A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 174: What the hell does Wuji Gu do with this kitchen knife?

Chapter 174: What the hell does Wuji Gu do with this kitchen knife?

When the two people chased out, they immediately felt a coldness coming on, and the feeling of the harsh wind blowing on their faces, and the leaves around them slapping each other to send out the movement, everything seems so real, and completely different from before, as if wrapped in their body some kind of protective shield slowly disappeared.

Wuji Gu realized something, "When we first entered this place, it was as if we were passing through, and we didn't fit in here, but as time passed, we seemed to blend into this space more and more ......"

"You mean," Shao Yang thought of the ubiquitous ghosts in the village and couldn't help but squeeze the prop in his hand, "we will be completely controlled by this space at this rate? Will also be noticed by those ghosts?"

"I think this is definitely the case." Wuji Gu mused, "I felt wrong before, it's not like the evil spirits here are doing charity specifically to give us information, and there's been no danger since we came in, this is simply a problem ......"

Now that I think about it, this is simply the limitation of this space. Because this space is too threatening to people, probably more than the ability of this Liege should have mastered. So under normal circumstances it is impossible to hurt them directly, until they meet certain conditions, they will be killed directly by the evil spirits.

"By that time, we will probably be in danger." Wuji Gu frowned, "But it didn't seem so fast before, does it mean that the more we know, the more we will be trapped in this space?"

This is simply too insidious, after all, the player is impossible to refuse to investigate more information, for them this is simply a second life. What's more, the system has not yet issued the main task, if the main task is to investigate the truth of this copy, they are more likely to miss this opportunity.

What's more, even if they don't know anything, they still don't know how to get out of here.

The two followed the woman in front of them and soon reached the hidden mountain path, and with it, they saw a picture similar to what Xiao Qin saw, but they only heard the content of the conversation behind them because they were following the woman.

It's still a very common elopement plot. It was amazing for Wuji Gu to watch.

If this person is really himself, could it be that he actually fell in love with this village NPC?

In the next instant, the picture changed as well.

Turned into what Xiao Qin saw, that the two eloped by the villagers surrounded by the scene, and also no matter how you look at the youth are scum, a look to abandon the woman here, on and rumors have 80% close to ...... general circumstances are unlikely to be able to resist the siege of such gossip.

What's more, it's about the truth of the whole copy. Even if you know it's a trap, you can't help but want to read on.

Seeing this sight, Wuji Gu felt a vague pain in his forehead, and some images he had never seen surfaced in the depths of his mind, as if he had actually come to this copy once before, but everything was forgotten by him.

And he subconsciously felt a strong sense of danger, telling himself that he could not stay in this place any longer.

"What the hell is going on." Wuji Gu pressed his forehead, Shao Yang saw this and quickly held Wuji Gu, he was shocked that Wuji Gu, who had previously punched the ghost driving all night, had suddenly become so weak.

"Are you okay? Does it mean a ghost attacked?"

"Not ......" Wuji Gu turned his head to ask if he had noticed anything, but suddenly saw a few words carved on a tree trunk to the side.

''Get out of here! We can't watch anymore, what we have to do now is, go back to the village!''

Seeing Wuji Gu's eyes pause, Shao Yang also turned his head sharply, "It's Xiao Qin's handwriting, it seems that he is finally recovering his memory in this place."

At least be arranged by the system a little classmate's memory, they still remember what handwriting ah these things. The system in order to not let people think so quickly, these memories are half-truths, confusion is extremely strong, which is slightly convenient for them at such times.

"Something is wrong here, let's go." Wuji Gu didn't even think about it, grabbed Shao Yang and headed back, he always trusts his instincts.

Shao Yang is still a little hesitant, "This might be a smoke screen in this illusion, and we're about to get close to the truth of the copy ......"

"I don't know, but I just know that if we keep staying there, we won't be able to get away from here."

Shao Yang was about to say something, when he looked up and saw Wuji Gu's face was extremely ugly, as if a black shadow had coalesced behind him, giving a strong sense of oppression, and even the space around him seemed to be distorted by it.

What the hell is going on here? Is this also caused by the illusion of this place? But this oppressive feeling has been comparable to the severe ghost bosses in many copies that he has experienced! No, it was even stronger than that.

Shao Yang was stunned for a time, his legs could not take a step, wanted to say something to Wuji Gu, but suddenly felt a cold eyes from nowhere cold stare at him, so he opened his mouth can not spit out a word.

"What's wrong with you?" It was only when Wuji Gu noticed the difference in his voice and asked, that the oppressive feeling disappeared abruptly.

Is that black shadow just intimidating him? And Wuji Gu does not seem to know about this ...... Anyway, Shao Yang also realized that he would probably die on the spot if he told the story.

Shao Yang immediately also can not care to continue to spectate, honestly followed Wuji Gu on the hurry back, the heart still can not stop in shock ...... Wuji Gu in the end what kind of people, is this the other side in other copies of the get some kind of plug-in? But Wuji Gu himself seems to be unable to control.

In any case, such strength is already comparable to that of a legendary senior player!

Wuji Gu did not find this matter in the slightest, his forehead at this time severe pain, cold sweat continued to trickle down from the cheeks, the mind seems to remember what, but the next moment and everything dissipated in the fog, so he could not grasp.

Xiao Qin's hints are not over yet, they keep seeing intermittent writing on trees as they head back down the road, a lot of the writing has been corroded, but there are still quite a few that can be read.

''It's dangerous in this space, the more you know, the deeper you'll fall, and if you know the most crucial things, you'll be considered as someone who shouldn't survive, and there will be nowhere to hide, being hunted by everything-''

''Only those who know nothing can leave this space directly through the exit on the other side.''

''If you all know it, you have to find the location of the center of that monster, the other ghosts are afraid to go near there because of some kind of relationship, I guess that place must be the key to get out!''

The text ends abruptly here, and no one knows what happened next to Xiao Qin.

"If he was running for his life, he certainly didn't have so much time to write something like this, this should be the result of some kind of prop." Wuji Gu forced down the pain and thoughtfully spoke, "But how in the world did he know so much information."

"I don't know if Xiao Qin is still alive or not." Shao Yang felt that there was little hope, "Then let's go back to the village as soon as possible now."

"Until then, I'm going to get him out of there."

"What did you say?" Shao Yang looked at Wuji Gu in astonishment.

Wuji Gu stroked the words on the tree next to him and spoke: "This space is obviously always changing, and manipulated by the Liege, how can easily leave the message to us ...... so it must be Xiao Qin is around to be able to make these words stay. "

"Of course that stern ghost wouldn't let us find out about it easily." Wuji Gu looked at the other trees again, "so it erased the writing on the trees with more critical information."

"You're right ......" Shao Yang was stunned, but rather than not being attentive enough, he didn't even think about actually trying to save Xiao Qin.

After all, how normal it is to die teammates in a copy, he came in here just to investigate this space, in order to be able to leave the copy after himself.

But Wuji Gu from the moment he came in, his biggest goal was to save Xiao Qin, and as long as the other side had hope of staying alive, he would not give up.

"So where could he be?" Shao Yang looked around, he couldn't feel anything, finally he could only put his trusting eyes on Wuji Gu, after all, looking at Wuji Gu so convinced, he must have found more clues!

"How would I know." Wuji Gu spoke very frankly, "This place is so big, there are so many things, and the Yin energy is so dense, where can I just find it."

Shao Yang : "......"

"But we have another way." Wuji Gu took out a kitchen knife directly, it was the same one he had taken during his stay in the house of the Liege Ghost, and it had been in his backpack since then, and now was the perfect time to use it.

Then Wuji Gu handed his usual one to Shao Yang and naturally said, "You come too."

Because everything is too natural, Shao Yang also subconsciously took the kitchen knife, immediately felt the kitchen knife on the compelling cold and killing intent, it is estimated that even the evil spirits will be afraid to encounter! Wuji Gu usually use this kitchen knife to do what ah!

Then in Shao Yang's stunned eyes, Wuji Gu copied the kitchen knife on the next tree ...... he still slightly left his hand, afraid that if there is someone hidden inside or something is not directly to their own hacked to death.

But under the force of Wuji Gu, the tree instantly made a loud noise, almost a kitchen knife whole lazy back snapped ...... Wuji Gu hands of the kitchen knife are shaken, if it was an ordinary kitchen knife, now it would have gone into the ground.

"What are you doing ......" Shao Yang has been dumbfounded, why would such a simple and crude picture suddenly appear, he thought Wuji Gu would make some amazing reasoning!

"Anyway, if we destroy everything around us, we can always find some traces, right?" Wuji Gu smiled and said something like, "Didn't it just say something about being chased by everything on the trees, and these trees are spooky as hell."

In this instant, even around the originally clearly audible sound of swaying leaves have disappeared, the entire woods fell into a silence.

Shao Yang looked down at the kitchen knife in her hand and couldn't help but fall into silence.

So that's why things are the way they are!

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