A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 83: Prison

Chapter 83: Prison

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By defeating Walker Lv: 501 has activated [Goddesss blessing]

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By defeating Walker Lv: 620 subjugation has activated [Goddesss blessing]

By defeating Walker Lv: 320 subjugation has activated [Goddesss blessing]

By defeating Walker Lv: 497 subjugation has activated [Goddesss blessing]

By defeating Walker Lv: 608 subjugation has activated [Goddesss blessing]

By defeating Walker Lv: 592 subjugation has activated [Goddesss blessing]

Please choose your loot.

I killed 8 zombies inside the bathroom and a small bell went off in my head letting me know I leveled up.

You have leveled up from level 909 to level 1221.

Nem whats your level?



Nems leveling up, albeit slowly. Wait, isnt Toa around level 34?

Toa whats your level?

Me? 42?



So Nem is now just behind Toa in strength. I dont know who called this a graveyard, its more like a treasure trove of experience points.

Most of the zombies had the same skills and only one had magic. In the end, what I got was the magic infection and the skills binge eating, hypersensitivity, sensitivity to smell, increased bite force, and command.

Infection allowed you to change the subject into a Walker by having it ingest your blood. While binge eating allowed you to eat anything for food.

Shall we go upstairs for now?

If we went downstairs wed end up having to deal with that insane number of lump monsters. Of course I could take them all out using Erosion wavebut with the number of them down there I would have to expand the range. Until now Ive avoided allowing Nem, Toa, and Sufilia to come into contact with with the wave so that I wouldnt make the same mistake I did before. I should avoid taking risks for now.

What floor are we on now?

Toa asked.

The second floor.

So next is the third floor right? Whats there?

My class room.

[I messed up. Earlier he didnt say my class room, he said classroom or classrooms.I just saw classroom and in my head decided he was talking about his own classroom. He was notIts fixed now but if youre caught up you wouldnt have been aware so now you are yay.]

Are there only classrooms here?

Well, it is the classroom building.

I wonder what will come out next. Its the first time Ive wondered around the school with such high expectations. Although I felt uncomfortable, first a minotaur came out, then a mud ball which was probably a slime, and then zombies. Ive played plenty of rpgs where I killed minotaurs and slimes, or crushed zombies with a bat. Seeing them here now gave me a sense of unease. But without knowing why I headed upstairs followed by the others.

We arrived at the third floor.

Which one is Masamunes?

When we came up the stairs there was a corridor the passed along in front of it allowing you to go either right or left. Thinking about it its kind of strange that Im here with three other people. During school I was always alone I didnt have any friends. I was alone for two years but now I have friends. But now I have beautiful women as companions, Nem was also super cute. I want friends though, no, companions would naturally become friends right?

Youre quiet all of a sudden, whats wrong?

Huh? Ah, uh nothing, I was just think that it would have been nice to bring Sierra along.

I wonder if Sierra would be my friend? Maybe thats why I accepted Ichijo, because I wanted friends.

Yeah, I wonder if Sierra is ok?


Its hard to say whether or not shes ok. And a friends life shouldnt be left to hope.

If Id had friends from the beginning would I have swore revenge?

This way.

We turned right and passed by a couple classrooms, mine was at the end.

I used to come here everyday.

This is Masamunes classroom?


Lord Nito, what did you study here?

Numbers, history, languages, its not much different from Halekuwait.

Were there a long of different countries in your world?

Yeah, although I didnt know many.

I went in the classroom walking over to my seat and touched the desk, checking something.

I. Sat here.

Nem sat in my seat and I couldnt help but smile, was school a fun place? I went and stood at the podium.

Now then, Nem. Is this a dungeon, or a school?

Nem was surprised at first but she managed to answer.

N..Nem doesnt know!

The teacher also doesnt know what Nem doesnt know.

Toa and Sufilia looked at us and started laughing.

Haha where are we though, really?

Isnt it a dungeon?

I dont know, its true that we entered a dungeon but, when we entered there was a school. Is it possible that the dungeon changes depending on the challenger?

But if that were the case why are we all in your school? Shouldnt I be in my hometown and Sufilia at castle Artemias?

What about you Nem, did you see anything you recognized?

I didnt see anything.

Nem was happily swinging her legs in my seat. So in otherwords, the dungeon would have only reacted to me.

Well, we wont find the answer just by thinking about it.

I sat next to Nem staring at the blackboard before turning to look out the window and the sunset.

This classroom was something like a prison for me, it was like you said Toa. And internment camp.

What do you mean?

Toa asked quietly.

I was despised and humiliating here everyday.

I looked at Sufilia.

I was the same Sufilia, oppressed. Thats why I didnt kill you. I felt like we were the same.

Sufilia smiled but didnt say anything.

I thought once that compared to Nem who was an orphan was it a big deal? But I decided it wasnt about the degree of oppression just the fact that you were oppressed.

Toa looked uncomfortable. I dont understand, what do you mean?

The world is sure to say something like, there is someone worse off than you no matter what happens. But its not about the scale of the oppression. Just that fact that you were oppressed.

The fact you were oppressed?

I went over to the window and looked at the ground.

Im sure something painful happened but, I dont know what Masamune is saying.

Yeah, thats OK. Ill tell you more about it someday but I just wanted you to be aware.


Toa smiled gently.

If they knew I was alive they might still deny it. Say I wasnt being bullied, that we were friends.

No, Saeki has probably already forgotten. But those that have been oppressed will always remember.

You might think that Saeki isnt here, that Im no longer oppressed but that isnt true. Those memories, I cant forget them. Those memories keep me trapped in the oppression even though Ive come to a different world.

I think I understand the truth of this dungeon.

I turned towards the three of them.

This is my.

I noticed something.


Someone was sitting away from us.

When did?

I left the window and slowly snuck around, shoving my face into theirs.

Whyare you here..

I looked back at the sudden cawing of a crow before taking a deep breath and turning back. Then, I noticed something else.

Toa? Nem? ..Sufilia?

They were gone.

The only people here are you and I Hidaka.

The girl sitting at the desk spoke to me.

Long time no see, Hidaka.

He black hair fluttered as she turned around.


It was my first love.

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