80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 94: Is this his son?

  Chapter 94 This is his son?

  The visitor quickly said: "Just now Wang Jun called and found Huzi on the train. It turned out that Huzi was brought on the train by traffickers!

   As soon as Wang Jun took Huzi out of the car, he called from there to report your safety, just for fear that you would be worried. You hurry back to the train station with me, call them, and talk to Huzi. "

  Zhou Yong was like a chicken blood, and he instantly regained his spirit: "Okay, let's go back!"

   After saying that, he ran away.

   His colleague saw it and quickly chased after him.

When    arrived at the train station, Zhou Yong immediately called Wang Jun. After waiting anxiously for a while, he finally heard Wang Jun's voice.

   "Dayong, I found Huzi, don't worry, I'll let him answer the phone now and have a word with him."

   Zhou Yong nervously grabbed the microphone: "Hello? Huzi is you?"

   Hu Zi's voice soon came from the receiver. Although it was a little distorted, Zhou Yong still knew it was his son.

   "Dad! I'm with Uncle Wang now. Uncle Wang said we'll take the train back when the train arrives. We won't be there until tomorrow."

   Zhou Yong cried directly with excitement: "It's okay, Dad will wait for you to come back, you'll be fine."

This phone belongs to the public family, so he can't keep holding it. After talking to Huzi, he asked Huzi to hand over the phone to Wang Jun, and then asked him, "Dajun, can you tell me how you found Huzi? ?"

  Wang Jun quickly said: "Thanks to Jiang Shixun for this, he first found Huzi, and then found me.

   It is difficult to elaborate on the specific phone call, I will tell you when I come back.

  I'll hang up first, don't worry, we'll get in the car later, and you can see Huzi tomorrow. "

   He also wanted to tell Zhou Yong about Du Chunjuan, how could he say it directly on the phone?

   Let people know, where is Zhou Yong's face?

   Zhou Yong hung up the phone reluctantly, thinking that Hu Zi was all right, a heart that was hanging high was finally put back in its original place.

   His leader comforted him: "Okay, now that the tiger has been found, don't worry, go back and have a good sleep."

   Zhou Yong looked too bad, he dared not let Zhou Yong stay and work.

   At this moment, Zhou Yong's whole body is relaxed. Without that tense nerve, his whole body is extremely tired, his head is dizzy and painful, and he really needs to rest.

   So he nodded, thanked his boss and colleagues, and went home to rest.

   The next day, Zhou Yong packed himself early and came to the train station to wait for his son.

   When I was almost waiting, the train finally came.

   As soon as he heard the sound, he rushed out and ran to the platform to wait.

  I saw the train slowly and steady, then the door opened, and the people on the train swarmed down.

   Zhou Yong stretched his neck and kept looking around, finally saw his son, and quickly squeezed past the crowd.



  Hu Zi was held in Wang Jun's arms, and he was very excited to see Zhou Yong.

   Zhou Yong strode over and hugged his son tightly in his arms, feeling the lively little body of his son, and his heart was filled with the joy of being lost and found.

  Wang Jun looked at it, and felt a lot in his heart, and he was a little scared.

   He reminded Zhou Yong: "Okay, let's go out first, there are too many people here."

   Zhou Yong nodded and strode out with Hu Zi in his arms, protecting him firmly in his arms.

Hu Zi was very excited, and kept talking with his small mouth: "Dad, do you know sister Zhuzhu? Sister Zhuzhu is so beautiful. I made an appointment with her. When she comes back, I will play with me, and I will invite her. Eat Tangtang~ Dad, let's go buy Tangtang, shall we?"

   Zhou Yong: "…"

  This is his son?


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