but now I do. We are both cursed, we were both oppressed. I will not hesitate to follow you.

I see, thank you Sufilia.

Sufilia bowed.


I turned towards Toa.

Im not entirely certain of what Masamune is trying to do. Although I know youve decided that you have to do something just as you did before. But is it important, something you cant turn away from?

Yeah, if I turn away from it I would be the same as I was even in this world.

Then Ill follow you. Just as i decided to believe you back then. Besides, you havent taken me home yet.

Hahaha, youre right.

My original purpose was taking Toa home.

And what is the truth behind the dungeon? Dont you think its ok to tell me?

Toa made an expression as if she couldnt wait any longer.

Yeah, Im still not sure about somethings but, if Im right then we should be able to clear this dungeon pretty quickly.

Clear? How are we going to clear it?

Well simply put, theres no other place in this building that has any meaning to me. Its just this classroom.

A place that has meaning?

Yeah, I thought it was strange from the beginning, why was the dungeon my old school?

Well, yeah

While I have heard of various types of dungeons and read a lot on them Ive never heard of any kind of dungeon with a building like this.

What do you mean Master?

My point is that this dungeon is somehow related to me.

As we were talking I chose the magic dream eaterfrom the nightmare loot.

The dungeon is related to master?

Nem tilted her head.

Yeah, the monsters, the building, the nightmare. All of it was aimed at me.

So what is the truth?

Well it may be too early to make this hypothesis but, it seems like this dungeon was made for me. Before we left Khalifa said something as well.

The three of them looked a little annoyed.

That was when.


I felt a dull ache in my head so I looked around expecting another nightmare but it seems like the three of them felt it as well.


I know.

I was wary when

There was the sound like the scraping of chair legs against the floor. We all turned to look, the other three stared on confused but I already knew what it would be.

Long time no see, Hidaka.

It was Saeki.

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