A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 127: Wei Mingting and Xu Zhengyong are missing

Chapter 127: Wei Mingting and Xu Zhengyong are missing

Chapter 127 Wei Mingting and Xu Zhengyong are missing

"Okay, don't worry, Ms. Wei, we will take turns guarding here tonight, and we will deal with any situation immediately." Hong Ping said.

"You have worked hard too." Wei Ruo thanked.

"We work in the yamen, with the salary of the imperial court, and it is our job to protect the people of one side. On the contrary, Miss Wei, which has nothing to do with you, you take the lead in benefiting the people. We admire it very much."

"You're overrated, I'm just doing what I can."

Wei Ruo replied, and turned his head to look at the people in the warehouse. Although this warehouse is not a good place, it can at least keep out the wind and rain. A few braziers can make the room warmer and save lives. .

When Wei Ruo finished his work, it was already late at night, and Wei Jin and Wei Ruo saw that there was nothing else to do for the time being, so they went back to Wei Mansion.

The rain at night is really getting heavier, and the temperature is getting lower and lower.

Back to Tingsongyuan, Wei Ruo simply washed up and fell asleep.

In the morning of the second day, Wei Ruo and Wei Jinyi went out again. First, they were worried about the people in the warehouse of the Yamen. Wei Ruo was worried that some of them might get worse, so he had to go and have a look in person before he could rest assured;

Secondly, Wei Ruo wanted to know how the landslide in Xishan Village was going.

It rained all night and finally stopped, but the temperature was even lower. Without a thermometer, Wei Ruo estimated that the temperature would be below five degrees.

Although it is not frozen yet, the humidity is very high, giving people a bone-chilling chill.

Wei Ruo wore a thick padded jacket, but still felt a little cold in his hands.

Wei Ruo and Wei Jinyi had just stepped into the county magistrate's office when they were called over by the magistrate Qian.

Wei Ruo and Wei Jin were also taken to the court, which is usually used for hearing cases, but now Qian Zhixian is here to direct the people in the yamen to carry out rescue work.

Qian Zhixian looked at the two brothers and sisters in front of him, hesitant to speak, his brows furrowed.

"Master Qian has something to do, but it's okay to say it." Wei Jin also said.

After thinking for a while, Zhixian Qian said to the two: "Your father... something happened."

"What is it?" Wei Ruo asked.

"Your father took people to Xishan Village to rescue people, but during the rescue process, a second landslide occurred, and now life and death are uncertain!" Qian Zhixian said with a sad heart.

Wei Ruo looked at Qian Zhixian in surprise, with complicated emotions.

Father, something happened to him?

Wei Ruo knew that Wei Mingting died young in the original book, but in the memory of the original owner, his father died in battle.

The time is indeed about the same time, but this time, due to changes in some factors, the Japanese pirates have been temporarily repelled at this time.

At this time in the original book, Wei Mingting was still fighting the Japanese pirates, so he couldn't care about what happened in the city.

So although Wei Ruo knew that Wei Mingting died in battle at this time, but because the fighting had been suspended, he thought that things had changed, so he didn't think much about it.

After a while, Wei Ruo came back to his senses and asked Qian Zhixian: "Except for my father, how many people have gone to Xishan Village?"

"About 100 people, because you are not sure whether the Japanese pirates will commit another crime, your father did not dare to mobilize a large number of soldiers stationed, and only called 100 people who were supposed to be resting to rescue. Among them were the last time they fought against the Japanese pirates. The recruit who made meritorious service and was promoted to deputy general." Qian Zhixian said.

Because of his outstanding performance last time, he was promoted by the Seventh Prince, so Qian Zhixian was also deeply impressed by this person.

Its Brother Xiaoyong!

Wei Ruo's heart tightened again, and then fell silent.

She knew she couldn't do nothing, she had to find a way to save people.

But at this time, the more you can't be impulsive!

She needs to calm down and think about how to save people is the most effective.

Wei Jin also looked at Wei Ruo's dignified expression, and said, "I'll accompany you to save people."

"Second brother?"

"Let's go." Wei Jin didn't give Wei Ruo too much explanation.

Seeing him walking outside, Wei Ruo quickly chased after him.

"How does the second brother plan to save people?" Wei Ruo asked.

"Don't worry, I have help." Wei Jin also replied, his expression and tone gave off a sense of trust.

Although he didn't know who the helper Wei Jinyi was talking about, Wei Ruo still chose to believe him.

Wei Jinyi and Wei Ruo left the yamen. When they went out, Wei Jinyi gave Xiaobei something, and then saw Xiaobei and left quickly.

For the convenience of entering the mountain, Wei Ruo also chose to ride a horse.

She knotted the rope on the horse used to pull the carriage, took out the saddle placed behind the carriage and pressed it on, then turned over and rode on it.

But Wei Ruo's horse riding experience is limited, and he only rode once in the school yard last time.

Wei Jin also followed closely behind Wei Ruo, and rode for a while, seeing that she was getting more and more proficient in riding, and rode forward without any problems.

When we arrived at the only way to enter Xishan Village, the road was gone, and the road was completely covered by mud and rocks. From this perspective, it was not clear how much things had been submerged by the landslide. Maybe the whole village had been destroyed. covered.

When Wei Ruo and Wei Jinyi arrived, people from the government were already digging the way.

Wei Ruo got off his horse, looked at the situation in front of him, and once again felt that in front of nature, people are really very small.

The piles of soil and rocks that have collapsed are like an insurmountable city wall in front of you.

Not long after Wei Ruo and Wei Jinyi arrived, Xiaobei also came, bringing a group of men in rough cloth jackets, about twenty people, with shovels and shovels in their hands, and started digging as soon as they arrived. .

Xiaobei said that these people were porters, they gave money, and they came to help.

Wei Jin also said: "Leave half of the people here, and the rest will follow me."

Xiao Bei conveyed Wei Jinyi's instructions, and explained some things to those men, and then these people quickly divided into two teams, one team continued to help the government officials dig the tunnel, and some followed with tools.

Wei Jin also said to Wei Ruo: "Let's detour from the other side. If the village is not completely buried, we may be able to find other places to go around and go behind the village."

There is only one road to enter Xishan Village, if you want to enter Xishan Village from other roads, you have to go over the mountain.

Crossing the mountain also has certain risks. Although the rain has stopped, the soil has been soaked by the rain, and there is a risk of landslides and landslides again.

But Wei Ruo didn't hesitate, she chose to believe in Wei Jinyi.

Wei Jinyi chose very carefully. He judged the vegetation on the mountain and chose to walk in the forest with bamboo.

Bamboo has a well-developed root system. Compared with ordinary vegetation, bamboo can hold the ground more firmly, protect the surface of the mountain, and prevent landslides.

The two detoured for about an hour, and finally reached the back of Xishan Village.

Before coming down from the mountain, Wei Ruo stood on the top and looked at Xishan Village...

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